
Hey Sup Forums what do you think of Buddhism

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cucks who don't know the Christ

Close to the truth.

Chads who will outlive christianity

dumb shit for latte sipping yoga fags

one does not simply THINK of Buddhism

Eastern version of Stoicism.

The only true Aryan philosophy Hindu the only true Aryan religion, that is why the kikes want to keep it out of the west


keep sucking that kosher cock faggot that kike Christ is a faggot and so are you

Real Aryan religion.

>actually being intelligent and a deep thinker is gay
>be a moronic reactionary goyim like me don't ever think about things
God you are such a massive fucking faggot

Not so much a religion, and more a philosophy, which is why it beats (((Abrahamic))) shit any day of the week

>that's why the kikes want to keep it out of the west

Tell that to the British and Canadian kikes.

Freedom from jewry.

>the brainlet juddhist actually thinks he's "intelligent" and a "deep thinker"

I have no idea what this means but if you mean the kiked watered down version not the actual esoteric version well I am pretty certain you don't do much research on anything or really understand much of anything outside of what people around you say and think that are as clueless as you. Here is an idea stop getting your opinions from imbeciles on Sup Forums and actually find the truth about everything for yourself you can start here

I already did it for you and made it reaaaaal easy for you because I know most people are stupid and lazy and could not do it for themselves

Many religions demand discipline in morals, but Buddhism is not the only religion that demands positive discipline in morals. Also the traditions around what this man said are not as strong as they should be. While I would take no issue with Buddhists living near me or personally knowing one, unlke mudslimes or cultists, it has serious issues. It lack a sense of spirituality and many whites who do join complain about the sense of dryness to it. Unless you're Japanese or something of that sort and you are already in immersed in a great culture with many rituals and traditions and history, it will feel very lacking to a typical white man in the west. Catholicism has a very ancient ascetic tradition, so Buddhism is not the only way to reach that path. Buddha was an alright guy and it seems that too many people misunderstand him. ( and I mean that not as a criticism on Buddha's part). Catholics have the desert fathers and the monastaries, and then the ancient greeks and Romans had Cynicism which came from Diogenes, Diogenes did require any specific belief in a certain God to be like him, it was more of a if you agree with the way normies are and morality about that

whoaaaaaa like... so deep man....

>I don't even know this person but let me tell you all about them

gas yourself you fucking kike

A distraction from God and a waste of time.

like 99% of people in the world you have it ass backwards

But you are already brainwashed, kiked and delusional and literally nothing can wake you up, because if you could use intellect and logic and make your life decisions based on these things you would believe in incestual zombie space jews to begin with

Christianity is the only true religion, desu.

Keep distracting yourself. Surely you know more than God. Go inside. No no. Don't actually seek truth. Just say you're seeking truth and be inactive yes. "Meditate" clear your mind of all thought and desire. Become a vegetable. Good. Good.

Buddhism is a waste of your time and life.


Better than christianity, judaism or islam, but still barbaric and subhuman ...

Yes something invented 2000 years ago with absolutely nothing in it original is the true religion in the billions of years humans have been on this planet. Please put a bullet in your head you are dangerously retarded

They hate Muslims too and have done a great job removing and genociding them in Myanmar.

This is a nigger tier retardation straw man

Fantastic channel.



ty desu, glad it has had a positive impact for you

There's this moron samefag autism spam again.
Nobody likes you faggot atheists. You beliefs are FALSE, you pests would LARP any religion or ideology in order to attack Christianity.
You vermin have no honor or pride of any kind, only an autistic obsession.

Saved all those links to read later.

But is there any “true religion”?
Is being atheistic the ultimate redpill?

>but never follow men cause if you do your brain is more hollow than space, oblivion or the abyss

>spend life demonstrating that peace must come from within
>normies build gigantic statue of you, defeating the entire purpose
God I fucking hate normies

Yes you and your hebe masters need to be destroyed, what you don't understand is ALL religions except the kike desert chronicles come from the same source, but you don't and you never will because you are not very bright and nothing can fix that for you

I post link. Pfffppphhhttttt. Smart than Christfag cause post link. Herrpppggghhhhhhh


How about stop believing what's "cool" and edgy and what they want you to believe and actually use logic and critical thinking. A first cause makes sense. If a first cause, intellect and will make sense, if perfect intellect and will, benevolence makes sense, if benevolence, revelation to his creation makes sense, if revelation, Christianity is internally consistent, works in the real world, and makes logical sense in ways other world religions dont.

