is he maddest man of all time
Is he maddest man of all time
why didn't he just use the grail to bring back his dead wife?
He killed billions
Then the grail would say "so you don't mind if I kill everyone else, right?" And Kerry would say never mind.
no just change his wish overall
I want idiotic secondaries to leave or at least stop asking stupid fucking questions.
why couldn't he just change his fucking wish to bringing back his dead wife instead of eliminating all bloodshed? better use of the grail instead of destroying it.
>son finished his ideals for him
>died alone
>got somehow dad cucked in the only example of a uncucked way of raising another man's child
>left behind no legacy after being overshadowed by his madder adopted son
are you ok
Of course!
Who would SACRIFICE his beloved ones to save a fcking bunch of unknown ppl?
Just a crazy retard that wants to become a fcking hero just to satisfy his fcking hidden ego.
Huh? When was that explained?
Did you even watch the fucking series? Did you see how he was raised? His backstory nullifies literally everything you just said.
In Fate/stay night, it is made very clear the nature of the Grail in all three routes. In Fate/hollow ataraxia, it's explained why it's the way it is. In Fate/Zero, the Grail gives Kiritsugu a hallucination that makes him realize that it's pretty much the most destructive and spiteful monkey's paw ever conceived.
No, he's not. He's icily sane.
We need people like this dude to do the dirty work, because he makes life objectively better for everyone around him.
>he makes life objectively better for everyone around him
How to completely misunderstand a character for 800
Can you Fate fags clear something up with this guy for me? Did he fuck the artificial life girl or not? The source is all over the place about how he and the daughter was created.
POnOs->VagOO =Illya
>he makes life objectively better for everyone around him.
Of all the things you could have said you chose this.
Wondered about this too. Pretty sure it's mentioned in the vn Homunculi are "crafted" thanks to Alchemy and sperm (Illya herself said this IIRC) and not via sex.
Doesn't that make her different from the rest?
Wasn't it stated somewhere that she doesn't have a vagina?
I thought that was the thing with her being the super special perfected product.
Angra Manjew only understands destruction, and will interpret all wishes in that manner; You could wish for some pancakes and he would cause a third world country to fall into chaos for them to be made
His biological daughter is pretty much doomed to a short life without a chance to grow up.
His adopted son's best case scenario is a househusband trapped in an artificial body.
He probably managed to screw over Taiga somehow.
Nah. The best end for his adopted son is to struggle his way into Avalon to be eternally happy with his waifu.
>He probably managed to screw over Taiga somehow.
He left her alone to take care of his chuuni faggot adopted son
Taiga is pretty much guaranteed to be an old maid unless Shirou decides to marry her.
The Grail is not some omnipotent wish granting machine. The Grail is a massive fuckup created by some massive fuckup families who were trying to take a shortcut to getting to the Root, which is the aim of every Mage in the Nasuverse and which is expected to take millennia if it even happens at all.
The fuckup families were like HURR LETS SEE IF WE CAN SHORTCUT A PROCESS THAT TAKES GENERATIONS. They thought they were smarter than everyone else. The first few Grail wars were a disaster and this was before the Grail got tainted.
And no, even before it was tainted, it wouldn't have worked because you can't just take the fast and easy way to success.
So in summary the Holy Grail War is a fuckup of epic proportions from some fuckup families who fucked up so hard that one of them lost the Third Magic (Einzbern), one of them LOST MAGIC ENTIRELY (Matou) and the last ones descendants did fuck all but drink wine and be elegant (Tohsaka). The Holy Grail wars were all failures from people just dying instantly in one, to the Servants going berserk and killing everyone in another, to tainting it with Angry Manjew in yet another, all until the last one which was fought by a bunch of fucking high school students.
Taiga can't move on from her crush on Kiritsugu.
I never understood this. What did he do that was so wrong? He just wanted to save the world.
>HGW is just a stupid ritual to reach the root exactly like Kiritsugu's dad's time magic research
Zero is full of irony.
>implying the Fuyuki Grail would not have worked as intended had it not been for Avenger
In all of the stories where the Fuyuki Grail is not corrupted, it works exactly as intended and is actually capable of reaching the root/granting wishes. Most of the other Holy Grail rituals that Kirei talks about in FSN are bogus, but the one in Fuyuki is the real deal despite being obscure thanks to Justeaze's sacrifice + Zelretch's oversight.
How did Kiritsugu's dad create a zombie horde when trying to research time magic?
