What was Sup Forums like 10 years ago?

What was Sup Forums like 10 years ago?

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better place

Was Code Geass the thing that ruined Sup Forums?

I've been on Sup Forums since 2006 and I feel like that was when it changed.


Super Smash Bros ruined Sup Forums
WC 2014 ruined Sup Forums
TDKR ruined Sup Forums
___________ ruined Sup Forums

No Keit-ai spam.

hi janny-kun

Infinite Stratos.

Less exhausted.

More innocence and enthusiasm.Most people actually came here to enjoy their time.

>I feel like Sup Forums changed when I started browsing it
Really meaningful observation there.


I don't think Sup Forums has been ruined yet actually. Every year this board gets a little younger, a little hornier, a little more gullible, but the self-moderation has kept this place from going completely to shit. If you think it's bad now, this is not even close to the worst Sup Forums could get.

Fewer normalfags. That's it.



fuck off Sup Forumsspawn

Sup Forums is still kinda okay, if you ignore the majority of the constant generals, reposts, and crossboarder meme bait. Some people hate 2009, but I think it was the best year on Sup Forums. Things didn't really start going downhill until after 2013, even as late as this time last year things were better and felt less newfaggy.

trump ruined Sup Forums
gaia ruined Sup Forums
/asp/ ruined Sup Forums
porn ruined Sup Forums
/k/, Sup Forums, Sup Forums, Sup Forums were always shit
Sup Forums ruined everything
creepypastas ruined /x/
Sup Forums ruined /po/
Sup Forums ruined /jp/

>tfw no anime will ever take over the board like CG and TTGL ever again
I cry every night.

Sup Forums hasn't really had a huge decline. Sure, there are issues, but then there always have been. We used to have different flavors of shit, like Accelspammer, and constant "if your waifu is posted do [x]" threads.

I only know what it was like 9 years ago.
Fuck all these general threads and spoonfeeders


>porn ruined Sup Forums
Wrong, 3DPD porn ruined Sup Forums. Also Sup Forums is one of the last boards that is still somewhat enjoyable to browse if you know the right threads.

Sup Forums was always ruined since the beginning.
>also here since '06

Way more porn and blog posting. It was actually a lot of fun though.

Generals ruined Sup Forums. No longer are there multiple threads when something exciting happens. It's hard to gauge what's popular and what's not if every day there is damn general of a show up.

We used to as a board talk about mangas as they were scanlated and there would be threads for each part and then the board would switch to whatever was subbed.

I miss that dynamic shifting but there is no way we would ever recapture that naturally.

There was Re:Zero, but it died down after episode 18. Shame, if whitefox kept in pivotal world building, development and the LN ending of vol 9, the shitstorm would still be seen today

I honestly dread the day that Sup Forums really truly goes to shit, as a result of some kind of GamerGate-tier scandal. Even typing that made me shudder.

Stop posting that because it's already a thing.


If you make threads for some event from an airing show people will tell you to keep it in their stupid fucking general because it's "bad manners". Fucking faggots.


>he watchs tv

June 11, 2011.

A date that will live on in infamy.

>Sup Forums

You still get your epic board flooding every now and then, wait till Reddit:Zero gets a S2.

tv is having a golden age right now while anime is going down the shtters..maybe westcucks are right

It's hard not to have generals when if there are 2 or, god forbid, 3 threads of something, people start shitting them up.

Sup Forums is still livable.
Since there are some artist I really like who only post their work on blog and tumblr (fucking why, there are so many other normal sites), I have to visit that shithole from time to time. And I don't even understand half of the shit there. But it's absolutely cancerous. Sup Forums is not the same as it used to be 10 years ago but were also not the same. The good old days when I had no idea what sage does.

Same shit.
We are all in the same boat here.

I don't, I just post in Sup Forums threads. I haven't watched a new live action anything since 2013.

>you hated moot
>you called moot a faggot
>moot is gone forever

swarmfront ruined Sup Forums, trump was the result

moot ;_;

Wow, Sup Forums really was always shit. I don't know whether I should feel glad that it isn't actually always getting shittier, or sad that it was always as bad as it is.

>he watched live action



T. the samefag from 2008

wiki/image spam scipr

>you thought those shitty motivational memes were the funniest shit ever

How did my sense of humor warp so much over the past 10 years?

Yeah, I did. I wouldn't have gotten into anime if I hadn't liked Star Wars as a kid.

