ITT: character that you try to mimic irl
ITT: character that you try to mimic irl
Other urls found in this thread:
>Not just being yourself
>wants to shoot everyone
You must be American.
>Sup Forums doesn't even know who he is.
Lurk more for fuck's sake.
No correlation exists between lawful firearm ownership rates and homicide rates (adjust for population, ofc).
Being french helps a lot
>ftw mimicked him back in high school before even knowing about oregairu
You seem like a fun guy. I bet you produce charts for all the jokes people make around you.
We should all be more like him user.
i'm sorry, user
Fucking autocorrect
chairman from iron chef japan.
It's okay, I got over it.
Firearm ownership is something I'm very passionate about and I dislike it being misrepresented in such a way because of the political climate, globally, which puts lawful ownership and use of them in danger.
Imagine being the guy that people joke about going on a murderous rampage just because you own some bits of steel, aluminum, wood and plastic. Not very funny.
For the record, I'm not American, though the guy posting that gif could very well be.
> I dislike it being misrepresented in such a way because of the political climate
>Imagine being the guy that people joke about going on a murderous rampage just because you own some bits of steel, aluminum, wood and plastic. Not very funny.
Where the fuck do you think you are? Take your political correctness and shove it up your ass.
Fuck off back to Sup Forums, nobody gives a fuck about you being unable to laugh at yourself.
Are you me?
literally Sup Forumsutism
>uh oh I got proved that being American had no correlation and was a stupid joke
>better say he cant take jokes so i dont look like the retard here
you need to fuck back off to reddit
Even more proof Narutards should be permabanned from Sup Forums.
Nothing more cancerous than Narutard mobile posters.
Mods please get rid of these /r9k/ /soc/ tier threads spammed by cancerous Narutards like OP.
u mad bro?
>I got proved that being American had no correlation
I'm an American, and I'm also the one who posted (as a joke), and I'm here to tell you that you're a retarded faggot for getting up in arms because a joke on the anime board went against your politics. Take that garbage elsewhere.
A stupid joke that was also in extremely poor taste and is based only on a very myopic view of firearms and their usage.
>that joke was in extremely poor taste
>on Sup Forums
This is getting ridiculous.
The original gif was a hell of a lot funnier than "Gun owners are murderers lmao". Can we agree on that?
dark, nihilistic, with wicked sense of humor
how assblasted can you be :^)
Not as mad as being a Narutard tranny from Thailand who spams the exact same thread on .
user, that's a video game!