But Shirou has the third magic used on him
See, you're not thinking about the bigger picture. I don't mean his immediate family, who are collateral damage.
I mean us. The Dudes. Random people on the street. When he shot down that plane, he saved thousands of lives. When he got to the Grail, he quite possibly saved the World. As in, no-shit, the entire world. A man less dedicated to his ideal would've gone "Yes, I want to live with my waifu and daughterfu forever" then we would have all died horrible burning deaths through black slime.
That's totally worth something. No-one WANTS to be Kiritsugu, but everyone wants someone like him out there, making the hard choices. And keeping up from being raped to sleep by vampires or black goo.
Man, if you think about it, Archer's basically in hell, isn't he? His 'day' - No such thing, because time in the Throne of Heroes is at the whim of the Counterforce - goes something like this.
Fall of Rome. Priest casts a forbidden spell, transforms into a Dead Apostle out of desperation. Massive fight against a barely-human figure, spewing frantic prophecies and summoning apocalyptic swarms of crows. Wins by shooting him with Hrunting, diving into his main body, ripping out his heart. Blink.
Syria, 2020. ISIS performs mass suicide to call down Armageddon. Demons everywhere. Blink.
Pompei. Fire elemental unleashed from the volcano. Thousands driven mad by the spite of an awakening god. Mobs pack the streets, the only way to get to the elemental is by killing every last one of them, then diving into a volcano. Blink.
The Somme. Massive uprising of Dead. Blink.
The fucking Fall of Rome *again*.
It's the kind of shit that could even break Shirou down.
There's still one thing I don't get though.
The Throne of Heroes exists outside of time. The Archer is F/SN used to be Emiya Shirou, but not necessarily the protagonist. There are a whole bunch of different timelines that exist concurrently. The Archer in F/SN is from one of those timelines.
The thing is, if there are a bajillion different versions of Shirou in different universes, and Archer and beings like him can be summoned into timelines that they didn't necessarily originate from, then doesn't that mean that every time a Shirou in one of those universes makes a deal with the counterforce to become a guardian, that a "new" Archer is created that can be summoned across the whole spectrum of universes? Are there actually an infinite amount of Archers that could possibly be summoned in any given HGW? Or does each new one somehow get sublimated into the existing copy in the Throne? Is it possible that the chances of someone being stupid enough to actually accept such a shit deal are so infinitely small that even Emiya Shirou only did it once out of an infinite number of scenarios?
In the UBW route in the VN, Archer also implies that one of his summonings was to the Norse Ragnarok.
>Or does each new one somehow get sublimated into the existing copy in the Throne?
It would be this, although keep in mind that the chances of Shirou being able to even become a Counter Guardian in the first place are astronomically low.
Yes, but there are an infinite number of universes. This is why being in the Throne of Heroes sucks so much. In the example I gave above, you'd assume that you would eventually run out of battlefields. Except that doesn't happen, because Archer is sent across universes. He might literally have battled his way across ISIS-held Syria dozens of times. Each time, it's new, horrible and yet familiar at once.
Like, he gets to see the absolute worst of what people do to each other, and he gets to see it multiple times. For instance, being at the Somme once is pretty bad. But there are alternate universes where the Somme was fought in 1942, with zombie Nazis and necrotech. That's really bad, but it's nothing compared to the Third Battle of the Wasteland, in the ruins of the great city of Wash-on-ton.
why is fate so shit? i can't take any of it seriously
Because there's no throne of heroes for dogs.
That's amazing.
Sounds pretty fun to be honest, it's just shit when you're ideal is "saving everyone"
>Doesn't that make her different from the rest?
Yes. Kiritsugu specifically angsts that his daughter is a perma-womanlet due to Iri not really being a "normal" human. IIRC in the novels they mention the Einzberns had to do special treatments so she could even live at all.
In short, Illya is not a normal Homunculus but not a normal human either.
> 3599: Some prick tries to drop a meteor on Earth. Gundams everywhere.
Sounds like a pretty sweet deal.
For you, maybe. Personally I like having down time to eat, read, take a shit, etc. Even war junkies like to talk a walk in the park now and then. It's literally like clocking into work except your job is to clean up horrific messes every day and you never get to clock out or take a lunch.
It's a workday that never ends. That's true horror, right there.
His mommy didn't hug him enough when he was young. :^)
His patience with humanity reached absolute zero at the same time his mental state did, and he saw the Grail as his only way out of the impossible problem of a hero that no human could solve. Ironically, even though he couldn't solve the problem of a hero, the Grail catastrophe did end up saving him as a person.
