Would Sup Forums prefer a deaf waifu or a blind waifu?

Would Sup Forums prefer a deaf waifu or a blind waifu?

A real waifu ;_;

Being deaf doesn't sound nearly as bad as being blind the way I see it.

witty cunt

This. I could imagine getting by being deaf, not so being blind.

Blind, so she doesn't have to deal with seeing my face every day.

a girlfriend

I want cute deaf girl

Shouko is my waifu


Deaf would probably be best. Most blind girls don't really care about how they look (for obvious reasons). Plus, you'd need to support a blind girl everyday and be there for her 24/7. That's not a bad thing but after a while, you'd get really tired of basically babysitting her. Deaf girls can certainly do a whole lot more and can even get jobs, do shopping, watch TV, etc.
A girl who's only blind in 1 eye is also cool.

A compensated waifu.

How rich is she from doing enko?

Not as rich or popular as Shibuya but she's making a name for herself.


You have refined tastes.

good play



I like this sentence a lot.

I've been meaning to read this, is it any good?

Either would be fine. Deaf would certainly be easier to deal with, though, as it wouldn't require as many changes in my own life.