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Anime #1642
Sup Forums Draws Daicon IV
One Piece
Dragon Ball Super
Dragon Ball Super
I thought it was going fun to see ranma but no!! this dumb fuck doesn't like being morphed into a woman!!
You guys ever miss the good old days when you used to go on youtube to get anime and were completely ignorant of...
Why is this show so fun? I regret not picking it up sooner and opening up my eyes to the true AOTS
Hoozuki no Reitetsu
Actually has a dick
Kekkai Sensen & Beyond: Blood Blockade Battlefront
Fate/EXTRA Last Encore
Sports anime
Yu Yu Hakusho
How would you fix SHAFT?
You did a good job, Sup Forums
Heavens Feel movie
Scanlation thread
Buyfag thread
Overlord thread
Who can beat her
ANISON MATRIX!! - アニソンマトリクス - Thread 2
What's your humble opinion on age gap yuri?
Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai/We Can't Study/We Never Learn (Chapter 37) Jaimini
Is this anime objectively the best one out there?
KyoAni finally makes a thematically rich show with good world-building, touching characterization...
What terrible looking character designs. Season 4 is off to a bad start before it even begins
3-Gatsu no Lion
What was your favorite aspect of Bleach?
Classroom of the Elite
Cross Account
K-ON Thread
Tiger n Bunny
Why isn't this even in top 30 highest grossing animu films if it was supposedly so big and influential...
Trinity Of The Animes
Love Live! Sunshine!!
Crunchyroll hacked
Anyone watch donghwa here?
Is she the ultimate depiction of physical perfection?
Choose one
Two Car
Beastars Chapter 57
Date A?
Best looking manga pictures?
I can't believe Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Keikaku has been forgotten already
Is Strike Witches the best WW2 fanservice anime ever made?
Why was digimon never as popular as pokemon? Were the monster designs too inconsistent?
ANISON MATRIX!! - アニソンマトリクス
Ryuko > Mako > Satsuki > Dogshit >>>>>>>>>>>>> Nonon
Crunchyroll hacked
Devilman Crybaby
So how long have you been with your waifu?
Prisma Illya movie
Who did it better?
Are NEET stories becoming their own sub genre?
How much Mega Milk would Galko be capable of carrying?
2 new ufotable projects
New Mai Hime series when?
Is german
Ballroom e Youkoso
Why do people love Cell? He's a mediocre villain. Even Buu is better
Is Lion the luckiest girl in the Luck & logic universe?
Aho Girl is ending
Loli grandma
During a trip to America you got run over by a mobility scooter and died...
Golem Hearts chapter 2 out
Best girls never win
One week left until the movie
So, it seems Crunchyroll got hacked lol. Anyone knows what's the malware they are spreading?
Why is Guts so edgy in the Black Swordsman Arc?
Who can beat her
Mahoutsukai no Yome
Weekend Waifu Drawthread
I want to fuck my daughter Erina
Saguri-chan Tankentai
Why lolis like noel are so adorable?
Isekai Shokudou
You notice Shibuya Rin sitting on a benchpark all alone...
One Piece
Kenichi: The Mightiest Disciple
This pepper got a belly full rice AND a season 2
Who is the worse protagonist out of the two?
Made in Abyss
This otome series is the most popular seasonal anime on Sup Forums right now
Idolmaster has the third highest amount of circles for the incoming Comiket
How do you like Lucoa San??
What makes Shimakaze so good?
Kancolle dethroned by TM on comiket
This manslut deserves his suffering
If bleach gets another anime that finishes the series, what're the odds that the problems with the manga will be fixed?
Sakura Quest
Heaven's Feel LA Premiere
Unpopular Naruto opinions
Girls Last Tour/Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryokou
Cut your own head off
ITT: Manga only you read
Manga thread
Where is the one on the left?
What was her problem?
You can only choose one
Aikatsu & Pripara
Pretty Cure
Nips actually BELIEVE this shit
Dragon Ball Super
Dragon Ball Super
Is it me or is season 2 kind of boring so far?
Why is Kumiko so fat?
Heaven's Feel
Requirements for being a magical girl:
Is she intelligent? Is she stupid? Is she both?
Why did she do it?
Net-juu no Susume
Boku No Hero Academia
:Chapter 083
I had no idea this show was so 10/10 holy fuck
Be honest Sup Forums, would you want a yandere gf?
What's the consensus on Ursula-sensei?
JoJo General
Tokyo Ghoul:re
Shingeki no Kyojin
Wtf Evangelion is just gunbuster with a male protagonist
Fate thread
I need my database fix, how far has Mamare written unofficially? Does he post it in the internet...
Why was this censored in non-Japanese releases? How is it inappropriate?
ITT: Animes that need another season
Dragon Ball Super
Why is Mami the cheese?
