Saki tanoshii

Akio translated Saki 178 and Biyori 67, and summarized the new blog posts by Ritz.

begin of the vice captains match


Usuzan flashback



counting her chicken before they hatch?





Everyone knows that they will win E1 in the captain's match.

Time for Kyouko to shine.

It seems like Ritz scanned her paper towels used to sketch the next pages.

If Mairu wins this hand, Himeko will get pregnant.

Last page. Next chapter in two months. ;_;

Next is Miyamori Biyori




oh Kurumi, so symmetrical



last page as well, and no two month break for Saya.

Well, at least we will have Toki, Shinohayu, and Saki Biyori to fill the gap.

Thanks for the dumps.

My gut told me that a saki thread was up and I was right. Feeling pretty pleased with myself.

Is the reservation ability limited to only competitive matches?
Imagine a casual mahjong game with reservation 26 every hand.


That's called foreplay, arbitrarily calling a reservation without having the good hand just to get a reaction from Himeko.



>Apparently some readers went crazy looking for the real life location on the cover of the latest Shinohayu chapter. Ritz says sorry for wasting your time but you probably won't find it.
That just makes me even more curious

looks like an old european building in the background.

Looks a lot like Spanish architecture, with the Roman arch. Reminds me of the old Spanish forts in Puerto Rico.
I wonder if it's a location for the recent movie "Silence" (沈黙), but I don't think Christian missionaries left any ruins like this behind in Japan in the 1600's.

This is already porn goddamit.

Toki chapter 11 location in Osaka

Igarashi posted 2 images on Twitter



>2 Saki dump threads (, )
>70 posts
>40 of those are the chapter dumps, twice
see you later

>Awai's facial expression.

That's not Awai.

that's the state of Saki in these days.

This is the new height.

Can Ritz ever topped this?

5 million times better than the current Shirai.

loli snatch is still better.

When is the 17th volume coming out?
When is Zenkoku spasial BD-box coming out?
When is the next season coming out?

Ritz's to-do list for the 2 month break:
1. Bonus art & redraws for next manga volume release
2. Storyboards for Zenkoku 2 anime
3. Bonus chapter & art for Saki Zenkoku BD megabox
4. Trip to Norway to scout locations for big Goldfish reveal flashback during the finals.

I think the Miyamori girls dodged a bullet. Living with Kurumi would be hard. Imagine being constantly yelled at for not lining up everything, disturbing the right angles in the furniture arrangement and maintaining the intricate food and household goods storage system.

A month ago, I was predicting that 5th place could be over by Oct./Nov. with 5 chapters max per round for the remaining vice captain & captain's rounds.
It now looks like 5th place will extend into 2018. Ritz is trying to build up an erotic Usuzan / Shindouji battle, plus there's still Ryuuka and her mini-Toki, and the rest of the girls will get a friendly sendoff.

Fun with AutoCAD


Agreed; that house () needs more symmetry.

I feel bad for only liking Himeko because she gets orgasms from big hands.

You should. She's a talented girl.

Now up to 6 Saki chapters without the main character.
Saki is like Mickey Mouse; she's at the center of a world where she rarely does anything.

Saki sleeps under Mount Mahjong, but in the time of greatest need, she will awake and lead her people to victory.

Inconsistency: Himeko had less of an erotic reaction for 7 han in the Achiga manga than for 6 han in Saki.
Never underestimate the power of Ritz.

Does Himeko get the female equivalent of blue balls if someone manages to stop her key?


Good question; I've been rereading Achiga trying to find an example of it.
Himeko eventually did get that kazoe yakuman.

next page; Mairu fadeoff into the mountains
Shizu at fault?

>watch season 1
>it's good
>watch the nationals
>it's meh


Yeah but nothing can block the lesbian wifi not even Monkey magic.

Too much mahjong.

check: 100% key conversion in the Side A semi

Because it's Gonzo's the only good anime and masterpiece.

Reminder that Achiga ending was awesome.
Shindouji was coming off a yakuman in South 3 ().
Toki tulpa was in play for Ryuuka and Senriyama.
Awai was going supernova max effort, but came in second due to lack of ura dora.

Nationals is amazing.

tainted slightly by Shizu's smugness


Remember Flatwai?

but there's no conculsion.

is there plans to do a continuation? is the spinoff anime worth watching?

second season Zenkoku will be even better.


>is the spinoff anime worth watching?
It's necessary, the spin off shows the teams they are going to face in the final and Toki. Do it for Toki.

The Achiga anime (Side A semifinal) is probably the best adaptation to date from the Saki franchise.
The Side B semifinal has been finished in the manga for months now, so an anime should be coming soon.
(pic) = Side B counterpart to

Because the manga has not ended, the first season also has no conclusion because Saki has not fixed her problems with her sister.
Achiga is better in that regard because the problem (going to the finals) is solved. You should watch it.

The finals are going to be so great.
Damn this 5th place match ().
It's just filler no matter how crazy erotic it gets.



The only reasons I'm still putting up with all the bullshit and delays are my hopes for a Miyanaga reunion and Teru growing her hair out again.

Possible reasons for no Saki Zenkoku 2 anime:
1. General state of anime industry
2. Lack of sales for Zenkoku 1 BD (hence no box set)
3. Trying to first reawaken interest in the franchise with live action series; possible Shinohayu anime or other projects.
4. Fear of accusations of insensitivity for anime depictions of foreigners (Rinkai), Christians (Usuzan), etc.
5. Waiting for Saki manga to get deep enough into the finals so that the Side B semi, 5th place, and finals can be done as a two cour anime, similar to the original Saki anime (Nagano tournament).

I will pick 5. Nationals need to end for an anime to happen.

Wish list:
1. Happy end for Saki and Teru
2. Goldfish's name and backstory
3. Status of Shinohayu characters in current timeline.
4. Good Zenkoku individual tournament (circa 2025) and transition into world tournament (circa 2030).
5. Did Shino find and rescue her mom?
6. Was Niemann defeated? Is she final boss?
7. When do Toki's powers manifest, and did it cause her illness?
8. What is Ryuuka's pendant, and why does she eventually stop wearing it?

1 and 4 are retarded reasons.

Will Hajime ever become aware of her nudity?

long hair is love


just noticed the hidden Nana at the top of the stairs

top left corner

now find Kyou-chan

Collapsed under the backpack

correct - I love these pics.





last one on my laptop

Wow, Gunpowder is moe.

find the Shinohayus.

Himeko would probably die if Mairu got her own yakuman.


Shino, Hayari, Rena, Yue, and Kyouka are all around the bottom right corner