Netorare is the purest form of love. You can't dispute this.
Those are cute girls.
>the fatso is actually a girl
Why? Just why? What was her objective?
>main girl is the shittiest girl
I'm glad I stopped reading this shit.
>What was her objective?
To get money from the rich bitch.
>NTR in shit series
Author is really putting that shock value to use.
situation is resolved, mc punched the fat dude and found out it was a chick. he's going out with the main girl now
Violence solves everything.
What a cop out.
NTR phase has already finished, even hentai is going in a new direction.
What phase are they're going now?
So where's the latest raw chapter?
>NTRfags rejoice as NTR stories are taking over
>anime industry moves on to the new hot meme that people want
>NTRfags NTRd by the industry
deepest lore
Silly a/non two girls can't love each other.
Fuck off Aki is pure
That's gay, user.
>People still reading this trash.