>no avaiable connection: no Elasticsearch node available
Not anime.
and Pantsudev is asleep right now lawl
just admit it that Pantsu is a failure like any other Sup Forums projects
>not using nyaa.si as well
>elastic: Error 503 (Service Unavailable): all shards failed [type=search_phase_execution_exception]
It's back desu.
nyaa.si doesn't have this problem
Just use Nyaa.si instead than.
i bet the cartel did this
I'm afraid to touch .si
Nyaa.si is bad in just about every other way though.
Fuck off. There are plenty of alternatives.
>people shilling for nyaa.si when it's fucking horrible.
>dex too
Nice. Nice and non-centralised, as distribution should be
Because it's literally the same site.
>Being worried about losing a nyaa
Thanks to whoever took down nyaa.se, we've now got multiple sites and who knows how many backups of it by paranoid users. It's not going anywhere soon.
After the first take-down it should really have been renamed Kyaa though.
What is bad about .si?
Why don't you just learn how to use XDCC? It's not that hard
>Downloading anime manually
As opposed to?
more people use XDCC = more bandwidth used = more cost the XDCC provider need to pay
you can automate XDCC requests you dumb dumb
Fuck off.
>Not in AB
>Not in BBT
>Not knowing each and every XDCC bot
how can you even watch anime then? lmao just kill yourself at this point.
works on my machine.
muh cartel
It literally isn't, one is Jewish and full of ads, the other isn't and even allows you to set up your own copy with ease
Fuck off, herkz.
Neither of them have ads and I don't give a shit about setting up my own torrent site. It doesn't matter which one you use.
Works on my machine desu senpai
Remember to not use the cartel botnet. With love, Sup Forums
Good thing that chart doesn't include Pale Meme or Netrunner :^)
Don't use emoticons on Sup Forums.
nice try cartelfag
What about Safari Technology Demonstrator?
pls no bully