Shingeki no Kyojin

Post yfw Grandpa Jaeger has Alzheimer's.

>Faye eaten alive by dogs.
>Grisha tortured and sent to Paradise.
>Zeke forced to become a warrior by his parents, dead in a year.
>Eren forcibly transformed by his dad, half-mad at this point.
>Carla devoured by her husband's first wife.
>Dina turned into a titan, murdered by her husband's son.
>Grandpa Jeager went insane due to guilt over his kids.
>Grandma Jeager forced to watch as she lost everyone she cares about.

Man, the Jeager family had it pretty hard.

>words I never thought I'd see spoken in SnK

That's some mild fucking Alzheimers then.

At least he's depicting asians correctly

nobody cares you faggot

It's sad but is like this user said So drop it now.

Is Eren deceiving ZR or did he really change a lot? He might have wanted to talk to Zeke (SL would never let him do that) but if it´s like that maybe he grabbed Annie´s crystal before escaping.

I want to have sex with bedhead Gabi.

Asian-Eldian alliance soon.