Dead Tube.
Gore, tsundere and blue balls. You guys seriously not following this GOAT?
Dead Tube
How old are you user?
she's full yandere
>Muscle chick died off scene
>Gothic bitch did not get any sex scene
To the trash it goes.
I keep wondering why this series isn't talked about more often on Sup Forums. It might be because it's too cool for all these beta faggots that roam this place.
Or because it's bi-monthly and the current arc is shit?
These edy stories never deliver in the end, so I imagine many anons don't think it's worth the effort.
Nah, we discuss about it from time to time, the current arc is simply boring and rush and to top it off the author killed off the hot girl off scene...such a waste..sob.
>Blue balls
Why don't you list some good qualities OP? Or you could just go back to rewatching your shitty no-plot 80s OVAs.
I'm enjoying it. Current arc is rushed and a bit boring but everything else is neat
>when your sister is so retarded that she gets tricked into smashing your fathers head.
The last things I remember is mc eating his father and american guy getting hard. Is the imouto dead yet? Did harem get bigger?
is it wrong that I fap to the dead chicks?
From the recent raw they killed the American guy. Main girl ripped his dick off, stuffed it in his mouth and then taped his mouth shut. Then they left him to get killed by kids if I remember.
What happened to the bitch who's sucking his dick?
Author must be honoring his ancestors that fought on Iwo Jima.
grow up you fucking retard
Also imouto was killed in front of MC, whose reaction was to ask Mashiro ti kill absolutely everyone.
Now I hope they fuck already, by now Mashiro knows how to make him hard, she hsould just jump on his dick after tearing someone apart.
She gets beheaded.
Is there an uncensored version of this mango available somewhere?
Also, any other less-known manga with plenty of guro and ecchi like this one?
>No lewd scene of her
WTF, this is not OK author.
This is the worst manga possible
I read the first chapter of this and it was so godawful it made me stop bothering with manga for like a month. The art is so totally bottom of the barrel and the characters are so generic I couldn't think of anyone retarded enough to actually give a shit but you've now proved to me that the world is a stupider place than I gave it credit for congrats?
Her dead makes me dropped the manga.
I'm in Chapter 13, and I have to say, is this shit serious right now? This is so edgy, everybody is crazy the plot is hot trash.
Is chapter 33 translated yet? This manga is fucking hilarious
>That's is
>imouto won't join to the main team because she is dead
There is no reason left to read this series anymore.
I like it but these game-type stories where people get killed left and right with no consequences whatsoever make zero sense.
>people get killed left and right
>no consequences
>demographic: shonen
is wikipedia bullshitting me because this thread suggests otherwise
It's vapid, ridiculous garbage along the same lines as Akame ga Kill. What did you think it qualifies as?
I'm reading it right now, the thread got me slightly interested
Actually there is a lot of gory shonen.
Shonen doesn't necessarily translate into "one piece look alike". And surely doesn't mean "low quality manga/anime". It just mean that is aimed mainly at teen/early 20s audience.
>the police are all in on it
>there are millions of interested viewers
>nobody on the internet cares
>nobody in the fucking vicinity cares
Yamaguchi is a hack and Tomodachi Game is a shit version of Alice in Borderland
Just marathoned the whole thing, start was decent but the latest arc feels meh. It's going for what I was scared of, instead of setting up interesting situations like the film club arc or even the island arc it went full on battle manga murder bath. Will still follow it though.
The sad thing is if it was about a Frank tier vigilante trying to bring Dead Tube down it would be pretty fucking cool.
what is this even about
Shonen isn't a genre but a demographic. I doubt a shonen magazine would publish that.
>author is a woman
Really makes you think.
Internet youtube style website where people compete in games to have the most views, and that usually involves making the most fucked up shit possible so it involves gore, rape, betrayal and murder.
I couldve sworn I completed this manga but its not even completely scanlated. Weird.
>and then cooks your father into a meat curry dish
Wait, the author of this thing is a woman? That would explain the distinct lack of rape in a show this gory.
i agree
Wait my bad, I'm only part right.