At first I thought this girl was really obnoxious but after a few episodes her life turned out to be really depressing
Why did I wait until this came out on Bluray to watch it...
User-kun asobo
[HorribleSubs] Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryokou - 05 [720p].mkv
What will her and Lelouch's kid look like in R3?
Code Geass
Why are small girls so appealing?
/ss/ - Secret Santa Matching is Sent
What's in the backpack?
Buyfag thread
Please describe this child
MC's motive is to have fun
What did guts do?
It's 1989 Sup Forums and we just found out Son Goku is an ayy lmao named after a vegetable
If you want me to get you a good job, accept to have sex in public
You will never
Couples you want to see NTRd
One Piece
So,I've been watching Black Clover
Just finished Senki zesshou symphogear AXZ
Goblin Slayer
ITT: moments where shipperfags got BTFO
How does Shirou stop himself?
What does Sup Forums like about
Quotes you live by
Dragon Ball Super
What makes him so likeable?
ITT: Characters that ruin the shows they're in
Left or right?
If you would get the chance to completely erase ONE anime from your memory so that you can experience it "for the...
Would you still like im@s if it only had JS/JC idols?
Why couldn't she get a bf?
"MHA is Naruto done right"
Was it rape?
Is Hestia a loli?
Started to watch TTGL and this fucked me up good, what the heck
Fushigi Mahou Fun Fun Pharmacy
K-ON Thread
Sup Forums draws: Jojo, DIO's World Part 10
What are the best kinds of lolis?
I don't watch a lot of anime, and hentai doesn't do much for me. For some weird reason...
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand the humor of Nichijou
"What are you thinking right now, user?"
C93 Kirara Power Rankings
Akko is so god damn cute
Ywn have perfect stride gf
I want your honest opinion on Mahou sensei Negima
Kyuubey has just tricked your waifu into becoming a magical girl. What the fuck are you going to do about it?
Tatsuki comes back for Kemono Friends S2, but it's all hand drawn animation. Would you still watch it?
171 cm
You now have the powere to make any one anime, but you have to give up something of equal value. What will it be?
Is anyone else legitimately excited for this?
Prison school 272
Meme girls aside, did Sup Forums like Chaika -the coffin princess?
Have you cleaned your ears today, onii-chan?
Classroom of the Elite
She looks so ugly and plain
Dies Irae
But is there any anime character who can outwit Rurushu?
Name the exact moment that Naruto jumped the shark
Shoukoku no Altair
MC is a psychopath, takes innocent girl hostage as well
ITT: Anime that Sup Forums tricked you into watching
Pre-2000s Sup Forumsnime Thread
Is he the worst written shounen character in existence?
Houseki no Kuni
ITT post things that fly over most people's heads
The young empress of China has been taken hostage by Zero (0). Only dubs (00) can save her life!
Net juu no susume
Shingeki no Kyojin
Net-juu no Susume
Another SZS Thread
Highschool DXD is the only harem series beside Monogatari worth watching. The girls are great, the battles are great...
Why is it that every fucking dominant woman eventually submits to dick...
According to Toriyama, Goku loves his grandpa but only sees his wife and kids as friends
How that Neet people survive? Where get money for maintain that lifestyle if are unemployed ?
I told you not to bite them, Beato
Dragon Ball Super
Why was Docrates afraid of the cops?
How do we save KyoAnu?
Literally perfect woman
Mob Psycho 100
Most genius manga author?
Seriously what is the point of this show? There is no drama. There is not funny there nothing enterteinament at all...
OPM 124 Disscussion
Nanatsu no Taizai 242 spoiler
Garo:Vanishing Line
Yuri!!! On Ice
What if Kars-sama Fell into Japari Park
ITT: Canon masturbators
OPT - One Page Thread
Made In Abyss
Have you ever cheered for a girl to win the bowl because of how pure and strong her feelings were? For me, it was Usami...
ITT the best consensual sex scenes in anime/manga
Shokugeki no Soma
He doesn't watch 80s animes
Highschool DxD Hero
What are your thoughts on ultranationalist anime like Joshiraku and GATE?
The so-called super masterpiece eroge "Dies Irae" ends up being a disappointment
How the fuck do people unironically like this? This is probably one of the worst shows ive sat through
Does Luna ever join Kazuma's party?
Left or right, Sup Forums? Which one has the better personality [spoiler]?
Rokujouma thread
Why did Rumiko decide to reboot Lum as the girl who didn't stand a chance in Ranma?
Masamune-kun no Revenge
How would you save the idol genre?
One Piece
Fat horny elves
What did he see Sup Forums?
Where were you when Sup Forums BTFO Sup Forums?
Post yfw reg freed mitty
Look in the mirror
Prison School/ Kangoku Gakuen
Character in manga gets knocked up
What's the deal with season 2?
