The countryside is beautiful though, western Washington is a liberals paradise. I want to move on the other side of the mountains later in life.
Where do Sup Forumsacks go here?
then stop telling visitors to my city what they should do. we all know that city is a commie colony.
The countryside is beautiful and things get less wierd the further out you go. I hope the disease of Seattle doesn’t destroy this state.
It’s important people see how bad it really is.
Kitsap county here. Seattle is shit. I won't take jobs there even if they pay well. Everywhere outside of that area is pretty cool.
>tfw probably only person in this thread that likes Seattle
was only there for a week last august and year before that. Pretty nice city, hell of a lot better than fucking Boston
Yeah it looked like a parody around there. Stayed close by when I was there. Loads of druggie types all around there too
I’m from NY I don’t need to see examples of urban faggotry. Was looking for good places to go and thanks to this other dude, I’m checking out Ballard. Next time time try reading before posting you retarded brainlet
good plan. It's the most "normal" upper middle class white area of Seattle. have fun. order a mac n jack while you are here.