>Kizu III BD comes out TODAY
>no thread
Did her film flop THAT hard?
Kizu III BD comes out TODAY
Needlessly splitting the story into three films has really killed the hype for me.
Rip when?
I forgot the second one had even come out since I was waiting on commie.
doesn't it come out at 12th?
It comes out in like five days, are you retarded.
Why is Shinobu so perfect? I prefer her as an adult, but she's very cute and joyful as a chibi too.
can shinobu get pregnant?
can shinobu get pregnant while loli?
You are the only one.
I don't mind.
No, you're not
Everyone who actually waiting for Kizu 3 already watched it anyway.
Your hype should've been killed way before that from the fact that it took 6 years to air
I'm not what?
Doesn't it come out on 12?
what's the confusion about? doesnt chibi mean little?
Lurk 10 more years before posting.
please go away
what if I've been here since the start?
You should know better then.
You're just baiting or pretending to be retarded. Either way its bad.
>being this new
>not knowing japs had flame wars about chibi shinobu in 2ch when the teen shinobu appeared vs kagenui and ononoki
I bet you newfriends didn't even know about this board when nisemonogatari aired.
Oh ok, thanks, got it.
Glad I could enlighten your poser mind.
Nah I just watched em all in theaters already
Because it's out on the 12th...
In December