>only 6 ft
Kek. What pathetic woman would buy a manlet-bot?
>only 6 ft
Kek. What pathetic woman would buy a manlet-bot?
stop it? why? only men can have fun with dolls?
let society collapse
Passive sex? Women dolls Don't cook or clean.
>Women don't select mates based upon physical appearance
Of course they do.
Angeline Jolie dates Brad Pitt not Danny DeVito.
The wealthier a woman is, the more likely she will select based on looks since she doesn't need financial security. This is more and more common with women nowadays since they earn almost as much as men.
Why does it look like Elliot Rodger?
>how do we stop it
Encourage people to start traditional families.
Enforce most obscenity laws that are still on the books.
Ban Porn, the selling of sex toys, and similar paraphernalia
Restirct contracepties to married couples.
Ban dating/hookup sites.
This is the end result when you turn sex something sacred between a husband and wife into an industry.
Robots don't have wallets, this will only be used by the bottom denomination of unfuckable woman anyhow.
>speaks in a British accent
I can’t even imagine
>rippling muscles
Women aren't going to buy this shit. Faggots might though...