What the fuck did I just read?
No seriously what was that ending?
What the fuck did I just read?
No seriously what was that ending?
Other urls found in this thread:
We don't have time for you.
The popular interpretation is that those things at the top are stars. Killy walked across the entire solar system and reached the end of the city. The sphere reacted, the child with net gene terminals was born, and Killy may finally bring an end to this architectural nightmare.
Don't rely on this tl;dr, it gets several things wrong.
oh hey a blame! thread
can i watch the movie or do i have to read the mango first?
No, it doesn't. It adds things which are up to interpretation, but it is not ever wrong.
Anyone have recs for similar manga? Huge sprawling futuristic structures, minimal dialogue, etc
The movie is one tiny blip of the mango, so it doesn't really matter imo
>It adds things which are up to interpretation
You can watch the movie first, no problem. It takes a few parts of the story here and there and condenses them together in one adventure. Nothing spoiler-ish or which would lessen the satisfaction of enjoying the manga.
Nah off the top of my head it confuses the final scene with Davinel. When she's in the net sphere and gets deleted, Cibo takes control of her electric body and tells the administrator she "just wants to see the net sphere", but since she's the only one plugged in she gets the level 9 safe guard downloaded into her. That's why the administrator says "you're former self will cease to exist, what a shame." People confuse this scene and attribute it to characterization for Davinel. This is just one of the things the tl;Dr got wrong.
alright cool, i'm gonna give it a go
Holy shit. So Killy escaped the City which is a Dyson Sphere(?)
Also which of the sequels and oneshots are important? I'm getting serious withdrawal syndrome after finishing this awesome manga.
Davinel dies, cibo is in the system
There are two extra chapters that show glimpses of what happen after the events of Blame. The chapters are called Blame 2 and NSE: Net Sphere Engineer. Don't get mislead by the one called Blame 2, it is just one chapter (sadly).
Davinel dies in the net sphere
This is where Cibo takes control of the electric body
This isn't what Davinell looks like by the way, it's Sue because his genes were what was used
I'm glad this was pointed out to me in a previous Blame! thread, I would never have noticed it on my own. The X on the head of the Davine avatar after being shot by Dhomo is easy to miss. The hair cover most of it.
Notice how the administrator refers to Davinell in the third person. The admins comment about this being regretful now makes more sense because it is cibo being erased. Unfortunately this gets rid of the small amount if characterization Davinell had which. I honestly liked this scene better before I realized what was actually happening. I thought the what seemed like some small validation the admin gave to Davinell was really cool. Sorry to ruin this scene for everybody.
Where is it confirmed that Davinell is a woman by the way?
See I thought Davinell had just brute forced through it some how knowing she would be killed. Like I said it really added to her character and I kinda liked it better before I knew all this.
>Where is it confirmed that Davinell is a woman by the way?
sailor uniform
pretty much all Nihei stuff until Attack on Titan forced him to do Knights of Sidonia
It's a mistranslation. The line is 「元の君はもう実在しない」。 "Your original self (or 'the self which is your foundation') already does not exist". *Already*. Who, then, are they talking to? And, referring to something or someone from a third-person perspective is common in Japanese when speaking on a state of affairs as opposed to speaking on reality, and it's simply not translated over here.
The way that it is written allows for the Safeguard speaker to be referring to either one of them.
Therefore: interpretation.
Shit thanks for reminding me to read blame academy, it was hilarious
So after watching the movie and only having that experience with it, the only thing I dislike is that after the elevator all of the village characters don't matter anymore. I wish the story would have kept a couple villagers, I would have loved Zuru being a recurring character. I understand the problems with time and all that, but still would have been nice.
He definitely managed to get the egg out of there at the end. Its all but confirmed by the one shot sequel where another protosafeguard comes to seal off one of the machines that spawns the sameguard in some derivative human settlement somewhere in the megastructure
Net Sphere Engineer is the one-shot.
>Also which of the sequels and oneshots are important?
Noise as the direct prequel is very important, but imho not very good.
so, If Davine had not downloaded the lvl 9 Cibo would've managed to hand the control to the governing agency?
This is awesome
for what purpose?
Character development
>blame then
>blame now
all of Nihei's chars put on some weight over the years
So who was responsible for the masterpiece that was Killy and why has no other lifeform or creation surpassed Killy in anyway even though he is more ancient than the other sentient beings in this story?
