Dragon Ball Super


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why do you hate this beauty so much?

Universe 7 would have been just fine if not for Beerus's incompetence as God of Destruction

My friend wants to watch Z for the first time. Digital remaster or Kai?


The only people who hate Cauli are buttblasted Cuckhanfags.


wakey wakey gohanfags

>People have genuine complaints about her character
>Gohanfags agree with them
>Caulifafags call everyone who voices these complaints a Gohanfag
How do we stop this?



Nope. Keep denying it, Cuckhanshitter.

You're delusional.

This has got to be one of the worst OP pics on a DBS thread in a while.

What's wrong with Caulifla?

Like say actual problems.

>new thread
>waifufags instantly start shitposting
Women in Dragon Ball were a mistake.

I've come up with a theory that explain's U6's Saiyan's.

>U6's Earth was destroyed due to pointless wars
>Before the humans went extinct some genius scientist Earthlings sent a human child to the Saiyan planet to survive
>The parents intended to go too but were too late as the nukes fell
>The Earthling Pod lands on the Saiyan Planet
>The little boy grew up and was taken in by the warrior race
>He was popular and considered exotic with the women because he didn't have a tail, was bald, and wasn't threatening
>He created a harem of Saiyan females through a series of unfortunate events
>He couldn't actually fight and had no combat experience but through his erotic mastery of human sex and different positions he got his monkey harem to protect him
>Fast forward a couple hundred years
>U6's saiyan race are all half-earthlings and half-saiyans
>That one, lone human survivor repopulated his entire race
>His descendant is the current King of all Saiyans that was foreshadowed by Cabba
>The lone human survivor of U6's destroyed Earth was a parallel version of Krillin
And that's the story of why U6 Saiyans no longer have a tail and can easily go SS.

>You're delusional.
>says the Gohanpedo who claims that anyone but butthurt Gohanfags hate Cauli

In just one series a beloved childish character has turned into an autistic evil douchebag. I feel like Toei stripped Luffy's character and put into Goku's with him forgetting everything. Except Luffy has an excuse because he a 19yr old pirate not a retarded grandpa. Toei ruined Goku's character and people think this shit better than GT?

Bracing for downvotes but you know, I despise everything bruces music stands for, and strongly believe it has no place in the show, but this is a fascinating interview. You get a real sense of how FUNi were meticulously altering the show, and how much freedom Faulconer had with setting the tone for each scene. Very interesting

Because she's a fucking moron with no self-preservation instincts whatsoever. She needed to be CONVINCED to participate in a tournament where she and everyone she knows would die if the U6 team didn't win.

She has the biggest power jump ever seen in the entire franchise even more than Goku Black who's whole point was to have ridiculous growth
And her personality was kinda hot at first it just devolved into being a massive cunt
We deserved more from the first female Super Saiyan

name other shitty ones please

Not even Luffy is this retarded, Toei Goku is more like DBZA Goku.

Whatever you have to tell yourself, Caulifag.

Will we see more of them today?

Dubfags, Toyocucks, or Toeishills? Which is the worst?

Now let's look at this from a different perspective. If someone you didn't know told you the universe is going to end unless you fought for them, would you believe them at first?

Any of the tripfags here?

>asking for a tripfag to appear

No. Not yet, anyway.


But she didn't say she didn't believe him, she said that she didn't care. She's almost as dumb as Android 17.


It's safe as of now, but the black star faggot is bound to appear

>Oh noes Earth has been completely destroyed by Frieza!.

>It seems Earth no longer _______

>no argument
As expected from a Gohancuck stewing in his own buttfury.

Right on cue, this faggot is on these threads every hour of the day

If you want to experience Dragon Ball as it was intended to be then watch it in Japanese. If you want to watch it in English then watch Dragon Ball Z Kai. It was a recent re-release that cut out all of the awful filler episodes and left in everything that follows the manga correctly. Not only that but they redubbed the show and actually had accurate translations this time. The original music is in there and it's overall the only good English version.
Dragon Ball was dubbed okay, the translations were mostly good and the acting was fine. As for GT, I'd still say Japanese is better. The English acting is really subpar for that.
TL;DR - If you want stupid lines like 'YOU DIDNT SAY PLEASE!' or 'I AM THE HOPE OF THE UNIVERSE' then watch the shitty Z dub. If want fantastically delivered dialogue by professionals then watch it in Japanese.
The downvote button is not a disagree button. I am sharing my opinion, if you want to argue against it then type a response
Oh look, once again proving this subreddit is absolutely awful and incapable of arguing maturely. Go ahead, keep downvoting and prove me right some more.

