how do we stop it
How do we stop it
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we don't
this won't satisfy women in the slightest, faggot
Chad like dominance can't be replicated by a robot. This is a misfire. Remember women are the passive sex, easier to replicate.
Looks like a poo in loo. Does it shit all over the floor as well.
>that face
I guess we do nothing..
Tbqh it looks more realistic then the fembot. But do you really think hambeasts are going to work hard in order to afford them? I can see guys busting their ass to come home to their little tradbots but I cant see women changing. They will demand state issued mechanical phallus.
>speaks in a British accent
>sex bot describes you to a T except for 'dark looks'
Women don't select mates based upon physical appearance. It's why billionaire women dont have 20 year old spouses like billionaire men do.
why is the daily mail so retarded?
>only 6 ft
Kek. What pathetic woman would buy a manlet-bot?
stop it? why? only men can have fun with dolls?
let society collapse
Passive sex? Women dolls Don't cook or clean.
>Women don't select mates based upon physical appearance
Of course they do.
Angeline Jolie dates Brad Pitt not Danny DeVito.
The wealthier a woman is, the more likely she will select based on looks since she doesn't need financial security. This is more and more common with women nowadays since they earn almost as much as men.
Why does it look like Elliot Rodger?
>how do we stop it
Encourage people to start traditional families.
Enforce most obscenity laws that are still on the books.
Ban Porn, the selling of sex toys, and similar paraphernalia
Restirct contracepties to married couples.
Ban dating/hookup sites.
This is the end result when you turn sex something sacred between a husband and wife into an industry.
Robots don't have wallets, this will only be used by the bottom denomination of unfuckable woman anyhow.
>speaks in a British accent
I can’t even imagine
>rippling muscles
Women aren't going to buy this shit. Faggots might though...
idc as long as I get my childbearing aryan tradbot.
Women do not want sex dolls.
Why stop it? More business will drive the sex bot industry further and faster.
Given the option between 2 men with money and power sure. But that is clearly second to social status.
>100% chance the anatomically correct arsehole isn't the charging port.
neither can modern women lmao
men can also cook and clean...
Neither do women
I think that most seeked quality of this sex doll will be ability to lisen to their bullsit witotut losing it
women have already been doing this with dildos for ages
and women need men more than the other way around, they don't operate on any level without validation from actual human men
The ideal male form is Erik Estrada as Ponch?
Having a tall good looking husband is an immediate boost to your social status.
Having a short ugly husband lowers your status since people will assume you're a gold digger. Why would a wealthy woman care about a man's bank account? She can already buy whatever she wants.
>tfw taller than a male sex doll
that being said, if we can survive the vibrator there is nothing we cant beat
We dont
Women date for status. RoboChad doesn't confer status onto women, so they won't be interested.
It'll sell really well with fags, though.
>mutt doll for for 11 grand
>robot to satisfy a woman
>doesn't have a job
Does he pay for things?
It's not fair that there were only female sex dolls. I'm content. I'd buy it ;)
who the fuck cares. women are obsolete
Does it dispense free money and emotional support too
But they don't. Can you think of any examples of powerful women with very young husbands? I can't come up with anyone....
I'm honestly asking.
Men love things.
Women love people.
That is a thing - not a people.
>sex dolls are becoming more and more popular amongst men, more and more men are realizing that real women are too much hassle for not enough gain
lol pathetic
Ideally a sex doll should look like
Don't. Let the bitches buy a robo dildo
>Breeding looks
What did they mean by this??
have you ever even seen an indian?
>mfw dark simply means 'dark haired' and 'not blue eyed'
> aimed at females
> gays and straight women get enough sex already
> 10k investment that can't buy you clothes or a car
I just really don't see the target market being women, ever
I feel like monster sex dolls are going to sell more than the male ones for women, if only for novelty
the main market will obviously be beta men
If it can hatefuck hambeasts and can be programmed to listen to the incessant nagging and respond constructively, then there may be a strong market for this.
Become a male escort and fuck fat chicks for money
Women hate, and I mean, HATE, dating a man less succesful than they are. If they have higher status in the social hierarchy than their mate, he becomes unappealing. High earning women do not want to settle for men younger than them who earn less. Even in the cases were this seemingly is not the case, she is definitely cucking or will cuck her lower-earning husband with a man who is more successful.
