What the FUCK was this guys problem?

What the FUCK was this guys problem?

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The movie practically spells it out that the events of the series have left him post traumatic and obsessed.


hearing his jap VA for the first time was great

Was the movie seriously three hours?

>I wanna be the very best, like no one ever was
>Guy whoops my ass and offs himself
>I can never be the very best.

What the FUCK is your problem? He's the BEST.

Let's see... Dead parents, shitty relatives who steal the money your parents left, be an orphan and having to take care of your otouto in your own, adopted by a psychopath who abuses you physically and emotionally, watch stepfather kill himself and be traumatized into following his way, getting to experience death multiple times for stealing and trying to cheat in a children's card game by a crazy manlet pharaoh, getting mind crush by said manlet and put into a coma for months, some weird American tries to steal your company and kidnaps your brother while at the same time your board of directors betray you.
Did I get them all?

How the fuck did yami yugi win the final duel in the end?


Too good of a drawer.
But still destined to lose

He took his Blue-Eyes White Dragon fetish too seriously.

The guy actually loves his cards. Neat

Oh ok I didn't know about the double atk effect.

Why can't he win fairly for once? It's not like he's a villain.

The consequence of a shitty background character forced into a relevant role to become "muh shitty rival" for no reason.

Anyone got the webm?

But that's his waifu.

>works incredibly hard to be the best
>isn't the best because lost to a cheater
I would have some problems too

He just wants to be the best

I went to card tournaments as a kid and this pic is exactly what my 30+ year-old opponents were like.

Where can i buy this kind of cardboard?

Custom order it from Industrial Illusions via your business role in Kaiba Corp.

screw the money i have rules


>makes a space station with VR developed by his scientists based on his experiences with Yami
>gets autistic about not being the actual one
>tries to get the millenium puzzle just to get another shot with him
He's just gay.

He literally murders people to acquire trading cards, among various other murders, both attempted and successful.

He's top percentage.

An /ak/ user already proved the gun one works with a normal Yu-Gi-Oh card, assuming you have the dexterity to actually toss it in there in time.

You can toss cards well enough to have them embed in skin.


Duel Links in one pic.

I don't know about Kaiba but his dub va hates anime and its fans and isn't afraid to show it.

He bent time and space to change his future by sacrificing god

this film was absolute dogshit

>Built a billion dollar space station to solve a puzzle
>Built an AI that perfectly mimics atem's dueling style
>When he couldn't get Yugi to summon him he built a machine to go to the afterlife to get his rematch

His obsession borders a homosexual crush.

I don't see the problem.

You seem to forget that he somehow space travels to the shadow realm or whatever to fight him again where he appears to be dissolving.


I want Kaiba to be president of the world.

Your face when

So he's a Tsundere

I replayed this scene literally like 50 times

I want to be bemoaned by him!

I thought we knew that already.


Hypergalactic levels of autism

Kaiba was perfect in this movie.

>that voice acting
I'm cumming.



No four blue eyes in his deck.

That is so fucking depressing.

I have just transcended common sense!

←→A B!!

Kyojin! Muteki! Saikyou! Funsai! Gyakusai! Daikasai!

but what if I dont want to play the card game?

this can be labeled as mary sue tier but this is Kaiba so it goes well to his character and I love it





Holy shit. Thanks for the chuckle.

>"I have complete control over an ancient and omnipotent magic that can reshape reality itself"
>"Fuck you I'm rich"
Kaiba literally stole this movie

I'm 28 and I've wanted to have sex with Kaiba since I was 14. What the fuck is MY problem?

that's absolutely normal

Your only problem is having god tier taste.

Is this movie good?

If you like Kaiba it is the best thing ever.

Kaiba is my favorite character.

All right, I'm convinced.

why is kaiba such a enjoyable character? when you think about it, he's a complete marry sue and his character makes 0 sense, so why is it so enjoyable?

Because he's also a fucking asshole.

Kaiba has the sickest burns

For all of the good qualities that he's supposed to have, he's in a series where he can't win when it counts, and does the most insane things for next to no reason.

And regardless of the stakes, he takes a children's card game so seriously that it becomes endearing.

Kaiba was a fucking psychopath pre-DM. He built a theme park for the sole purpose of killing yugi.

The dub felt like they got little kuriboh to write some of it.

I stopped following YGO years ago and have no idea about the new cards, I still enjoyed it immensely. Watching Kaiba ham it up is pure joy. Plus it was nice to see the old gang again. Also, dat ending.

What would sex with Kaiba be like?

Probably like unboxing an ultra rare 1st edition Charizard.

>Your face when

Since when? Doesn't he go to a ton of cons?

I will forever be salty that this shit single-handedly solved the problem that make both Kaiba and Yugi job like faggots.

>anyone not wanting to have sex with Kaiba and his three blue eyes white dragons

He does, but a bunch of fans who've met Eric Stuart have said that he was super rude to them and hated going to cons.

The Dark monster's attack is doubled? What the fuck?

I cried a little.

I want to make Kaiba cry.

That's a shame, always saddens me when people don't like what they do.


You'd probably get upset too if you had to regularly deal with Yugioh autists at conventions.

>Blue Eyes Shining Dragon will never be good

Literally goosebumpson my very erect penis

>>Blue Eyes Shining Dragon
Get with the times grandpa.

Best subs for the movie?

Does Kaiba browse Sup Forums?

Well I imagine after he lays you face down on his side of the field he would then play is Lord of D and while you are playing with his flute of Summoning Dragon he screams White Lightening and then cums on your face.

>Potential to be the best
>His autism fucks his live up
Kaiba is /our guy/.

>third rate duelist
>fourth rate deck
I-Is that a compliment?

post Blue Eyes



Thread theme

The original art is still my favorite.

He was overcompensating his orphan origins, he was nothing until someone with money adopt him, yeah he took over his foster dad company with his own ideas, but in the end he need to constantly prove himself he's worthy of were he's