Or continue to harden your heart and go to hell sad and alone. Idgaf. You're so lost in "hur durr I have infinite knowledge of the universe and I know for sure there is nothing supernatural" that it's laughable.

All" religions" come from the source desu the original Vedic scriptures of the ancient Aryans that are based entirely on provable science and math not fairy tales

damn... Punky bro.

>How about stop believing what's "cool" and edgy and what they want you to believe and actually use logic and critical thinking

The irony, how about stop creating ideas of what you think people are saying and actually talk to them not at them. Start acting not re-acting. Pay attention and stop yapping when you should be listening

I agree, to attack Christianity is not to support Buddhism. Unlike LARPers I actually have some respect for Buddhists in Japan and all that that are the real deal. But nobody here is just talking about Buddhism, only Christianity so it just looks like shills using a front. If you actually appreciated the religion then you would know the massive amount of tradition, history, rituals, culture, and writings and the different forms of this religion. If you cared about the religion enough then yo uwould have talked about it's own merits passionately, not passionately despise us. Honestly you won't be living that classic buddhist ascetic life unless you live in some cool town in Japan with a lovely view

You must be 18 to post here

it's not windows10 compatible.

To bad there is no IQ limit, you would have to stay on pleebit

I am paying attention. You're spouting word salad nonsense saying a bunch of contradictory religions are true in their own way and denying God as if you have infinite knowledge and power. And yes, pluralism and "pfffhhppttt all religions are the same huuuurrr" is edgy and cool and very very much "in"

You're just parroting the same multicultural tripe of diversity and pluralism. Actual nonsense.

"Hey guys these systems that are totally contradictory are all the same. Oh and that one religion is wrong. I know for sure guys. On what authority do I speak? Oh literally just my own intellect, which I've demonstrated is room temperature IQ tier since I called a bunch of contradictory religions all the same."

At least Buddhists know what they worship

Christfags have been kiked for thousands of years

I am paying attention. You're spouting word salad nonsense saying a bunch of contradictory religions are true in their own way and denying God as if you have infinite knowledge and power.
They aren't you have not dug deep enough to find the truth, I did not deny that in fact just the opposite there is only one source and I can prove it conclusively.

>And yes, pluralism and "pfffhhppttt all religions are the same huuuurrr" is edgy and cool and very very much "in"
You should look into things before you talk about them like you know what you are talking about my dude.

>You're just parroting the same multicultural tripe of diversity and pluralism. Actual nonsense.
Again the irony, you are just parroting what (((pop culture))) has taught you I am giving you the truth

>On what authority do I speak? Oh literally just my own intellect,
The exact opposite of reality I can prove it beyond question

>Oh literally just my own intellect, which I've demonstrated is room temperature IQ
Again with the irony

Are you actually going to look at the evidence or just keep yapping? You could be finding the truth right now, but you instead just more yapping

If you actually knew what you were talking about you would be more humble in your approach. You come across as some edgy teenager who just discovered some occult books and hates his parents, or your a kike shill. Fuck off, nobody will ever take you serious if you keep acting like some dumb kid who thinks he has the universe all figured out

The Universe itself is "supernatural", and quantum physics proves this. God consciousness is very real.

>If you actually knew what you were talking about you would be more humble in your approach.
>this is my opinion guise I just made up out of thin air
kek just the opposite the wise don't mince words with fools nearly all religious scriptures will tell you this
>You come across as some edgy teenager who just discovered some occult books and hates his parents, or your a kike shill.
Why do you think your opinion matters, you have no authority on things you know nothing about. I have an entire channel with over 300 videos and 100 books I recommend I have read that displays what I know, you have a ..... 4hcan post

>Fuck off, nobody will ever take you serious if you keep acting like some dumb kid who thinks he has the universe all figured out
Quite the contrary over 1500 people from this website take me very seriously which is why they subbed to the channel and are finding the truth for themselves while you run your mouth like the ignorant sheep fool you are. You sir are the one that needs to fuck off prob should go ahead and gys as well

Ok. Prove it faggot. Inb4 you
1. Post shitty links connecting eastern religion with aryans and "muh superiority"
2. Spout some bullshit about "looking inside" and "Buddhism is scientifically proven"
3. " you don't want to learn" which is a convenient way of saying "I have nothing but I can't admit I'm wrong so I'll just accuse you of "not being ready" or some bullshit

im fucking tired of eastern bullshit religious cucks like you spouting nonsense and calling it "the truth" when in reality all you've said is circular reasoning and nonsense.