They want to have their cake and eat it too. They wanted to break the glass cieling, but fuck all the men with shards of glass in their eyes. Now they're whining on their blogs about how they're 40 and their eggs are shriveling and there's no good men, and all young men are couch surfing, video game playing bums. Well, this is what they wanted. They wanted men to be like women and women to be like men. This is what feminism has wrought.
yeah, I'm not dark haired.
>heating vegetables and dead animals in a pan and then tidying up after yourself means you're not passive
come on now
Yeah Kate Beckinsale is the first one that comes to mind. Have you never heard of a 'toy boy'?
Madonna has had several toyboys. Sandra Bullock, Courtney Cox, Eva Mendez...
There's literally TONS of wealthy women who date younger men. Just Google celebrity toy boys.
This would be my sexy sexy sex doll ;)
>Women hate, and I mean, HATE, dating a man less succesful than they are.
They also hate dating a man shorter than they are. Just sayin'
Or this guy
Or this guy
Is it an ATM as well?
Lol yes they do. Look into Ivana Trump and her posse of boytoys.
these sex dolls weigh like 120lb when they get to this size.
any kind of robotics inside will increase the weight further.
females are going to have a hard time moving around a 120lb corpse.
>rippling muscles
It's meant for us, faggot. They're saying women to fuck with you guys and make it sound like they don't need you guys either after sexbots become common
>Be me
>Sell robohunk
>Go bankrupt because robohunk can't cook, do the bed, brings the bread to the table, do pedicure, etc..., etc...
>Realize feminism was a mistake
>Call my good uncle Kikesburgenstein
>Demand repeal women right NOW
>Sell leash for women to be kept in check by husbands
We don't want to. And even if we did, we wouldn't have to because the only people who are going to buy that shit are gay men and the occasional incredibly impulsive women with loads of money to spend.
Unless this thing dispenses 100 dollar bills i dont think women will care about having sex with it.
Nice to see they modeled it after me
I remember an user who wanted to buy bothe the male and female sexbots and watch them fuck each other.
who gives a shit.
women have had sex toys for generations now. this literally changes nothing.
That's a bit rude. A woman can be with a man and not have it be because of money
> I will protect you from these evil mysognists ;)
Stop it? No we don't. This will be harder for them to make an argument.
"Why do you have sex dolls when we exist?"
IDK. Did you see what JUST came out last week?
Does he earn money?
>No, you pay for him
Then that defeats the point of getting a man.
the guy's pretty ugly, amigo. It looks like
I don't care
weren't sex toys used for hysteria? And to pleasure women when the soldiers went to war back in rome?
Cucked by a sex doll.
He's not right be he isn't wrong. This thing looks like some fucked up amalgamation of Mediterranean and poo. Like an American I guess.
Looks like Ken.
Not enough progress for me so far.
The female dolls look better.
But I'm not sure if I'd like the thought. Imagine you come home and the living room is dark and you see him sitting on the couch.
When they can move it will be even worse.
I don't like the thought of knowing that underneath all that silicone is actually this
If this thing would move towards my direction and touch me I'd cringe. No matter if it looks like Ryan Goslin or not
I’m 6’2”, 200lbs and have abs and pecs and am better looking than this manlet
Why don’t all women want to fuck me wtf
So can I buy one and send him to work in my place, or is he just a dildo attached to an extraneous lump of silicone?
His abs are uneven, kek
Why do women want the tall dark and mysterious guy?
If pol is right why don't they want the pale aryan blond/blue eyed guy
Inb4 Jewish med
It's pretty disgusting he's been on a lot of tv shows. He's spent like 200,000 dollars on plastic surgery. He's a twig with beanie bags under his skin
Yep, he has the autism
Most people prefer dark men and light women. But they're always European.
Lol don’t stop it,
Let them
Go waste their egg bearing years on a gloried pipe cleaner.
It’s better than them breeding with niggers
cause women fantasise about dark stuff. Just take a look on the fan bases girls go into they tend to run after vampire looking guys or edgy dark guys
white women want brown men, brown women want white men
women want the man that stands out from the masses
> t. Lesbian dumbfuck
Unless it also prints money, women won’t be interested
Fck you. We prefer either "swarthy" or "shitskin"
You smell like rotten fish and semen