All I think is that it's one of the most failed anime on a complex subject, what are you thoughts /a ?
What is Sup Forums opinion on Serial Experiment Lain
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Really good but a lackluster ending like most animes.
It's shit.
Lain is a trap.
Three episodes left for me but it seems like complete non-sense for me
There's multiple layers and shit like a lot of the "intelligent" animes have.
You guys don't seem to understand.
Yup indeed, but imo there is a lack of connections between layers which made this anime really weird
God damnit, you made me laugh.
Like most Chiaki Konaka stuff. it has a great build up and sense of mystery but the ending doesn't really completely deliver.
It's good and worth watching just because it's so different and weird. it probably won't blow your mind watching it now like it did for people in the 90's. was very late 90's in its fears and predictions about how the internet would change culture
>There's multiple layers and shit
Yeah, at least 13.
Paprika was much better.
pretentious shit
Fuck this gay thread lain is my waifu and my god.
>Sup Forums is too dumb to understand Chinese cartoons
Your waifu is shit.
overrated pretentious garbage. and not the good kind like evangelion.
>not the good kind like evangelion.
Dunno but this thread is going to make me finally watch it.
Oooh boy you got me
apparently, you can find pleasure in suffering.
all this show did was make me mad because it was all about muh deep story that i didnt understand
It's fucking snoozefest, which is a shame since it has interesting subject and good visuals and music.
[insert ESL copypasta]
would be better if Chris Cunningham directed it
The fuck is that ?
Have an example:
I feel like I'm too retarded for it. I watched the first three episodes, understood nothing and didn't feel any desire to watch further.
Wasn't the anime intended NOT to be understood by non-Japanese?
I could barely make sense of it and the message it was telling until the end, but I loved the atmosphere of it all, especially the text and audio during the title card that reminds you of captcha.
It's impossible to understand all this subtext on the first go unless you're some kind of freak. The real reason people like Lain is because of the eerie atmosphere, it's so weird that it becomes really addictive and you can't stop watching.
I watched it two times. The first time, it didn't capture me and it took me a few weeks to finally finish it. The second time though, I watched it in like 4 days recently and I really enjoyed it. I think its one of those animes that gets a lot better the second time you watch it.
It contains high impact sexual violence
Not the usual autistic guy but I'll take it