Mousou Telepathy

Chapters 371 and 372.


>Thinks to himself, "Grow some balls already"
>Only imagines hugging her
Toda-kun, I...


i cant wait till tall lad ntr him

He cockblocked himself multiple times already. No way that will happen.

Croissant and the bitch squad are definitely not going to come and ruin the mood in the next moment, right guys?

>Only imagines hugging her
fuck i just now noticed jesus christ toda go for it already you little cunt. you have at best one more page before the party drops by

I hope her mind-read clears up and he's really hugging her

I just noticed there were double pages again for the last few days.
Oh fuck, I missed quite a bit.

What if next page has him actually hugging her?

10/10 plot twist, would kyaa~ out loud and shitpost
>Literally copying Tomo-chan
on the thread.

So what is going on in the raw right now?

Fun stuff.

Big surprise, he doesn't hug her.
However, he does clear her tears with his sleeve.

I could cook up a shoddy translation, if you lads are impatient.

No no, I meant in the latest chapters.

The one thing I hate about the main oair is hiw easy it is to have them fall in kove, since ine of them is constantly reading the other's mind and knows his true intentions. Some of the turning points in their relationshio hinge on jniwing what he was thinking.

It's a friendship, but I never really got that out of Mana when they became friends for real. Their friendship seemed more natural.

Ah, the festival. English is only 40 chapters behind.
Shadow Nakano happens.

Fucking phone posting.

You know what I mean, anyway.

user, are you okay?

What's oair though?


>how easy it is to have them fall in love, since one of them is constantly reading the other's mind and knows his true intentions
well, toda-kun is supposed to be pretty hot

if you knew a really cute girl that secretly was in love with you and really cared about your feelings, wouldnt you give it a try?

Holy fuck I caught up on the raw.
If you want a big spoiler, read the title of the manga.

does she go crazy? or something

Everything suddenly gets colors and she stays gray. Sounds like endgame to me.

Here's some titles last pages:
To the colorful hell
Mana's ego

Her mindreading and seeing people's imaginary images might have been delusions all along. Hence the series being called "Delusion Telepathy"

Now that I think about it, Aya's behavior did display traits indicating she might be one.

Except Mana verified it. Unless you're claiming that Mana and everyone she interacts with are delusions, too.


Butdidn't she proved with Croissant that her powers are real?

Actually the author is probably rushing it so he can be done and raid in FFXIV next week.

Yeah, even though it's an interesting twist in theory, I'm not sure what to make of her interactions with Mana then

inb4 Mana was asleep during that

Mana refers to Aya's powers a lot after this. Using that theory Aya would be imagining about half of her interactions with Mana after , at that point the entire story falls apart.

>ending your manga just to join a mmo raid

You either spend 16-20 hours a day working on your manga, or you spend 16-20 hours a day playing mmos, there's no middle road. That's how Japanese dedication works.

She's an awful human being and Toda deserves better. I hope Mana sells her out to the government.

She has super autism that makes her a savant at reading facial cues.

I feel like I'm the only one who wants aya to end up with anybody else thats not Toda.
Order is
-Shimizu(no chance)
-Akira's unseen girlfriend
-Toda's sister

Because you like NTR

Bitch is loosing it.


What is happenning to her?

She started to think her powers are real and it was all just her delusion. So now she thinks what she thought she read was just what she wanted to believe.

>are real
aren't* real

Fuck no, that'd be unfair.

But if is right then it makes sense a little. All she's been hearing is what she thinks they really feel. So having the Hottest Boy in School constantly pine for you is an interesting way of showing that delusion.

Of course we already know he actually likes her, but whatever.

>Akira's unseen girlfriend
We see Akira's gf a couple of times, actually. Mostly in the extras. We even learn her name.

>So having the Hottest Boy in School constantly pine for you is an interesting way of showing that delusion.
Well it happens with two different hot guys so she's probably just the author's self-insert

Complete bullshit. It's probably her losing her power gradually.

If this was 50 chapters in, and minus her interactions with Mana, then I might buy it. Otherwise, that will make no fucking sense whatsoever.

The only thing I can think to make some sense is that what she hear is real, but what she see is her delusion.

So for example here Toda was thinking that, but the hug thing is her delusion.

Seems Mana 'though' love as some user put it here before, brought some change in her, as in gave her mental breakdown.

It wasn't Mana, it was Toda's ex girlfriend looking different than how she saw her in Mana and Toda's minds.

The author randomly added a NTRguy in chapter 100, I doubt they're that committed to anything.