>just don't like how the artist is a wannabe fashion designer, and unlike kubo isn't even good at it
Does ikemoto have any good designs? Besides the ayy of course.
The only training he did under Asuma before he died was some basic tips on wind chakra.
The manga would do better as quality adaptation of the core part of the anime's plot instead of trying to work as some kind of badly done template for the anime. They can't play the leading role with its really limited release schedule, and this harms the anime because SP will have to cover what the manga does, no matter how shitty it is. They should fallback to adapt what the anime covers first.
his jiraiya is pretty good. just don't understand his obsession with high heels, white sandals, and twelve years posing all sultry
i still would have liked for him to use his chakra blades, they pair well with frog-fu since they double as brass knuckles so they don't get in the way of his sage mode, wind chakra flow guarantees instant murderblades without having to cook up a rasenshuriken, probably breaks less easy than a regular kunai.
it's really a moot point since the last two bits of bukijutsu i remember from him are when he jacked sai and sasuke's swords for literally two seconds each, but hey
He might have used them at some point if Asuma was around to train him in their use but he kicked the bucket hard and fast, and from that point the chakra blade became too symbolic for a character like Naruto to use. The few times Shikamaru ends up taking them out end up having a lot more impact, if it was Naruto, who barely even knew or interacted with Asuma, it would have felt forced.
His designs are alright, it's just he ends up adding details don't blend well, like Boruto's belt, heels for kunoichi, big as nails for Ayy lmaos, etc.
>just don't understand his obsession with high heels, white sandals, and twelve years posing all sultry
It's usually just Sarada and the sand girl, who've been lewd-ified by him, thank god.
Anyways, this is how he drew Jiraiya a couple of chapters back.
why is Sarada so lewd?
Is the Anime 24 episodes?