So yeah, he was pretty blindly mad. But at his core, buried under all the layers of edgelord, was a good person. If you want a version of him who's straight up terrible from the inside out, look no further than this guy.
I thought that was my Light image
Goddamn it
Im guessing they fuse together as long as they are not too different from each other. For example if there was a universe where Shirou was female, there would be 2 EMIYAs.
But if the only difference was that he wore some slightly different clothes they would just fuse together, with the original gaining the power of also wearing those clothes.
I dont know, im just making up bullshit
I admire Kiri. He did the right thing, his only failure was not double tapping after shooting his family.
He's a hero by putting the needs of everyone else, even to people he never knew or will never know over his own desires and needs. Mind of Steel is the one truth fate.
monkey's paw effect
>Get summoned into a Holy Grail War by Counter Force
>Proceed to use the Grail to make yourself immortal being who can travel universes without being bound by the Counter Force anymore.
>Counter Force is fucked out of its contract.
Fuck that's a pretty good deal
>only ruin one of many 'verses
>can save the rest at your leisure
Kerry would have taken it without a second thought. Ironically it might not jive so well with Shirou though.
>Fate Apochrypha but all 14 servants are EMIYA.
UBW is shirou's best option
Trial and error?
Anime characters find sex repulsive. Even middle aged anime men act like teens around girls just like weaboos.
He had the time manipulation down, but it puts an enormous stress on the body (Kiritsugu could only use it against Kotomine because Avalon gave him regen). So he researched ways to get an immortal body, the easiest way to do so is becoming a Dead Apostle (Type-Moon's vampire expys). Shirley wants to prove that his potions work and drinks it, turns into an out of control Dead Apostle and then the whole town gets zombified.
Those better be some damn good pancakes
he should of adopted Sakura-chan as well and sure Shirou could still get with her.
I wish, but Zouken never would have let it happen
False faggot. It's fate, going into Avalon after years of bullshit.
>muh 6 gorillions
She didn't deserve those worms.
Shirou is not a sis con and will try to set her up with Shinji then.
He would if he had Sakura as a sister and nobody would ship Shinji with anyone after seeing how much of an ass he is.
Until the events of the grail war, Shirou saw Shinji as a friend
Even then Shinji would probably still be lusting over Rin, so Sakura can still get with Shirou.
Shinji probably wouldn't even be that bad without Sakura.
Having her sister be the inheritor of the family magic was what made him the piece of shit he is.
The point still remains he'd be all over wanting Rin though.
His extreme inferiority comlpex would still be there, because he's worthless as a magus.
Yes but having his hate directed to himself instead of his sister would change his personality quite a bit.
Can't think of another scapegoat that would take Sakura's place off the top of my head.
Definitely. Even more than he is now.
So wouldn't that leave Sakura open for Shirou? Taiga would probably ship it also.
>blessed with power
>amazing household
>always little miss perfect as a kid
He'd just be way more sexually frustrated.
Who knows, she would be a completely different person without worms.
The reason she falls for Shirou is his autism for never giving up when the odds are impossible and literally saving her from being a mindless doll.
Wonder if his personality would change having her as a sister.
So the same? Isn't he already overly sexual frustrated and tried to rape her in UBW?
He had Sakura for years tyo vent out sexual frustrations, and by then he had Rider and raped Ayako.
Imagine Shinji without any kind of sex.
I've only seen anime but he sexually attacked Sakura also?
I'd imagine something like Sakura wanting Shirou to love her as a person whereas Shirou would only see her as a person he must protect, like everyone else.
The standard 'when everyone's special, no one is', whcih is always nice and is also one of the cores from HF.
I wish I could be Kerry's waifu
He'd be like a wild beast then if he had nobody to release the urges but he would still probably get Ayako though wouldn't he?
nobody has wanted to admit you were right but you are.
Hate those cliches user or he'd see her as sister and say it's forbidden like usual.
Anyway, Sakura's nii-san is almost as boner iinducing as Akiha's.
>raped to sleep by vampires
Are they cute vampires?
Need more characters like Kiritsugu and have as much development and depth to them not many good tragic mc like him.
I want to make Sakura realize she's a beautiful woman and deserves the best!
But what about the inherent potential failure in Kiritsugu's ideals? There is always that risk that sacrificing these hundreds of people won't save those thousands of people. In that case, it was for nothing, and he did more harm than good. Isn't that what kinda happened at the end of the fourth grail war?