What kind of man would Mugi prefer as her boyfriend?

What kind of man would Mugi prefer as her boyfriend?

Basketball kind.

a kind of the melanated variety

someone who likes watermelon and waffles



Tall big and black

Kanye West

Every Mugi thread

Tall, dark and handsome.

Why are there so many faggots with nigger fetishes on Sup Forums?

The kind that likes money.


Just shitposting, this ain't /s/ nor Sup Forums.

If it was I would be posting pics of my waifu's big tiddies and post a porn video on WaifuHub or RedWifu.

A man like her so a trash bag

a black trashbag right

Remember guys if you post this 5000 more times it will still be funny!


Mugi loves negro cock

Sup Tyrone?

The BBC kind

What did you expect this thread to be?

U mad white boi

Such a good character ruined by a bad meme



Bill Withers I suppose?

All these faggot living vicariously though a cartoon a girl with downs. Imagine being this far in the closet XD

a poorfag so she can learn to cook for him and do "normal people things" with him



Dark skinned.

>posted the same thing as you guys before reading these
Mein niggers





Mugi did NOT get blacked. Azunyan is clearly the most lewd Keion.

>shortest of the group
>can be talked into anything

Mugi has no reason to pursue the BBC other than curiosity about poverty, but I'm sure she'd learn more from a standard middle-class nip. This theory was flawed from the outset.

that's me

I think Azunyan or Ritsu would be lewd as fuck but what kind of man(including Sawako, Jun and Ui), would the other keions prefer?

I remember when anons responded to this meme with pictures of buff, half-naked black dudes. Buncha fucking faggots that actually kept pics like those on their hard drive.

Have sex


A woman.

Azunyan is the lewd keion of choice for Sup Forums, but she has standards, so she wouldn't fuck niggers. Nothing more disgusting than something as pure as twintail loli having sex with a baboon

A man that can provide her a caramel baby brimming with diversity that she can brag to her rich friends about.

>half-black/half-mongol baby
Damn, can't get any more mongrel than that.

>sup Mugi

What would marriage with Mugi be like?

It took entirely too long for the correct answer to be posted.

Mugi-chan does NOT fuck niggers. Go away memefaggots.