Eastern religion is very much "in". You're just following rank and file with the masses thinking you're enlightened.

This leaf knows you know why? Wait for it ....... BECAUSE HE LOOKED

Do you meditate, user?

Taoism for shitskins

I already gave it to you nothing you said is true, you don't care about the truth or you would be looking already, nothing you say matters, you are like a child so I have nothing else to say to you. You are not interested in finding the truth only creating straw men and yapping

What you mean by meditate and what I mean by meditate are likely two very different things.

Excellent for personal health. Utterly useless for society.

Oh you sweet summer child! It seems like you have acquired a lot of knowledge but you lack the wisdom to put the pieces together correctly. Pride will be your downfall

Posts shitty links about fossils.

"I already gave it to you"

I'm now convinced you're a troll. No one is that retarded.


Yo, nubs. If you never pay attention to a single thing ever again, make sure you at least check this mans infographic and try to understand. This knowledge system is both the key to our past and future. You may find it surprisingly easy and instinctive once you start trying to learn it. We need many minds thinking in this way, there are countless mysteries available to us and we need all brains on deck. Regardless of creed, colour or politics, this is important.

It's the science of religions, and actually studies human consciousness and the human condition, instead of the kike bible offering nothing but platitudes.

I said start with this user

Look calm down untwist your panties and do yourself a favor my dude. Watch that playlist and I will show you God, I will show you everything they do not want you to know, it is the most important thing you will ever do. The all father is always trying to help you, he does not help those that do not help themselves

>muh opinion based on nothing but air
Do you people have any capability whatsoever for self reflection, logic, rational thinking?

that is the reason all occultists have copies of these books in their homes

Judging by your close-mindedness, I unfortunately have to agree.

The bible offers a good set of values for living and for society, but whatever truths it once held have been tampered with 100%.

I know the kikes have taught you to hate knowledge and fear and disrespect those with it and anything exceptional beyond what you witness in your personal life, but guess what? There are actually really smart people in the world that know shit you have no idea even exists and when they try to show yo, you should stfu and look, this is what smart people, only fools talk about things they know nothing about, and if someone has to actually tell you this you are quite foolish indeed

I've already studied Gnosticism in depth and rejected it. Is there anything in that video that isnt the same old same old hip and Edgy (TM) hogwash that band wagoners jump on every few decades thinking they've discovered something new and fresh?

If we did, would it matter? Is my response any different from the user you're responding to? Are you the hare, Alice, or the cat?

yep, he definitely knew what he was talking about. Have you read the Samuraillion? When you lesrn the truth about this reality it will blow your mind to find out how much Tolkien knew

This not Gnosticism stop trying to label and judge things you know nothing about. As I said originally you are not interested in finding the truth only interested in telling people they don't have it. Well sorry bud you are dead wrong and the creator will only give you so much chances like he is right now. Do what is right for you, your karma is your own

I've examined Buddhism. I own several books on Buddhism and meditation. It's hogwash designed to waste your life and make you a passive vegetable. It's a waste of time. Men are for action, and ignoring suffering or "transcending" it as you say is just conditioning yourself to be passive against evil and suffering.

While you were sitting there trying to ignore suffering my God made an end to it.

White Rabbit, Lost Girl, Crazy Cat.

"Ancient knowledge gnosis"
"It's not Gnosticism I swear!"

Idk why I'm still replying. You're clearly a troll.

