Why is Usagi Drop so fucking disgusting?

Why is Usagi Drop so fucking disgusting?

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It's cause you're a dumbass for reading the manga.

dropped the manga after 5 chapters from the timeskip , didn't even like the show but tried to read the manga because everybod is shitting about it . should i give it another chance ?

No. People keep bitching about the ending but the entire timeskip is trash. The ending could've atleast been interesting on some levels if it was decently written but it didn't even manage that.

Idk what the fuck is wrong with the writer. He creates this completely innocent father-daughter bond between the MC and the little girl throughout the manga, even throwing in some romantic interests for both of them, only to throw it down the gutter like the motherfucker that he is. What he did wasn't a plot twist, it wasn't a natural outcome for their relationship. It was just a retarded, disgusting move from his part.
I usually am very open to most forms of incest but this just took set a whole other bar for gross bullshit. I wish I had never finished that shitty manga and had continued in absolute ignorance towards the outcome of this story.
Fuck the writer


It's a josei manga written by a woman for women.
It isn't written for the likes of you.

Are you implying that deep down all women want to marry their fathers?

>even throwing in some romantic interests for both of them
The whole reason Daikichi & the cute milf didn't get together was that they didn't want to get in the way of Rin and her son too, ironically.

It's pretty much a given that boys grow up to marry females similar to their mother and girls grow up to marry males similar to their father.

Yes, or substitutes for them. Women want to be dominated tenderly by someone who will protect them.

I'm the father of an adopted daughter. I saw the Usagi Drop anime clueless about the manga. During the OP, when she sang "Just wanna make you happy" I always had to resist crying my eyes out.

When I found out the ending of the manga it was like a puppy died.

It wasn't even incest.

She's technically his half-sister.

You had that reaction because you don't understand females at all. Learn to accept them the way they are.

>implying they actually read the manga and not just repeating shitposts they've read about in these threads

Rin is just a dumb slut.

>You had that reaction because you don't understand females at all. Learn to accept them the way they are.
virgin detected

>implying that isn't the default state for women

Are you a woman yourself? Because otherwise I can't even take this comment remotely seriously. I'm pretty syre the average female's reaction to this series would be pretty similar to his.

See ya later space cowboy. RIP

I actually am. Western women are socialized into not admitting this kind of stuff, but in Japan they don't have as much of a PC consciousness and they're more honest about what turns them on. But women are pretty similar anywhere, just read some romance novels to see that.

It isn't. It's one of the best josei out there. It's also proof that anime originals can be good.

>The ending could've atleast been interesting on some levels if it was decently written but it didn't even manage that.
This. That whole part about Rin worrying over how closely-related she is to him and then her mother conveniently magicking that shit away with the out-of-nowhere explanation she gave was hilariously bad.

People are saying that the Barakamon manga might pull something similar in the future, which I'm not really convinced about but if it does happen I feel like I'd be less annoyed about it there.

user pls. We all know that 'father' is a hypocrite. He says he was sicken by this, but we all know he probably thinks that UchiMusume is probably the greatest love story ever.

Go away.

>but in Japan they don't have as much of a PC consciousness and they're more honest
I'm positive this kind of incest is taboo there as well. I understand where you're comming from in a psychoanalytic point of view and they are less PC in the sense that they allow for this sort of thing to be out there in media form, but a father-daughter relationship in Japan would also be unthinkable. Both of them, especially the father, would become social pariahs.

Then why don't you just fuck off, and fuck your dad already?

I'm not saying that daughters literally want to fuck their fathers or that an Usagi Drop relationship would fly in real life. What women like is the fantasy of it. Falling in love with an older man as a young girl is very common for women.
Remember that Rin never thought of Daikichi as her dad. There is no taboo there for her.

It's not just limited to daughters and fathers. We have entire field of psychology that's dedicated to children wanting to fuck their parents aka Oedipus Complex/Electra Complex. This isn't really anything new nor mind-blowing.

>What women like is the fantasy of it
I dunno, I think all incest porn/romance (and fetiches in general) come down to the very fact that it is taboo and forbidden, and that by itself is one of the main reasons why it is enticing for people. You could come up with a psychoanalytic explanation for this phenomena, even from an evolutionary perspective, but people have also done studies to demonstrate the opposite: how humans should be biologically repelled from the idea of incest.

