Keion S3 soon?

Keion S3 soon?

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I too am looking forward to some pachinko.

>Wakaba Girls

>birthday party
Why? Are they that autistic?



Probably some annniversary stuff.

Spring 2019


>art is different

Is this real? My heart can't take being tricked.

>yfw it's not KyoAni
KyoAni doesn't do S3's

They are all off-model. Yuck.

I thought kyoAni staffs can't have twitter account? I mean a public account.

It was a fan event at the school.

WRONG this picture doesn't show anything.

example see pic
from toyosato shiga
Sup Forums thinks its spam to post google maps links

those cutouts are used for tourists.

Stop spreading false hope

This Mio is erotic

Azusa looks petite and cute as fuck.

>This artist will never to art of my waifu

k-on! ranked first for same face

The fuck they're expect?

Is that Ritsu and Mio kissing in one of the posters?

I personally think the LoveLives have stronger sameface.


I heard keion in college was trash.

tfw I sat in this room listening to K-on songs for almost an hour just zoning out.
I left and went to the auditorium, which was empty, and proceeded to slide down the isles and look around backstage.
It might have been the comfiest hour of my life and I miss it.

It wan't trash but it was poor compared to the originals. A bit of Kyoni magic could easily transform it into a decent 12 part series.

Pretty obvious fan art

Don't see why kyoani don't do a spin off series at least, do they hate money?

Wait the school in K-on is an actual school?

Welcome to Sup Forums, son

Well done.


Mio is meant for breeding 24/7

at first she was like

but then she q-q'd

It's like the biggest fuck you to everyone. You guys want K-on season 3? Sike nigga! Have some pachinko.

Not sure why you're making it out to be something so horrible. Pachinko has been a long time showstopper when it comes to expecting announcements of new material. Just ask Indexfags, or Haruhifags
It's nothing new.

S3 as soon as I stop loving my waifu, ie never.

not again

what's wrong with pachinko?

I remember those posters.
That's from Toyosato town.