173 cm

>173 cm
>roughly 40 kg

No fucking way shes that tall


ITS NOT FAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!

She would lift you up and find things to bend you over and fuck

Why is she so ugly?

Thank mr skeltal

Source: OP's ass.

Only like 1 in every 500 anime chick is that tall when it comes to main cast females of modern shows.

5'8" & 88lbs... no

Seven vaginas

>being so new you don't recognize a 4 week old pasta

>triggered spics and SEA monkey manlets
If Sagiri is taller than you are, just kill yourself.

Somebody should really give her something to eat.

Non-European women tend to be very short, so that's no surprise.

Kill yourself.

Imagine how fun it would be to manhandle her tiny body

Bending her over various furniture and things?

Manlets btfo once again.
You can only post below this post if your over 200cm tall.

I like being able to walk through door frames.



>4 week old
If it's that new it's not surprising that I haven't seen it

She's taller than the average adult Jap woman at the age of 12.

So according to the wiki, Sagiri is 163cm and Masamune is 176cm. That can't be right can it? I would say Masamune is around 190cm judging by this screencap.

>tfw some 12 year old anime girl is the same length as you are

>same length
You mean height right cutie?

>There are men(male) on this very board that are below 180cm
How can you even be shorter than that.

>this manlet is 163 cm

y-yeah my bad

Do you need a booster seat when you ride in a car?

Wouldn't sitting in a booster seat just make it more hard for him to reach the pedals?

sometimes i think they just throw in random numbers for these stats. Tomoko from Watamote is like 4'9" and 68 lbs

It's so he can use a seat belt properly.

No, it just means Masamune's head is 13cm high

this. the pedals have alphabet blocks taped to them so their feet can reach. seeing over the steering wheel might be a problem though

no way she's that tall.... when she's twelve wtf the tallest girl i know is 1,70 and she is in highschool

>4 week
It's months old

180~ reporting in

Those numbers look reasonable, 163 still a bit tall for an alleged loli though

She's taller than Mikoto.

Shes probably like 145cm

But it isn't that bad, I don't have any problems with my height and my tall boyfriend says he dislikes being tall too

considering that Sagiri is fucking tiny compared to everyone in the show, 163 seems random as hell.

Elf was best girl, btw. just putting that out there.

I'm 198cm and I almost never have problems. Doors are taller than you think.

The standard door height where I live (for houses at least) is 2m. By putting the thick-soled shoes on, you would bump the top of your head.

>Little midgets are actually fags
Makes sense.

do you live in the shire?

>the shire
No, but it's pretty close to here.

She's a big girl

Maybe its a gurllll

is it true that all shit is still there for people to check out?

Imagine how fun it would be

They're still advertising the shit out of it, so I guess so.
I've never bothered to go myself.


10:1 odds it's a fuccboi.

He would tower over the average nip male goddamn

183 reporting in

No one cares

Disgusting. She must be all bones, give her real food and not MC's shit meals


she'd tower over me

i want her as my mommy

Seriously though, 163cm is very tall for a 12 year old Japanese girl.

it's tall for any 12 year old girl

Lurk for at least 2 years before posting, newfag.

>4 week

Yeah, no point in tearing down a tourist attraction.

That is bullshit, actually, there's no official source that states she'd be 163cm, and given how the officially 155cm Kuroneko was much taller compared to the guy, and 165cm Kirino was basically the same height as him, I think we can say without any doubt that Sagiri is 145cm tops, aside from that being the only reasonable height.
I don't know what the fuck those guys were smoking to write 163cm, but they're probably some kind of faggots who feel comfortable about a girl being tall.

I can't believe Sagiri is only 17cm tall.

>tfw she's bigger than my dick
feelsbadman. it's my inferior German genes

Anorexia is a hell of a drug

Reminds me of original Rukia.

>tfw she weighs more than me
why am i incapable of gaining weight...

Jesus fucking christ, are you a child?

t. Skellington

Get back to your containment board, crossobarder.


Non Europeans tends to be very short to begin with.I am considered agiant over here but is a midget when I am in US.

You will fit in there. Now leave.



Try drinking a liter or two of milk a day.

Why is Sagiri so fucking hot?

I hope you look like that. Otherwise you might aswell become a hitman at that size.

176? He's legit tall by jap standards.

You think these stats are just random?
Did you ever look at stand stats in the JoJo series?

> 4 weeks


Thank mr skeltal

Kyousuke is over 180

I am 176 and I am a legit manlet. 80% of guys my age are taller than me and 25% of girls are my height or taller. I doubt 176 cm is tall even in japan anymore, it's probably around avarage.

Don't you dare post that

Not that. Anything but that.

The tallest girl I know isn't a girl, just a guy who mutilated his nethers

Aside from that, 196 is the tallest girl I know

>The tallest girl I know isn't a girl, just a guy who mutilated his nethers
I've always wondered what Herkz was like in real life.

170.7 cm for

>not a nippon manlet
It's something atleast.

>185 cm
>roughly 99 kg of muscle

She is not that tall. Cant be more than 150

The best

Karen is my ideal

>tfw 186cm tall
It's literally the perfect height for a man. Tall enough to be impressive to 99% of women, and tall enough to look down on most guys but