Psychology isn't by any means a hard science, so I have a hard time taking it completely seriously one way or another.

Right. That's why the outrage over this series always seemed overblown to me.

But you don't even have to interpret this series in that lens anyway. Since Rin sees Daikichi as an older man who cares for her rather than as her dad, I see Usagi Drop more as another story in the long tradition of older male/younger female age gap romances which are very much accepted in josei/shoujo manga and novels. The forbidden love aspect isn't that salient in Usagi Drop compared to, say, Watashi no Otoko by Kazuki Sakuraba.

Actually, now that I think about it it makes sense that she was so reluctant in changing her name as a child, because she never saw him as her dad. The author was giving people hints on how this thing would turn out from that early in the series. Fuck.

>That's why the outrage over this series always seemed overblown to me
The outrage comes from the fact that the anime is a universally adoreable story of a dude who adopts a cute girl and tries his best to be a great dad, and that's it. Turbo-normalfag story, would get 20 stars on netflix, people would recomend it to the whole family. Then people are told that in the manga they end up in a romantic relationship and freak out.

What were you expecting?

You seem lost, /r9k/ is two clicks above this page.

>The outrage comes from the fact that the anime is a universally adoreable story of a dude who adopts a cute girl and tries his best to be a great dad, and that's it. Turbo-normalfag story, would get 20 stars on netflix, people would recomend it to the whole family. Then people are told that in the manga they end up in a romantic relationship and freak out.
That's the kind of story that would appeal to male readers who have fantasies about being dads, but that's not something women would find deeply interesting.

I guess the moral of the story is, if you want to read josei/shoujo, you should know that men and women have differing expectations for their escapist fiction.

It could be worse. Be thankful Usagi Drop didn't turn out something like this: mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=3539

>That's the kind of story that would appeal to male readers who have fantasies about being dads, but that's not something women would find deeply interesting.
What the fuck are you talking about, among the western audiences the anime is also mostly seen by females and they generally like it.

Is this that anime were some 23 year old falls in love with a fucking 14 year old.

No, but what's wrong with that?

No it's the anime where a 17 year old falls in love with her fucking 40 year old adoptive father.

No, you're thinking of Chaika. Usagi Drop is an innocent story about a man adopting and raising his grandfather's illegitimate child...until the last few chapters where the author turns it into a disgusting incest story that has a 25 year age gap.

Why are you anons so squeamish. The great prophet Mohammad, pbuh, raised a little girl to be the perfect wife. this is an excellent story about raising the ideal wife.

take that back

This. Daikichi did nothing wrong. Alahu Akbar.

Since this is Japan and not the Muslim world, it's better to bring up Genji Monogatari, where the female author wrote about an MC who raised a loli to be his wife.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with raising a little girl and then taking her as your bride. In fact, it's the purest form of love there is.

Only nu-males have a problem with the ending.

It was wrong for Daikichi to wait until she was 18 instead of fucking Rin in her prime.

Is that somehow special?

It probably is to someone who hasn't seen much anime.

Jesus Christ.

And this ran in a shoujo magazine.

The retarded normalshit reviews are making me add that series to my PTR. Never done a shoujo series either.

they failed to properly foreshadow

I didn't like it because I dislike Mashin Osakabe's art style, but the premise is pretty hot. But Western female anime fans are the worst kind of moralfags and don't want to admit to being turned on by this sort of thing, even though their beloved yaoi features much worse.

Surprised this thread is still up. My usagi drop thread got deleted and I got hit with a warning for posting "adult content".

Mods are fags. Nothing new. Keep getting ban warnings for off-topic no matter what I post.

Better than unteralterbach threads where posting sfw lolis apparently breaks rule 3.

>But Western female anime fans are the worst kind of moralfags
I know this all too well from being a Love Live! fan and playing School Idol Festival. Western females are an evolutionary fuck-up.

you're a newfag and a normalfag. Fuck off

Reminder that if you have a problem with the ending you're a faggot and you belong on reddit

Fuck you.

>Sup Forums-Tumblr
What the fuck happened? Fucking normalfags.