I unironically miss moot. He did many things wrong but I believe he had good intentions for the most part
The highlight of each month used to be moot coming in here to fuck with us. I looked forward to seeing what crazy thing he would do next

>normalfags keep watching tv
>having a golden age right now
>right now

Nah, I'm a newfag.

chanology ruined Sup Forums in general

Remember when Nardo threads gets spam to death by wikiposters?


Only oldfags will remember this bitch.


blogging your shit
lurk for 2 years before posting

The coolest part about that screencap is that it's "dated" older than Sup Forums yet retards keep reposting it.

As long as I don't see Wojaks and Pepe's in the OP or any other corpse meme like those two then I think Sup Forums is still pretty good.

TV shows are objectively the best they've been in decades. Shame the same can't be said about anime.

Old Sup Forums: weirdos
New Sup Forums: losers


People had actual fun. They were less scared of being criticized, we were taking it easier, and there wasn't the same constant cynics there is now. People are afraid of reddit, of Sup Forums, of Sup Forums now, which are real problems admittedly. Sup Forums did the right thing in growing up, but we lost something.

It was later than that that it became a forced meme though, you idiot.

it did but even 2008-2010 was roughly okay

There has been a precipitous drop in quality after that failed canv.as project and you could tell Sup Forums was trying to become monetized.

But why did he leave us?

Taiga was literally one of the worst tripfags.
Sometimes I kinda miss my old trip but it was time to retire it after 7 years.

>Also Sup Forums is one of the last boards that is still somewhat enjoyable
What the fuck. Sup Forums is literally one of the WORST boards on this entire site.
>all that capeshit
>all that 3D pedo posting
>politically charged everything
Sup Forums is the worst board on this website, and it should be nuked.

He didn't leave us.
We failed him.
We are his children, yet, we failed him.

Does that make Japanese people normalfags if they watch anime or tv?

Remember when there weren't any shonen jump generals on Sup Forums?


>tfw he once replied to one of my posts on old /r9k/ when he was first trying to decide whether to delete it or not
>never saved it

>it did but even 2008-2010 was roughly okay
if you ignore everyone trying to be an ebin joker wannabe triptroll, spambots all over the place and every discussion being a turn based greentext battle then yeah it was okay.
I hate current Sup Forums but those years were pretty bad. I guess if you wanted to have fun they were a fun kind of bad while now it's a boring kind of bad.


>WC 2014 ruined Sup Forums
Euros 2012.
People actually forget or ignore that 2012-2013 was the real dark age of tight moderation, most tripfags stopped after people from other boards constantly despised them, cp was a real problem, the outlelz constantly shitting up the place in response to the moderation, the board got popular but we didn't get enough "creators" to supply all the new content users, game threads became too fast and the spiky nature of Sup Forums number of posts was exaggerated.

WC 2014 things were already stabilzed, and I dare to say that from 2015 or so things are improving compared to the previous years.

Gamergate was definitely the final nail in the coffin for Sup Forums. Scooby dox was the death of /fit/. Post-2012 has been rough times.

>/asp/ ruined Sup Forums
Other way around, Sup Forums convinced Hirohito to send wrestling to /asp/.

I remember Moot made my thread a sticky for a short while, when I posted a Code Geass thread saying it's the last "Jibuuun Woo", he even placed an autoplay youtube song on it.

Moot ;_;7

>what are torrents?
>what is stream?

'tard note: did you know japanese people piracy anime as well?

I once bragged to him that I I've never been banned.

He told me I've been banned 60-70 times (I forget the number)

I didn't save it either.


It really has been 10 years since then. Damn. These illegal moves, I hate it.

>Japanese people piracy anime
Fucking hypocritical phone posters.

Is taiga still alive?

Not really.

>Sup Forums will never be this fun again
>Sup Forums will forever be shonen generals and /e/ image dumps




newfag summer happened during 2007, so maybe gurren lagann

Who are you, fag?

I'm more concerned about Sheldon.


I wonder if this guy from the picture is still here and is able to rate his opponent's dedication.


middle was best

prove me wrong

Original Sup Forums was best. Stupid fun beats annoying ironic fun.

I like using "desu" and "senpai", I'll continue doing it even if they remove the world filters.

I wonder if a lot of anons in old screencaps are still around.
Proof that Pepe and Wojak killed most blue board's with how easy they are to exploit.

That was 7 years ago?


This October or next I'll have lurked for as long as I was in primary school k-12. What a fucking nightmare.