You wouldn't ravioli a dragon loli, would you?

You wouldn't ravioli a dragon loli, would you?

I love Maidragon's style

What did Kanna want to do to Saikawa?

You tell me.

I would baked ziti her.


>people pronouncing loli the same as ravioli


I'd stuff the loli with ravioli if that's what you mean

Kanna made for the best screenshots.


She's fucking fat.

only if the patriarchy stop trying to force her to behave against her inner self.

Those fucking thighs jesus christ.

That text seems kinda OOC for Kanna.

She just has some baby fat on her don't bully her.
Also don't lewd the dragon loli, lolis are for protecting not having sex with.

>some baby fat
There is a difference between "some baby fat" and fatness and Kanna is fucking fat.

>lolis are for protecting not having sex with.
Oh, you are one of those.

ravioli ravioli
I would give that loli the formuoli

>in need of protection

>dragon meme is kill
Good now we can wait for the next seasonal meme anime.

Literally made for breeding.

Lolis are NOT for lewding. You sinner.

>Not for lewds
Choose one.

>You sinner

Lolis are pure beings. They need to keep their innocent, it's better that way.


>creature who tried to sexually dominate a primary schooler

>Not being able to do both, protect and lewd the loli
>Being this much of a philistine in the current year

>Sexualizing children is acceptable


If lolis are gonna be lewd it's gonna be with other lolis. Loli on loli is probably the purest form of love.

>Being a pedophile
>Any year

What part of "NO TE MOLESTABA LOLI" do you NOT understand, you filthy cretin?

Who knows how old she is?
She may have a loli shape and be childish, but she could be a 23 year old dragon.



What is baby fat?

Oh yes I would.

Nope, I'd rather sekuhara an Elma...

I want her to eat my cock.

Interesting that you're annoyed by it because your pronunciation is wrong.

This is babyfat. It's a positive quality.

Didn't the artwork in the manga go to shit recently?

>adds autistic pedolooking text to an image someone else drew and posts it online
no words for this


I want to fuck it

Lucky you; Chichi is for fucking.