does Sup Forums have any unconventional waifus?
Unconvential waifus
You just posted her.
My waifu is a background character that died in a 10 years old anime, does that count as unconventional?
also the storeowner was a qt
Hey Watanuki, wat up nigga?
Sexy seductive "milf" unconventional? Good taste though.
Mine is a side-character with a slit throat who cleans away dead bodies for the criminal underground.
Anything from black lagoon is not unconventional.
Yuuko's not unconventional either.
I don't know what would count as unconventional in Sup Forums. Y'all would fuck anything that's 2D.
>I don't know what would count as unconventional in Sup Forums.
I think they're a little bit unconventional, at least some of them.
Well you did just post her.
That yaoi hand just killed my boner
Sadly the manga where she is in is pretty bad.
Good taste, also my waifu. So I'll just post another less popular best girl.
This one even more.
An user once told me his waifu is from this 11 year old utter shit anime nearly nobody watched.
I have a ghost waifu, waiting for me in the afterlife.
I was looking for Havoc art and I came across pic related, and now I'm wondering what special kind of retard draws a blind girl reading
The kind of retard that knows books can be "written" in Braille, so blind people can "read" them.
her hand would be on top of the page, not holding the book from behind
>implying she's not stabilizing the book with her left hand and "reading" with her right hand
I guess we'll never know then
She drank the blood of kids. She's awful.
Then she fed other kids delish foods to compensate. She's great.
Excellent taste. Looking forwards to S3
She's mine back off
My waifu has literally 5 images of her (All lewds) and nothing more.
Of all the cute anime girls i could've loved it somehow happened to be her. What a mystery.
Well she'll only be waiting for you if you're going to hell.
is this a good anime?
I liked it alot. At least the first season. Secound season was not as good, so I'm hoping the third will improve on it.
I like the author's drawing style so much.
I agree it's pretty bad though.
There's a third season?
is this some kind of meme denying the existence of a third season (like with Darker than Black S2)? because I just checked and it's fourth season coming out. haven't ever seen it discussed on Sup Forums before so I wouldn't know
I see that there are men in this thread with fine taste.
Was the third season that bad?
I wouldn't know. I'm
Good taste.
That was just me making a mistake.
A long time since I watched it. Now I am not sure if it is the secound or third season that was mediocre. I think maybe it was the secound, then the third was better again.
good thread
Yes, and my fetish is canon.
Crazy orny scientist is the best
Second season was the best and the third was the weakest
I do.
Have you read the mangas? Do you have any idea how the fourth season is going to be?
Haven't read the manga so no idea if it's any good, although the art style is horrible. No idea how season 4 is going to be but I have high hopes.
Not exactly sure if she's really considered unconventional.
Trash is cute.
That's not a yaoi hand this is the patrician CLAMP sense of proportion
My waifu owns and administrates a brothel, I guess that counts as unconventional.
Literal granny.
Everyone hates her but I love her.
Others have nothing. She's pretty well off compared to that.
good choices
It's impossible not to love her.
Holy fucking shit this guy has weirdly tall legs!
Did Innocent Rouge get new chapters? I need more of psychotic best girl and best girl (male).