I'll start
ITT: characters who masturbate on a daily basis
oh fug, I misread the OP.
You don't know if she does, but we can be pretty certain that Kuroko does.
Dirty bugger
Sugiura "I like to take baths" Ayano
Who doesn't?
Suguha is HOT!
masturbation is a sin you fucking morons
Call the police then.
>new VR game relies on physical fitness
It's a shame she got sacked in the movie, she would've steam rolled everyone.
Sinning is fun.
Posting a canon one.
This chicc
Anyone in Eva.
>ITT: male speculation and fantasy
Pic related is the only confirmed one and this as well.
You could've just said "speculation and fantasy" but you had to go and fag it up by adding "male".
Farnese doesn't masturbate, she experience holy enlightenment, from burning the heretics.
every character in this
Spilling your seed is a sin. Since women don't have a seed to spill, it's A OK.
What about wet dreams?
Counts as haram
Forgive me father for I have sinned.
Says who? Just because some faggot a thousand years back could not get hard and started to tell everyone that had fun its a sin?
It means an incubus was visiting you at night.
No time for that. She's actively trying to get the real thing.
Most characters are teenagers, so almost all of them.
Y'know, I dont care which girls masturbate because eventually they all will. What I wanna know is how they do it and what they think of.
Having fun is a sin in general.
Kino sure does!
so is it ok if i just don't cum
But I don't want to be molested by a faggot boy.
Halal board is this way
its a sin I would gladly commit, user.
its the only way i can contain the beast within me.
So is cursing you sinner.
I wasted so much cum on Sugu
I know how that feels, user. If I don't masturbate at least twice a day, every loli in a 10 mile radius is in danger of beccoming impure.
Didn't read the LN, how is it confirmed?
How do you type this kind of stupid shit without cringing?
This one is canon.
And Kuroko probably watches.
By not being a normalfag who uses the word "cringe" for every single shit.
In front of Madoka while in time stop
What do you think Sagiri's room smells like.
Haha, I'm surpised someone still remembers this show.
Is Nina x Table-kun masterbation or rape?
Don't worry, you'll be molesting the faggot boy instead.
Obligatory you're waifu comment coming through.
In her source material it's implied that she does. She also does something that involves touching herself and when someone asked her if that felt good she blushed and went silent even though she is anything but shy.
Oh neat, didn't know that. She does give off that vibe tho.
Eh? No, I was talking about my own waifu. Not the New Game girl.
Ah. Righto.
I'd say most girls in Naruto masturbate everyday, definitely Hinata and Sakura probably.
disgusting. it's a fucking skeleton with skin. No fat, no meat, just skin and bones. disgusting personality and appearance, truly a carácter made to bully and hate.
Your mother is a sin. That still didn't stop me from doing her.