One Punch Man 124
One Punch Man
Japanese and Drug use
Weekend Waifu Drawthread
Male: crossdressing
Kengan Ashua
Animu nobody except you watched
This forgotten shit’s pretty funny
Isekai MC rapes a princess in the first chapter
What does Sup Forums think about lesbian vampires?
I've never seen a tsundere in reality. Do they even exist?
Just finished watching Berserk 1997; What chapter picks up immediately after its conclusion? I'm fucking hooked
This is the best anime girl kurisu, say something nice to her
Why are there zero anime that even acknowledge the Emperor's existence...
Tokyo Ghoul:re
Why Ram is more popular than Rem ?
How would you rate Shinka?
Political anime
What's the greatest use of classical music in all of anime?
Localizations should be as literal as possible
I want to BEFRIEND Yunyun
So wait, if anime is supposed to be set in high school, where are all the drug dealers?
Translator note bigger than the dialogue
Kemono Friends
What's your best Kyoani episode?
TTGL was the last good anime created, prove me wrong
Can Toei please stop trying to recreate this scene already?
Dragon Ball Super
Net-juu no Susume
Whens the last time we had a Haibane Renmei thread?
Was the '2deep4u' meme invented by people for whom it really was too deep?
Is it still hip on Sup Forums to hate on Phantom World? Or have people realized that it's actually not as bad?
Sum up a show or manga with one image
MC on the LN cover page is sexy and seductive
Will we gonna see Diakko again on OVA 3 ??
On the evening of December 27th, 2016...
ITT: Characters that got dismembered or beheaded
I-its not as b-bad as people claim it to be, r-right?
Shingeki No Kyojin
Now's the time
This Mexican dragon is coming after you
What kind of middle aged woman would dress like this? Who is she trying to attract?
One Piece Chapter 884
Fucked bitches left and right doesn't giving a fuck about it
I love rape
Actually more hyped for the homoshit in 2018 than anything that's been released in 2017
Will BONES ever try again?
I started to read this from the beggining. Is it a bad ride?
Just how much pizza is in that butt?
Find a flaw. Pro tip: you can't
Big 3 end games
Murenase Shiiton 37
ITT: Characters who did absolutely nothing wrong
The Pillar Men, including Perfect Kars, are contestants in the last anime fighting tournament you watched
Hero Academia
Danberu nan kiro moteru?
Black General San
Is there anyone that can defeat this guy?
See this
It's okay to be wide
What's the dividing line between loli and JC? Is Madoka a loli or a JC?
Utena Thread
Was it that bad?
Jitsu Wa Watashi Wa 193 LQ
Wasn't this supposed to be a comedy? I'm fucking crying
What is the difference between lolicons and pedophiles?
I wish they would make another season of Angel Beats
Buyfag Thread
Post a shittier character than the post before
Rate all the Dragon Ball series
How come best girl is usually the one with visible fangs?
You've just inherited One for All and are now the single superhuman on Earth. What do you do?
Gender misunderstandings over the entire manga
Are people really so autistic that they think these two didn't have feelings for each other...
Dragon Ball Super
Why does Esdese get so little fan art?
Shokugeki no Soma
ITT: Characters better in the dub
Best Girls
Prison school
World's End Harem
Name a cooler special attack in anime
Worst girl
What is the meaning of this expression?
Prisma Illya: Oath Under Snow
Why did they do this?
Kamikoto thread!
Animation Directors
One Piece
Forgotten Shounen Manga
Mob Psycho 100 : chp. 100.15
Kino no Tabi -the Beautiful World-
Watamote chapter 124
Has the question of "which is more important to save...
Why haven't you accepted Aqua into your heart and accepted the Axis Cult as the one true religion?
Is Blade Dance still going?
MC of the season?
Wait what
I can't believe I forgot how much big floppy tits Code Geass had
More info on the original Dogakobo anime, Tada-kun wa Koi o Shinai (Tada-kun Does Not Fall in Love)...
Dragon Ball Super
171 cm
Inuyashaki Episode 4
OPT thread
Anyone here like keroro gunsou or have something to say about it...
Felix-chan is the best catgirl
Who is the most evil anime character of all time?
What the fuck was his problem?
Is Marcille Sup Forums's waifu, or /tg/'s waifu
Why are JS not more common in Seinen anime? Wouldn't they make the best CGDCT?
Bullying is wrong
Why do glasses + tits always result into such insufferable characters?
Wow. Bravo anno. So deep
Kana Nakamura, you fucking whore, if you ever try to hurt Nano again...
Why do shonen MC's always have the most boring/generic signature abilities?
Beast Complex Chapter 2
Fushigi Mahou Fun Fun Pharmacy
>post yfw someone says your favorite anime is shit
Inuyashiki - Episode 4
Houseki no Kuni
What is it about Mercury that makes people gravitate towards her and make her the most popular? Is it her meek...