It's a josei thread, it's always look a little tumblry. Just like shounen generals look like Sup Forums threads

>female fans like the ending
>male fans tend to hate it

Why is this?

because made by a woman

But I think the anons who complain about the Usagi Drop ending are usually guys who feel betrayed that they didn't get the cute father/daughter series they expected, rather than tumblr landwhales.

>guys complain about this
I don't think the average Sup Forumsutist gives a shit about retarded josei daddy fuck fantasies, but new posters are more likely to be moralfags and we have a lot of them. I mean, you do see a lot of bitching about how lolis are disgusting these days so there you go.

Yes, you have it right. I would prefer a vanilla series, but the kinky direction it went doesn't destroy it.

half aunt


Legally half-aunt. Biologically not related at all.

I didn't read the whole manga. Was Usagi not really his grandfather's daughter then?

Incest only belongs in fetish manga it's garbage otherwise and it had no place in something that was cute fuck the author.

Honestly, I don't think they like yaoi anymore. Or, if they do, it's under several layers of irony to mask the fact that they're getting off to it.

>ywn raise a daughter to be your dick slave

Your normalfag moral are interfering.

That's actually quite true.

Women often look for men who are most like their fathers, atleast the good ones.




I have nothing against father/daughter incest but the author went from "realistic slice of life about raising a child" to "lol NBR they're getting married" in the space of like... five fucking minutes

that's what pissed me off about it - the writing was really fucking good, and then "lmao timeskip she's a teen and she wants to marry her dad ALSO NBR GUYS LMAO the end"

going from a week-by-week glimpse of a kid growing up and a single man adjusting to life as a father to that bullshit conclusion pissed me off so much. I nearly reccommended it to a normie friend as an example of a well written seinen that didn't have any fanservice in it

if he was planning on the pseudo incest route from the beginning it's not evident in the text whatsoever. the conclusion had zero romance, zero buildup, zero character development and zero believability

still pissed off that the mangaka's editors allowed it

That was your misunderstanding. It's josei with all that implies.

It IS probably the editor that did this. It's always the editors that make these drastic changes in order to essentially boost sales. Nip greed ruins creativity. Like when they hook you into a legitimately fun mobage and then you realize it's basically all gacha shit because they want to nickel and dime you. Stuff like this, stuff like with Haganai, it's the editor. I refuse to believe the very person creative enough to create such a good series in the first place would be idiotic enough to have such a shift. It's the editors, and they do it to broaden the fanbase, bring in people with certain likes/fetishes, and get the series talked about more. Nip editors are evil incarnate. And it's not seinen, it's josei. Josei series I do not have a good track record with. Femotaku are mostly cancer.

Usagi Drop is a good filter for people that shouldn't post here
That and people that insult Yotsuba

samefag - caught up with the rest of the thread. didn't realize it was a female mangaka but that just made me hate it more

clearly she could have written a convincing, slow burn age gap romance - because the first part of the story is that good - but she didn't feel like writing the middle of the story. just the setup and the end

if the anime ignores the manga ending I might actually watch it now

Also people who hate lolis. These all tend to be the same people.

I forgot about that too, sorry thank you for that

The anime is perfect.

I didn't want to consider this possibility but it's depressing as fuck

The end was awful and is the only thing you need to know

Yeah, people who like Usagi Drop after the timeskip should go back to facebook.

Do you honestly think the normalfags on Facebook would admit to liking daddy/daughter fucking?

People in facebook like lolis and incest?

>female mangaka ruins her series in order to pander to other women with daddy issues

Females were a mistake.

ITT: Sup Forums trying way, way too hard to be contrarian. Really guys? Defending the manga ending of Usagi Drop?

what the fuck
I am a woman now?

The ending sounded rushed as fuck. The writer probably didn't fucking care anymore.

>boy dropping hints that milf wants age appropriate dick
>mc wants that milf phat pussy
>comedy ensues when girl and boy become "step-siblings"
>muh (not)-incest sex between them
>how it should have ended

>ITT: fags from MAL or other shitholes cry because an ending is controversial

Sup Forums has always had many defenders of Usagi Drop; we have had threads for years about it and most people here are okay with the ending.

Why do you think mothers and daughters fight so much when they're living under the same roof?