The Nihonmatsu Siblings and the Adventure of Wooden Valley

New Mizukami manga is finally scanlated here:

I don't have time to dump, but here's the chapter in case anyone else wants to.

Looks good. I'll dump after I finish reading

Ok I'm gonna start








Did they just take her into their house like that?


>not grabbing unconscious lolis and bringing them to your house
poor taste, user

>multiverse already






What an absolute qt








>The ghost freaking out too.

I fucking love Mizukami.









And that's a rap on the first chapter. I'll probably have the raws again next month around the 5th too so look out for that thread if you wanna tl again.
Has the name Reidou ever made an appearance in the Mizukamiverse before?

Doujin where the siblings change forms and personalities in the middle of the act when?

I hope we find out how the Sanjin Sadou faggot got his hands on Arabuki, and where it is now.

>immediately jumps into plot
strap in for a wild ride folks.

Thank you for the dump user.

How are they going to protect their loli from this main character-looking fucker?

feels like a Senoku Youko X Sanji Sadou crossover

He's probably a Chad-wannabe who wants to fuck the sister. She'll distract him with a tit.

It does feel very sengoku youko with the big brother little sister duo

Jinka was an otouto though.

Files are bigger on batoto than the ones in the zip, did something change?

Is that on the cheek or mouth?


It's Mizukami alright. It's completely random and you have no idea where it could go but you just know it's gonna be blowing your socks off by the end of the year.

Nothing changed, the cleaner wanted more colours in the png8 files

>they find the gate to the Wooden Valley
>genre shift
Just fuck my shit up like you have done before, Mizukami.

>tribe of void appear
>destroy Wooden Valley
>because muh karma from Zashiki Warashis

Holy shit that could actually happen. They could be harvesting the Zashiki Warashi for karma powers, that one void nigga said he wouldn't give up right?

Can you post the raw too?

It'd be odd to leave the tribe of the void's plot unfinished after all.



Those two niggers were Carol and Elia right?


Incest powers? noice

>we'll never know if Nono won the fuutabowl

Koko got that on lock

Here we go

I love this manga already.

inb4 NBR

Dunno they got a pretty strong yin/yang vibe going.

>it'll be 3 years before the threads become as wild a ride as the Spirit Circle ones were


Now THIS is podracing.

dont care

You care enough to bump an almost dead thread

Feels like it'll be a short series for him. When he goes for a longer one there's usually a bigger draw than battle powers alone.

I dunno, this kinda feels like the start of Sengoku Youko to me, albeit it makes a little less sense


I wish it was a seinen instead of a shonen.

I wish it was hentai. If look hard enough you can find some Mizukami hentai images. They're not half bad.

>pic doesn't include Musashi Miyamoto
>literally invented the Hyōhō Niten Ichi-ryū (dual wield) school of swordsmanship

I'm not so sure, he's already set the stage for the multiverse , and Zashiki Warashi seem like they'd be wellsprings of fate power.

No, it was Kirito.

>We will never reach the same wild ride that happened when Shinsuke stopped being a jobber.

Shinsuke is still my favorite Mizukami character by a long shot. I'm kinda sad his end was so anti-climatic.

>makes a bunch of children
>created a village wear youkai and humans coexist with himself as the lord
>village still exists in modern times
>adds the bakeneko to his harem
>flower loli takes his soul and fucks off
The way it was presented was anti-climatic, but the content itself wasn't. I'd like to see what happens with flower loli and Shinsuke afterwards, since I doubt she could just forge his soul into a sword like the shogun because a). he's more useful in human form, and b). I suspect Shinsuke could spiritually fuck her up if he really wanted to.

It's been a long journey, but finally we can say that Mizukami can draw well enough.

>I suspect Shinsuke could spiritually fuck her up if he really wanted to
I mean even Jinka's master could do it right? And Shinsuke pretty much surpasses everything that was thought possible regarding spiritual ability. He also had 60 years to grow. I bet Shinsuke could achieve transdimensional godhood without having to build a spirit circle like Fortuna.

What studio could adapt Hoshi no Samidare without completely fucking it or attracting too many casuals.

The name is strikingly similar to Raidou (which for some reason in the Monster Town oneshots has turned into "Dennei"), the other family that rules alongside the Kazematsuri. But it's probably just a coincidence?

Bones. Put Hayashi Yuuki on the OST too since the youthfulness of his tracks would work great with the series.

Perhaps a branch family that came about because the first head wrote the family name wrong and stuck with that through the generations?

>new Mizukami with incest-based powers and cute girls and dualwielding
I am become joy

Kyoani circa nichijou

BONES or Madhouse would both be good.

Are they blood related this time for feal?

They completely suck at adapting action though.


>we welcome cute little girls
That sister is my self insert.


>cute loli
This is gonna be such a ride.

>yfw sister gets shipped with Reidou
>brother gets shipped with loli

Fuck that. The black haired girl behind Sword Art Online Man better be his sister and they better kiss to power up too. Incest battles please.
