Co-workers start talking about anime

>co-workers start talking about anime

Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck off.
consider suicide you Sup Forumsermin

>co-workers start talking about steamed hams

>co-worker links you this thread so you can report it


>co-worker wants to see my localized aurora borealis

>co-workers start talking about the weather

>co-workers start talking

>co-workers start breathing

>going outside
Shiggy diggy dandoogy doo


>Nurses in hospital you are staying in watching anime while someone else is performing tests on you

>anime start talking about co-workers

>co-workers starts tongue kissing, but no homo.

>not being the only male in your workplace
It sucks

But it's like being a protagonist of a harem anime.

>user starts talking about 3D

Fuck off.


>shop clerks talks about anime

>co-workers start talking about the holocaust

I was surprized to hear a co-worker of mine was into anime, then he started talking about how great Naruto and Attack on Titan is.

>co workers start talking about how it feels good to fuck fresh loli pussy

That's how it tends to go. Heard the same of mine, but they were talking about how nerdy they were for reading One Piece and Attack on Titan. Also heard them talking about how they only watch english dubs of shows because "it's easier to understand, and the voices are better"

>anime starts talking about relationships, girlfriends or work

>"Hey user, you are into this thing too, right? hehe"


>d-do I fit in yet guys?


>Co-workers start talking about sports

>it's a Sup Forumsermin lost his way episode.

>Sup Forums starts talking about co-workers talking about anime

>he doesn't have a job
>he doesn't buy BDs
>he doesn't buy figures
Plebean parasite.

>talk to co-workers about lolis
>get fired


Just made a friend.

while im not the only guy at work, i do have a work harem, most days, its just a bunch of asian ladies yelling at me to fill their hopper, print lables, too many rejects. but then sometime they feed me while im fixing their machine so its not all bad,

>Sup Forums starts talking about talking about co-wokers talking about anime

>tfw just make a few crypto trades per day
>tfw make enough money doing this that I don't even have to think about finding a job
>Still can buy any anime shit I want without worrying about money

The Sup Forumsnime and manga board is for talking about anime and manga, not a place to talk about one's private life or what one personally feels about other people who talk about anime and manga.

That is why this thread needs to be reported.

>co-workers start checking my digits

>roleplaying as a jew to win an internet argument on an off-topic thread on a mongolian throat-singing forum

chinese dennis has been watching anime hard for over 15 years so its probably like that for him when i talk about anime at work

Not even the first poster you replied to and not roleplaying. Winning money with crypto is quite easy to be honest.

How is this thrread still up dubs

>co-worker fails to get dubs

>co-worker is actually a NEET
>I was the NEET all along

>co-workers fail to prune the thread in timely fashion