What is the appeal of big foreheads?

what is the appeal of big foreheads?

Foreheads grew as the brains grew. When you look at our ancestors, they didn't have much in the form of foreheads at all.
Now you might as yourself, what's the appeal of brains? Sure, we conquered the Earth with the power of THINKING, but then, was it really worth it?
Wouldn't it have been better to remain on the trees and live happily alongside the chimpanzees?

alien propaganda

they are dumb and unsexy

Girls with big forehead are more likely to enjoy Anal sex.
Or so I've heard.

Gives a wise vibe to a girl, so you know she's not a slut.

In 90's trend psychology, they are generally perceived to be more reliable and competent; in more recent settings, open and honest in contrast to foreheads hidden with bangs which covers the face.

I can't believe you didn't have a 2D picture to illustrate your post.


Oh pardon me, let me correct myself.

>they are generally perceived to be more reliable and competent
Pretty much a fact.

Industrial psychologists working in human resources are more inclined to choose "5" and "6".

It shows that she is more confident and less likely to get embarrassed than the typical bang slut.

But 5 and 6 are shit

All wrong.
Neanderthals had sloping foreheads sure but big/tall foreheads are but one progressive feature, Cro-Magnons had higher foreheads so unless you are not European the sentence "our ancestors didn't have much in the form of foreheads at all" is wrong.
To add to that, brains did NOT grow universally. Neanderthals had bigger brains than most people nowadays do, except their skull was bigger towards the back end of the head. Today, different kinds of subraces exist. Due, just as an example, to the process of dinarization you can have people with tall and or sloping foreheads but with a reduced/flattened back of the head, picture related. Where as people of for example Mediterranen racial stock have skulls that are closer to that of the Neanderthal but only when it comes to the back of the head.

Bigger target for nutting

more surface area to kiss!

6 is loving and caring, the perfect wife and mother type.

4 and 6 are waifu who's okay with anal tier

I am Ruplong, the Avenger of Samples.

Fuck off retard

7: Total Thot
9: My wife

Good place to aim when giving her a facial.

cum cosmodrome

You see Jimmy, you go for independent low-maintenance women. Women who won't throw a bitch fit at random, or when she gets bored. Women who you can count on to make critical decisions the same as you or better. Women that you could argue with logically and have healthy-lengthy discussions with. Women needs little supervision, not a child. Women who have integrity, who can look you straight in the eye and tell you they're "sorry" for whatever it is they have fallen short on. Women who can make promises. Women who keep promises.

they show how superior and cute they are.

When your children thinks of a strong woman, they'd think of their mom.

2 is obviously best girl
there's just no arguing it.

They expose their foreheads to signal that their anuses are open for business.

What about 8?

8 is trapped between different incarnations of Yui.

What is the point of that hairstyle?

It's a best girl indicator.

But it looks stupid.


This guy knows whats up.

She looks like an onion. How is it not stupid?

It shows she has a big brain

5head=Probably smart(dumb)

More to kiss.

Onions are great.

Not as great as garlic.

>he likes onions

Nothing is as great as garlic, but that don't make it bad.

Big forehead gives a youthful gives a youthful look, typically b/c children have a larger forehead to face ratio. Having the entire face revealed also is associated with being brighter and cheerful. The brain argument seems reasonable but really big forehead looks barbaric (meaning the protruding nigger kind).

Wider target for cumshot.

9 is unironically the cutest.

It's not the big foreheads that make the girl so great, user.

It's the combination of big forehead and SMUGNESS.


They're made for being cummed on.

How cute


I'm not really sure user, only way I can answer your question with certainty is by cumming on them. At least 3 or 5 loads until I can be really sure of the appeal.


Big foreheads are like pic related but for dicks.