Senki Zesshou Symphogear AXZ

>gets Chris's parents killed
>gets mad at Chris for saving her brother's life
What is wrong with this bitch?

First for expert surgeon

Where is Carol?

This doll is cute. I hope it doesn't die like all the others.

She died so that Fuuka could live

Chris' parents got a quick death. Her son is in excruciating pain right now and knowing south america he is either going to live a really shitty life or die horribly from an infection.

Go spam Nanoha threads.

How is skating at the same pace of a jogger a workout?

Also he was trying to become a football player.

She doesn't need to be fit anyway.

So who'd she steal this power from guys?

Forgot pic.

Man I know Chris is the good guy but Id have put a bullet in her face for adding war criminals

In my experience trying to skate at walking speed is actually really hard and requires more focus and legwork than going fast. The faster you go the more momentum you generate so it becomes easier to move, going slow without falling flat on your face requires a lot of balance.

That makes sense.

Spats lewds when?


Every season they surprise me with how ridiculous the villain's outfits are.

It's basically a discount satellite cannon from Gundam X and Chrks already used that at the end of S1 so there ye go.

It's a woman so working as intended

>the villain's outfits get better each season
>the gear's outfits get worse each season
Why is this allowed

But they didn't change at all this season.

>>the gear's outfits get worse each season
What the fuck did you just say about Hibiki's exposed belly?


It is shit.

Nakulas abandoned us

Those are fighting words mate.

The only thing that's gotten worse is the fact that Hibiki's scarf doesn't turn into wings when she X-Drives anymore.

Other than that you just have shit taste.

Hibiki/Tsuba/Chris help a shuttle land.

Maria/Kiri/Shira help a plane take off.

>implying Maria helped
It was all DMjii's work.

DMJii airlines was fantastic

I want to see more gears being super heroes

>half black half red star
Isn't that an anarcho-communist symbol?

I guarantee you that the loli (male (female)) is not anti-fa.


Those are liberals

Hibiki will just donate her leg to him and then grow out another one

Then the loli (male (female)) is not a member of any political ideology, particularly one with colors of red or black.

>new leg
>try to run
>blasted 50m away
>try to kick ball
>obliterates the field and kills his sister
Still no future in football.

What did we do to deserve this miracle?

Miracle? KILL IT!

Carol tried and got what was coming to her.


You'll find they're a mix of all sorts of miscreants.

We did gangrape her.

>no feminine penis

she's a seibutsu, so she's alive unlike Garie.

Cagliostro is just very good at tucking. Alchemy helps with that too.

Don't bully Carol she was only trying to destroy the world.

>she's a seibutsu
I doubt that.


Not that guy but the Nazis referred to her as a relic in ep2.


Tsubasa gets cooler every time I see her.


I'd impale her(him) with my dick.

This was probably my single favorite moment of today's episode.

Maria pls

Stop calling me Maria.

She cut the candle wrong.

She is a clumsy cool sword.

Yea I laughed at that part

So what is this? Cagliostro (male(female(male)))?

I bet this guy is into some kinky shit.

How is one supposed to cut the candle?

You do a horizontal cut on the wick to put it out without touching the candle wax.

She looked so cool when she broke out of dess bondage.

Why does she wear the frog?

>landing geah

She's (he's) a Sup Forumstard who wanted to be a little girl and got her (his) wish.

If she takes it off will she die?

Dess makes me laugh.

Hibiki's line right here is perfect.

She'll never beat
But it was pretty damn good.

>And then shirabe was a monster truck

It would be extremely painful

I want to catch up to Symphogear this season. What subs should I use for the previous seasons? I fear the Commie subs will be fairly memey.

Commie. You have no choice, sorry.

She's a small girl

Some user did subs faster than commie last week.

Sad day.

He's talking about previous seasons. In that regard his choices are Commie, incomplete subs or learning Japanese.

I believe the crunchyroll subs ended up being not half bad, especially when your only other alternative really is commie. Especially for G.


It feels great to see things not going according to the keikaku for the antagonists once again.

Where did H&D go? Did they die?

I think they don't have the time to sub.

She's a dumb frogposter

you know she had to DESS it to em

I thought they were just super delayed or some shit

Even with heavenrend and other memes Commie is a better option than Crunchy for S1 they butchered it. G you can go with anything really. GX you have the most option but it's like the Force of Symphogear.


>Commie is a better option than Crunchy for S1 they butchered it
So how did CR butcher it?

>Not 119

Their main translator happened tobe busy right as the show began. So even if the group decides to do a more timely release I wouldn't expect to see it until a couple of episodes in.

>Chris' face

I'm pretty sure they got most of the things commie got wrong right, especially the Chris comment to Genjuro about pimps.

They couldn't get main characters names right, untranslated lines, and no karaoke. Plus the typesetting is trash it's really not worth it over just swallowing the heavenrend.

God I want to fuck a fit mommy now.

>especially the Chris comment to Genjuro about pimps.
You got that backwards, Commie is the one that translated that correctly (amazingly enough).

Need to figure out the best frame for DMJii airlines.

It's not about a single line it's about the overall translation work of the season which was clearly a massive rush job. I'm no fan of commie shit but there is just no good alternative for S1.

Oh shit, do we have a gaijin strip for axz?

Not sure if this looks better colorwise.