How the hell is this allowed?

How the hell is this allowed?

Late night anime block, less restrictions.

Is this the same deal as the Daiz anime where an uncensored version is streamed for extra money?


dude crossdresses so he can have an easier time getting girls drunk and raping them. god bless japan.

What if a man rapes him?

karma is a mother fucker

that would be glorious indeed

It would have to be the father of one of the girls he rapes.

Rules of nature.

So wait for the BD and then wait for rips?

not on HS?

>you will never fuck a trap into submission while Rules of nature plays in the background

Im pretty sure there will be a doujin about this.

That is what he is hoping for. Look at his slutty makeup.

Its a smart idea to be honest
Last thread some user tried it too, but the girl he was hitting on also turned out to be a dude in a drag

>Looks like we both had the same idea

i bet they had a fun night

I never get raped when I dress up as a girl. All I get is get asked out for dates.

He lures lesbians by doing this so he can cure then. He's a hero.

It shouldn't be.

Would you allow your son to dress like that?


I would prefer a daughter, so the answer is yes.

I would personally help him choose the right lipstick color. He's an adult, it's his life and the least I can do is to help him get the looks he needs to feel in peace with himself.

You mean force?


What is the difference?

