Flip Flappers

>He hasn't gotten his daily dosage
Go take it now

Other urls found in this thread:


Not even the best of its kind



>season 2 never ever

> cockona cockona!

Looking back I have no idea why I wasted my time on this shit, theres literally nothing special about this anime and it only pulled people in because it tried to sell itsekf as simething deeper than what it actually was.

Advertising is against the rules

I took my daily dose, now what?





Thanks for reminding me, friend

An anime that doesn't inspire nips to make good porn doujins for it is an anime not worth dwelling further.



S2 soon

Why has there still not been an nsfw edit of this?

I have this show sitting on my HDD. Should I marathon it after I finish my finals?

You're free to senselessly waste your time however you want whenever you want and with whatever you want. Nobody is expecting you to be a positive contribution to society anyway.

One would expect this kind of threads to be really friendly. First time I got a rude response. DOUSHIO

Watch flip flappers and everything will be daijoubu

Yes. And that's a good thing. The story is over.

We are nice people, it just means that you really need to watch it.

Got some more flaps

>you will never see FF again for the first time while being hyped up for the characters and plot theories
feels really bad

I don't understand why I love this show so much.

But its pretty, full of interesting tidbits, and fun. Also the girls are very cute.

can i flip those flaps?

i'm watching like an episode a month to fully savor the genius of FF because I known something like this won't get made for another 10 years

why did this show flop? I don't watch a lot of anime so I'm not familiar with how the industry works, did the studio that made it have a bad rep so people didn't give it a chance?

Will it sooth my aching soul?

There are soothing bits, but it's not a soothing show generally.
It will agitate your ailing heart, break it, and then, depending on your opinion, mend it in the end or leave it empty.

Perhaps. Depends how jaded & twisted your soul is.



Did it sooth your soul?


Fuck no. While it made me feel better about some things, it didn't stop me from trying to kill myself a while back.

Then again, even K-ON couldn't soothe my soul. Only thing that seems to have helped is electro-convulsive therapy.

I felt an urge to do this

Which FlipFlap would you like to __be__?

You felt an urge to make that image or to hang yourself?

Post tongue edits.

Did you try Aria? That's the best healing show.

What's Cocona's favorite Pokemon?

Make the image
I'm not hanging myself until it's confirmed that Yayaka got cucked

The story was the weakest part of the show though



And the stitch for good measure.

a number of things contributed but the most glaring to me was the lack of advertisement and what advertisement there was presenting it as a straight forward by the numbers magical girl show.
For people tuning in expecting that the story structure would have been fairly confusing.

How do I make my butt look like that

Take up jogging.

No, but I did a little research & now I plan on giving it a shot. Thanks for the tip.

You swapped out the Keions with Cocona.

What the fuck?

That's Papika though.


damn, we can almost see their flaps flipping

This show would have been much better if it just continued to be about exploration of various PIs and left everything mysterious rather than trying to get too serious about the plot and backstory.

The wonderful world of lewd promo art.

It's a healing anime.

Fuck off, it would have been shit without the plot and story, which it had been hinting at and moving forward since literally episode 1.

Why did such a shit premise get such a bloated budged?

Yuri is truly a cancer of the brain.

Why is everyone so rude in this thread? user has a point, don't dis him.

I don't think so, the majority of the charm and intrigue to the series was in the characters themselves, their interactions and seeing them explore the various PI and trying to figure out how they related to various characters and what the meaning of the symbolism there was. That was already plenty to sustain an interesting show. I think one of the shows major failings was really just trying to be too much at once and ending up with some of the ideas being poorly executed as a result.

They should've exponentially added to the plot in each episode instead of having the last few episodes be filled with plot in my opinion

Needed 2 cours.

Did they fix the final episodes at all for the BD?


I'm looking at Episode 13 BD Version now and there seems to be entire scenes that weren't in the TV show.

>Needed 2 cours.

What would you do with all that additional time? It is clear they were done with more PI universes, the research group/cult isn't really all that interesting, nor is retreading the old grounds again.


squats also help firm up a lot, swimming works too

seriously? Sentai better bring the BDs here or 883 is gonna become 884 real quick


The plot wouldn't have been rushed and there could have been more world-building and comfy PI exploration. They could have introduced plot more gradually. They also could have resolved the issue with artist-sempai.

No I don't think so, checking against the HS version I just forgot those parts existed in the TV show.

So they're the same? OK never mind.

There don't seem to have been any significant difference making noticeable improvements/change but then I am not doing a side by side comparison or anything and apparently my memory of the series is a lot worse that I thought at this point.

more episodic episodes
more setting up the bullshit so you don't need a plot dump episode

Swimming takes a lot of time and money though. Being a poorfag feels so bad.

yeah i live in california so beaches and pools are everywhere never lived anywhere else so i don't know how hard it is, sorry

posting worst flap




Stop posting this tiny stitch.

>Become one you say?
>Insert my self into her self you say?

Money laundering scheme.
At least half of the budget of the show most likely went back to the "sponsors" (yakuza and whatever fake company they set up to sell alibi overpriced low-quality crap that nobody wants anyway) in form of secret money transactions, "business meetings", "business dinners" and other jewish creative accounting tricks to justify the money wasted, with the rest of the money being really spent on the animu production process to pay for shit like voice actresses, equipment, and salaries.
Doesn't of course mean that it's only prevalent in yurishit, or the anime industry in general. It's quite frankly normal everywhere, in any industry worldwide.

It would really once be useful to have a very detailed list how much of the budget was spent on what exactly.
But of course, every business has the right and an obligation anyway to not make such a thing public.

Fake company? Which one?

Hakuhodo DY Music & Pictures
Tokyo MX
Medios Entertainment
BS Fuji

You can't actually be deluded enough to believe this shit.

With the Tokyo Government and Lantis in it? Absolutely.


You didn't answer the question. Which one of the sponsors is a fake company setup as a cover up for a money laundering scheme?