Why weren't multiple Killys made?
maybe more were made, but they didn't last all the way to the end like the Not-Killys from Biomega
Time. Killy was already above the human average before his modifications by the Authority, and then the Disaster happened and humanity basically got buttfucked by the out of control Safeguard. They essentially only had time to complete the work on Killy, and then got locked out of the Netsphere and hunted to death. He was both a prototype and the finished product for what was going to be, I assume, the ultimate anti-Silicon Creature weapon system, and probably meant to be one of an entire team of them, but the Silicons struck first and struck hard so only Killy got the full package and that's all they could afford, so he had to go it alone. In the aftermath, they lost a lot of the tech that made Killy what he was, like the efficient GBE design, and that's why Dhomochevsky seems kind of like Killy Lite; that's the best they could do with what they had stashed away in storage. My thinking (I can't confirm any of this, btw, this is all conjecture) is that by the time Killy succeeds in getting the Netsphere back into Authority's control, the level of tech that Dhomochevsky had is the pinnacle of what they were still able to produce, and the guy we see in Net Sphere Engineer is one of a team of Dhomochevsky-tier nu-Safeguard tasked to finish off deactivating the old Safeguard stuff throughout the Megastructure and whatever dirt the Silicons left that Killy didn't obliterate.
sidonia no kishi was nice imo. also somewhat similar to blame.
How is Nihei's new manga?
The snow planet one.
I enjoyed noise way more than blame.
shonen fightan arctic kamen rider?
exactly as I described.
Is anyone even translating Aposimz?
Reread Biomega recently. Still the most metal shit I've ever read. Still can't understand what the fuck is going on after third volume.
Russians are.
You can read it on *kami, can't you?
No idea. My usual go-to places aren't posting it despite having all of Nihei's other works.
There are dump threads in the archive too.
>No idea.
It's on *kami.
Thank you.
MOAR discussions pls
What arc do you think they'll adapt for the second movie?
Maybe Toha so Killy can get the NTG and start walking towards Domo and friends. It wouldn't be too difficult to work in another offshoot of the Electrofishers, a Cibo clone that isn't a jerk and has more staying power and Sanakan of course.
The movie is pretty damn good. Would recommend.
Will watch then.
There are six of these, by the way.
Cibo is best girl.
Fuck nibba I can't find it, can anyone post a link? I looked everywhere but I can't find a good link.
How much of a newfag are you? Lurk 5 more years before you write anything on here. I won't give you the link to the screenshot, since you were too much of a faggot to find the site, try this way instead: translate "I am a newfag" into japanese and write it on your forehead, then search the archive that starts with the last word of this sentence for the manga name + danke.
Do this and you shall find pic related.
>the files still don't work
You may want to to rename .cbz into .zip
Abara best Nihei.
>popular interpretation
Nah, its explicitly confirmed in BLAME!^2
The City is arguably the PERFECT setting to host a myriad of different stories. Its vast enough in size, technology, and disparity; that you could write just about any setting on it, and it would work.
Who /Pushing Ice/ here?
Shit taste. Cibo is the worst part of the series.
Isn't she pretty much killy's sidekick for most of BLAME?
She doesn't act like it, and she keeps dying, only to come back just as big a bitch as when she first showed up.
Still the most beautiful ending of any manga I've read, period. Killy being the first living creature to see the stars in god know how many millennia is the most cathartic image ever, especially given how shit and gloomy the rest of the series was.
And then he GOES BACK IN.
is it confirmed that there will be a second movie?
Well, I meant how can you still like the series when Cibo is present throughout most of it? Without her, Killy would be a silent autist for most of the time and it would get boring quick. I can only go through so many dialogueless chapters user, no matter how cool the architecture and fighting scenes are.
I can like a series and dislike a character. And I grew up with silent films, wordless pages where actions do the speaking are better than continuously inserting a bad character just for exposition.
I watched the movie today out of curiosity and i actually liked it. By sheer coincidence i found this thread, but after reading through it all i think i might be satisfied with the ending. Seems way too confusing for me.
>And I grew up with silent films
Sorry user, I didn't know you were in your 90's. It's impressive how you can use the computer so well.
According to Wikipedia, yes.
>I grew up with silent films
I don't have to be 90, I just had to grow up with AFN.