Reminder there are screencaps of this retard false flagging as a Gohanfag and having entire arguments with himself already posted by himself because he doesn't know how the site works.

I am starting to think you are blackstar. you can't stop talking about him

Are you going to apologize for claiming that Earth doesn't exist in U6 like a fucking retard?


There you are, what do you think of Goku's character in DBS? Do you think he's the same as ever or that he has gotten worse?


What argument? I already told you that I'm not a Gohanfag. Nothing more to say.

>expecting jobhanfags to have arguments
fucking called it, like clockwork

It exists now that Beerus wished it backed. It no longer existed prior to that. I forget how pedantic autists can be so I apologize for not being overtly specific in verbiage.

kek, forgot to take your trip off there you fucking retard


>Gohanfag literally lying on the Internet
Just stop.



Can't unsee

>tripcuck is a falseflagger

Bruh, she was chilling on her throne, until this skinny motherfucker comes outta no where and starts shit. Imagine you're watching anime and someone bothers you with stressful shit while you're relaxing. You'd be completely apathetic, too. Don't you think the universe ending would be a little far-fetched to believe, especially if came from someone random? Caulifla wasn't stupid, she was just ignorant.

kill yourself you stupid tripfag

No, you fucking retard, it always existed, but it wasn't populated. Beerus wished for it to not be a fucked up heap of rubble. You're a literal fucking moron. Stop trying to save face and admit that you were straight up fucking wrong. The only reason you're trying so hard is because your attention-seeking trip alerts people to your stupidity.


Like I said, delusional.

Not a big fan of it. He has had no character development similar to Gohan. Rather than having a character that learned from the Buu Saga both of them regressed just so Toei could rehash those character flaws.

Goku has still placed the Earth in unnecessary danger for the sake of having a good fight . Gohan knew how much potential he had and gave it up to live a family life. After seeing the threat of Majin Buu and what it took to regain his powerlevel I feel he would have continued the training to at least maintain that power level but yet again we have him going through the same plot point of falling behind.

Why is Quitela blasting Hit?

Does he do it for attention lads? What motivates him to be such cancer?

why is everyone assuming that Blanc de Hotot is a female ?

>muh strong wymin
She looks like a stick, how are you protecting this? Do you have any shame?

thinking with their dicks

>Picks loose artwork of episode 66's beginning
>picks detail oriented artwork of DBZs best cuts


>implying looks matter when you have superpowers


I never understood why don't tripfags just fuck off to leddit

I honestly wouldn't be surprised if the tripfag is the one who's been falseflagging as both the Gohanfag and Cauliflacunt this entire time




ask the retards who falseflag as a Gohanfags or the ones who keep up manga vs anime shit.
Funny how it all dies down when spics go to sleep and most trips are around during spic hours.

Might be the biggest but it wasn't the worst.
>Not pan who went from normal to super in the womb
Nah, that honor belongs to asspull fetus Pan.
>Fetus want Super in the Womb
>Uses a form that takes an emotional trigger
How people call Caulifa shit but not pans is bullshit
At least she's actually an adult, fetuses can't feel emotions. She shouldn't have been able to go super.


Ascended 2 God

SSB(Manga version)

Don't post again until you admit that you were wrong, fucking retard.

Fucking Toei

Can't you get the message that nobody wants you here you pathetic waste of fucking space?

so what the fuck is with krillin

did the kienzan actually hit someone

Defend this, Toeicucks hahahahaha

>She has the biggest power jump ever seen in the entire franchise
Wouldn't Frieza's be bigger?


Would love to see the original post

I do, he's one of the few posters that actual discusses the series instead of shitposting.

>Android 17

He just has a different mentality than you.


>combine all 3
>become zeno

R.I.P. Pride Trooper girl

Episode 96 - Episode 99

Turn your trip back on.

Put your trip back on faggot

I'm indifferent about her.
I only hate the furries and the eternal jobbohan.

>someone on plebbit is this much of a fat elitist weeb waste of space


Hakai or not?

Potential Unleashed

Didn't they have the abridged faggots do a cameo in the fake how Satan won thing?

>every thread
Do you not get tired of posting the same shit over and over like some autistic fucking waste of air that can't control his retard urges?

Why did Toriyama think that having a grandma voice Goku and Gohan was a good idea?