I based my opinion of you being a teenager or a young guy in his early twenties on the content of your posts. They are filled with insults and teenage angst. If you are you are actually older than I feel sorry for you because you have failed to acquire wisdom despite amasses a decent amount of knowledge. I am curious as to what you discovered when you decided to "self reflect"

>If we did, would it matter?
I suppose not, it is pointless to ask someone that does not have those capabilities you are right. But for every thread maybe 2 or 3 people can be lead to the truth and they thank you profusely for showing it to them, so it makes it worth dredging through the zombies to find them because they will show others, then the sheep, well they will absorb it through osmosis eventually, you just hand them a set of beliefs and they will follow the crowd, if they were capable of finding the truth on their own they would have already, or at least been on the track already to finding it, it is not easy, it takes some decades if not a lifetime to find on their own if they ever could.

I haven't read it yet.
"Tolkien understands this and is trying to show us that this Saturnian Power (alien?) came in and forced us into a kind of SLAVERY; wrecking the planet; destroying the planet; using up all the energy of the planet for its own devices."
Pretty close to the truth I'd wager.

Gnosis means knowledge you uneducated hick

right on, the eye of Sauron good stuff you should def check out the playlist I linked as well I think you will find the channel to be something you will enjoy

That is actually very true, albeit some "ramifications" such as Zen focused Buddhism rely specifically in the practice itself, meditation is the practice so, when you meditate you're reaching out to enlightenment

Even tho it is not so widely available in the west it is a way of life, very specific and not for everyone, you need to be philosophical minded and open to weird concepts

One fact for certain is prehistoric GIANTS truly roamed the lands long ago as told in the Bible and in countless other stories around the globe. ‘Behemoths’ are specifically stated in Genesis. Legendary ‘Sons of Heaven’ (giant humans) came down (landed) and mated with the ‘comely’ ‘Children of Earth’ producing the ‘Titans’ of myth.

Buddhist here can confirm.

Believing in reincarnation = satanism

Oh yes the Atlanteans were giants and the ancient Aryans a channel on YT called Zohar Stargate has tons of conclusive proof of it, it is not for debate

you are an idiot it was in the original bible (Septuagint) and mathematical fact

A degenerate sign of a dying civilization, in Spenglerian terms.
Its parallels are Confucianism in China, Stoicism in Rome, and I believe Socialism in the West.

Your ignorance is astounding. I'm not a Buddhist. To meditate is to connect with and truly feel the world and life that surrounds you, to harmonize with it. Tap into the frequencies that created you.

And suffering is not to be ignored, but embraced as an inevitable factor of life. It is unavoidable. Your perception of God is incredibly limited.

Spoken like a true enlightened soul.

I know what it fucking means. Looking through the playlist it's all hogwash newagey bullshit and secret knowledge nonsense. You want to believe you have secret knowledge because it makes you feel good. It can't possibly be that God loves you and died for your sin. No no it can't be that. It has to be somethinf secret and hidden so you can feel superior and high and mighty. I know it makes you feel special that you found "the truth" that "most don't know"

You aren't special. Just like I'm not special. I'm just a beggar saying "hey man there's free bread, come eat."

And you're too busy trying to figure out what the scratches on the floor mean "ahh don't talk to me with that nonsense, I have to figure out this super secret code to find where the bread is!"

Just look up man, the bread is right there. Eat.

But you won't, because you're so self absorbed you can't get your head out of "it must be secret knowledge! It has to be!"

I've watched videos like that. I've read books and been to lectures and looked into a lot of this stuff. It's all bullshit.

why is everybody only talking about Buddhism as if Zen was its only sect?

Actually following so-called 'salvation' religions are satanic, this whole redemption concept is new and invented.

It can be pracitced sure, but my point is that you will never have the life that the men in japan or tibet have, it will never have the same depth when it comes to ritual and tradition, it is not the same when you are not immersed in it's classic culture. It is not the same as some typical young college student, white man, who lives in an apartment in some state like Ohio or lives a NEET life in North dakota

I will pray for you tonight. God bless you.

Best to stop wasting time with him desu, to the fool all wisdom is foolish, he is literally a zombie

Projecting this hard

>insult christcucks when the president is jewish
you probably dont even see the irony

What kind of buddhist?

Are you one of those who seek fire?

>died for your sin
these religions are guilt based, which is a powerful psychological tool for manipulating people