One Piece
Boku no Hero Academia
Rokudou no Onna-tachi
You retards had only ONE job
Alpha character thread, you're only allowed to post top-tier alpha characters
Well Sup Forums, would you join the SOS brigade?
Made in Abyss
What does Sup Forums thank about School-Live?
What went wrong?
Hunter x Hunter is literally the best shounen manga/anime ever made, and if you have read or watched it...
ITT: God-tier OPs only
Would DokiDoki Precure have been better with Makopi as the protagonist?
Ravel is best High School DxD lady
Boruto: Naruto The Next Generation
Season 2 when?
Danberu nan kiro moteru?
Who is the best artist of this generation and why is it Hiramoto Akira?
Do you think they'll ever make another Atelier anime? I mean the E&L anime didn't look like it was expensive at all
Dragon Ball Super
Boruto mist arc
Love Live! Sunshine!!
Koi wa Ameagari no You ni PV
Post the best plot ever!
Highschool DxD 4th season
Shokugeki no Soma
Saki tanoshii
Why did the original cast of Love Live work so well, while Aquars is a collection of way too gimmicky characters?
What's the difference between an user and a Shinka?
Did he wanted to fuck his sister from the start?
Post your favorite Imouto
Now that is been reveal that he likes games and anime what anime would he watch it if he was alive?
"for example, if I told you to kill all the japanese peop---"
One Piece
The Promised Neverland 62
ITT:characters that make your heart racing
A story about a girl who can only converse in 5-7-5
Do girls like this?
What would you do if she stared at you like this?
Ywn have a cute stalker
Post best boys of their respective series
Genocidal Organ ( Gyakusatsu Kikan ) Movie
Shirou is cute. CUTE!
Send your best girl!
Who's your favorite 80's anime girl?
What is the best age for anime girls and why is it 14(13+1)?
Buyfag Thread
Was he, dare I say it, /ourguy/?
How would you rate Sora's attractiveness?
Is anime popular in Latin America thanks to Mexicans and their great quality dubs?
How the fuck is it possible to make a protagonist this unlikeable?
I want Guts to be alone again
Precure Thread
Who are the best strategists in anime?
Light was right
Dragon Ball Super
Kaifuku Jutsushi no Yarinaoshi
Dr. Stone 34
One Piece
New Wit Studio anime on noitaminA
Get lost
Would it be gay to fuck girl ranma?
Kud Wafter Movie
Biggest ASSPULLERS ever!
Ousama Game
To LOVE-Ru Darkness (KR)
What's the big deal about 24fps animation? I tried watching Akria and the framerate was just annoying...
Would you help her become a bad girl, Sup Forums?
This is best girl, say something nice about her
Thunderbolt Fantasy thread
Onii-chan, I came to visit
What would you do in this situation Sup Forums?
I think Cocona is a tomboy, but nobody else seems to agree with me. Am I really the only one?
Do you want to eat the center of the donut, Sup Forums?
Action scenes
Legend of Galactic Heroes - Ryu Fujisaki
It's Hiyajo Maho's birthday! Did you remember to get her a present?
One Piece 884
Who's best girl of the season?
Post a bigger Mary Sue
Thinks a literal concrete commie block looks good
Name a better debut manga that's cursed with the dying mangaka
Black clover
Yabuki Announcement in the next Jump
Google nuked your favorite manga scan website
Just Because
I made a weebm
Shingeki No Kyojin
ITT: characters who masturbate on a daily basis
Classroom of the Elite
I improved Megumin
Well this was shit. Why spoil everything that happens in the first scene...
It's still Remsday in my time zone
Dragon Ball Super
I haven't watched or downloaded anime in about 5 years. Is MPC-HC still the preferred video player...
Come to bed, user deary
Name a single girl from 2017 that is cuter than Dorothy. Spoiler: You can't
Good night, Miss Kobayashi
Baki Dou 180 translation
/ss/ - Secret Santa Matching is Sent
Cake thread
Anime OST tracks
You have become a successful mangaka known for writing the most bizarre comedy manga ever. What is your manga about?
Kyoukaisenjou no Horizon
What are you watching right now?
Will Promare be as good as Kill la Kill or Gurren Lagann?
Anyone else NOT sick of Monogatari? I can't wait for Zoku-Owari
Hey Sup Forums!
Persona 5: The Anime
Aikatsu and Pripara
Sword Art Online Alicization
Meanwhile on isekai Sup Forums
Post characters that would made god-tier waifus if genderswapped
When will monogatari end? I'm tired of this shit
Shokugeki no Soma
What is the purpose of tomboys?
I miss Bakuon!!
Isekai is better with a female protagonist
Net-juu no Susume
Spoilers today?
After years of deliberation, I have finally come to accept that Rin is in fact the best girl
Sorry mod, Watamote 124 [raw]
Official JoJo thread
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...