What's the point of a low iq girl having a big butt?

What's the point of a low iq girl having a big butt?

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its so you can trick her into letting you use it

But what would you use an ass for, other than making ham?
Human meat is taboo in most societies.

To attract the low iq guys liking big butts

For me to easily marry her and have anal sex 10000 times a day.

Big target for a paddlin' when she does dumb shit

(I looked for an image of this and I can't believe the only art I can find of Aqua being spanked is DA spaghetti)

Wax that ass!

Do you guys prefer

A. Big tits, small butt
B. Small tits, big butt
C. Big tits, big butt
D, Small tits, small butt.

Why is Aqua so fucking sexy?


B > D > C > A

For the hundredth time, Aqua is extremely smart and bright, stop spreading lies.

What's even the point of including A in the ranking? That only implies you'd hit that, in lack of better options.

Good point.

Medium tits, big butt

B > C > D > A
Small tits are cute and big butts are life, so together they're the greatest

Brain-matter was send elsewhere

B, C, A, D

Udders are a consolation prize but a consolation prize is better than nothin'

Any is fine as long as she has good proportions.

>Q: What are good proportions?
>A: Any is fine as long as she has good proportions.


There's more to a body than tits and ass you know.

Big tits with small ass cannot be proportionate. Small tits goes with any size of ass, therefore small tits > big tits.



E) All of the above and in between.

E) No tits, big butt.

Aqua>Your shitty waifu

Because aqua is best girl and anyone who unironically thinks otherwise is factually wrong.



I want her to sit on my face

Anything but A.
You can have flat chest and a big butt or a tight butt, but having cowtits and no ass is just sad. Butts can make up for the lack of chest, but not the other way around.

A nice booty is the foundation of a nice body.

The girl with the biggest tits I've ever seen had the flattest ass

It's just too weird to reconcile. Like uncanny valley. Skinny girls really shouldn't get breast enlargement surgery

But Aqua is only second best girl

To show that her IQ is absolute fucking ass.

Congrats, Aqua. I didn't know that you were smart enough to use the Internet.

All the prayers people have said for her went to her butt.

Natural selection to encourage breeding.
Evolutionary strategy to emphasize fecundity over intelligence.


But it was advances in science that really started the population explosion. What's the point of repeated pregnancies (and lots of women dying during child-birth) if 70% of your offspring die before reproducing?

F, absolutely FLAT

This is the true answer, but all these plebs wouldn't understand

Which one would you pick?

All of them.

But seriously Darkness.

Aqua, Megumin, Aqua, Megumin, Aqua, Megumin, in that order, repeatedly until I die of dehydratation

I don't like that artstyle, but Megumin probably





You can use it as counterweight and pillows.

Whiz is best girl with lalatina as a close second

Small tits, big butt is top tier

Lalatina needs her spanking so her.



I wish I were a demon king and spend my daily life corrupting Aqua's ass with my big demon cock

It's called r selection


Only patricians here


My African-American friend

B > D* > C > A

* if she has a cute face, a small, thin, easily handled body, and is overall very cute and innocent, then I might put D before B.

Left (Megumin) > anything else


Labeaner is a slut that would fall for any abusive man.

Megumin for breeding, while Darkness gets a serious spanking.

B = C > D > A