Kitakawa Touta is just doing the art for Dead Tube not the actual writing.
Yeah but:
>people get killed left and right
And everytime there is a sacrifice for last place.
To me those totally qualifies as consequences.
Of course you need some kind of an hell of a plot device to make believable that an organization have such a grip on police and media. But when you go that far you have onkly two routes: to make a governement bullshittery like for "battle royale", or just leave it unexplained.
In this manga is what happen that matter, not why it happen. This story is about sutrviving the game, not stopping who is behind it.
It's serialized in Champion Red, which is also home to Franken Fran, Seikon no Qwasar, and Nectar. Mangaupdates claims that many of the titles are adult or mature, almost all of which are still considered shonen.
I am aware that shonen/seinen are audience labels rather than genres, but what Dead Tube is, just like AgK, is overly simplistic about its content. It's merely edgy. What says is something I would expect out of a seinen version, although at this point the story is such a fucking shipwreck that salvaging it is a waste of time.
Thanks for your personal opinion. I was running out of toilette paper.
People get raped though
The busty blonde got raped twice, the fat gun wielding dude raped 2 girls on the island and it was implied that the MC's sister got raped, IIRC
>The busty blonde got raped twice
She's a literal whore
>the fat gun wielding dude raped 2 girls on the island
Both were whores too
>implied that the MC's sister got raped
I think it was Yuri rape.
I did say "for a show this gory". I've seen more rape in berserk.
The milf on the island was a virgin though, and whores can still be raped
It's what the fat guy calls her
She's not really a mom, just in the milf age range
Yeah, but she just faked to be raped. She whored herself.
>there's a sacrifice for last place
So basically nothing happens, because the losers get thrown out and never heard of again. The dead parent and sister are also not going to matter, because nobody else who died mattered. Did the killed film club matter at all to people in the school? Did nobody question why all of them disappeared? The "consequence" doesn't matter to any character that matters, just like how they usually don't in shonen series.
>xD ur post is toilette paper xD xD xD
Wow you sure showed me, do you want a medal?
If you think there is anything valuable about this series, you unironically need to kill yourself. You should livestream it too, since you like this trash so much.
>So basically nothing happens, because the losers get thrown out and never heard of again.
Cause no reader would give a shit. What happen is that the last place get the guilt for the event. So parents and friends of that people just think it was that guy fault. And that's all that needed, this manga is about the clickbaits, the other stuff doesn't matter.
This is not a mistery/investigation manga.
It's in a seinen magazine
Where i read it is tagged shonen as well.
>I like this series because it involves killing people but I also like how it's dumbed down so I don't have to think about anything
got it
Yeah, basically.
Products of pure entertainement have their values as well. And often are even better than stupid mental masturbation shit. Cause if the thinking part is not backed by good thinking and writing it just become some stupid kid thinking too hard about some menial bullshit like "why daddy didn't come to my birthday party? Oh, right million people would have died if he did... now i realize it and now i am a more mature and better person".
I like trash more
>Cause if the thinking part is not backed by good thinking
This is the absolute masterpiece.
Is unfair to make a comparison with this one.
Why the fuck no one is translating this?
The raws are available!
I'm reading this right now and the reason why it isn't more popular is because it is extremely edgy. So edgy, that it's gone full retard. Might be worth a gander once its finished but its outlandish content means you don't really need to keep up pace with it or get too invested. Cause from what I've noticed, anything can happen, there are no rules that can be applied to this piece. By rules I mean things grounded in reality or its own fiction.
Girls are hot but I remember this artist having better ecchi scenes in other works, so you're only really supposed to be in this for the over the top murders and general sillyness of it all.
I tried reading this, but it got a bit too edgy for me.
I'll probably continue after there has been released a bunch of chapters, I like binge reading.
Trash is too gross for me.
can you read?
>sluts, NTR, psychopaths and cucks
ec has a huge backlog, were are these raws, nyaapass?
>Can't find raws for this or anything else anymore because bzland is dead.
I seriously hope you're joking. If not you should consider Ritalin.
A bullet to the head would be more appropriate.
its been like months already since last chapter.
Whens the next update