Why isn't this even in top 30 highest grossing animu films if it was supposedly so big and influential. Are people praising it just memeing or is it actually good?
Why isn't this even in top 30 highest grossing animu films if it was supposedly so big and influential...
This stupid idiot thinks you have to make money to be influential.
chinese cartoons will always be cringe worthy to any normal human being. It doesn't matter how edgy or pseudo-intellectual you try to make it, it's still goofy looking big-eyed ching chong shit that no one can take seriously. And Evangelion is seriously lacking in plot, just a bunch of shock value and shallow symbolism the creator already admitted was there just to look cool.
why didn't you post this on the appropriate board?
Because it's horrible. Nothing to it but "muh visuals".
Because it was actually a shitty overlong conclusion to an overrated children's mech show that got acclaim entirely by accident by the director, who outright admitted he only used half the symbols, icons and themes because they looked/sounded cool and was extremely surprised that it was as successful as it was and had no idea how to actually conclude it so came up with a masturbatory wank nonconclusion that amounts to "Don't worry about it bro" then decided to slowly remake the series even trashier in order to cash in on his past acclaim.
tldr Anno is a fucking hack
It wasn't really influential. The original series was. EoE is a cult classic.
It's a film with a theatrical release - how is it not appropriate for it to be here?
HAHAHA HE POSTED IT AGAIN! Will zerosugar baby this too
I have this sitting on my hdd for quite a while and you weebs have been making threads about it every day.
I'm gonna marathon this shit right now to see what all the big deal is. See you fuckers in like 10 hours if the thread is still here.
You're making a big mistake.
it's the anime 2001: A Space Odyssey.
you'll either hate it or love it
The difference is that if you hate 2001, you're probably underage, and if you like EoE, you're probably underage.
>It can't be influential if it didn't make a lot of money
What the fuck logic is this
You should honestly watch the series first if you're going to watch the movie.
>See you fuckers in like 10 hours
Did you miss this part?
Why is that?
It's what I'm doing. Just finished 01
I liked Akira
Reminder the rise of Sup Forumsedditors coming over to Sup Forums as a result of Bane memes has led to a shift in taste on Sup Forums
99% of the anime threads here are made by Sup Forumsedditors who only watch LE EPIC MANIME shonen trash and are too scared to post on Sup Forums because no one wants to talk about the same 5 old classic anime that only entry level newfaggots know about. Then they cry about Sup Forums having shit taste and proceed to buy their next avengers movie ticket.
Sup Forums has actually done a fantastic job at keeping out you Sup Forumseddit scum and so all you faggots come crying here because no one wanted to accommodate your newfaggotry.
Also you all treat Sup Forums as a place to ask for recommendations when was made to deal with garbage threads like these that aren't actually discussing anything. This thread should be deleted but since Sup Forums mods are garbage it won't.
>blaming this on the greatest meme that came out of Sup Forums
Pretty much this
Isn't evangelion star wars-levels of popular in japan?
Its very good as the conclusion to the series. It has some flaws, and there are a couple moments where it has to exposit information in a way that Eva had managed to avoid for much of the series, but concidering how confusing things can be on a first watch, its not that big a deal.
The use of dolls hands, and the freudian psychosexual stuff is very deliberate. Cross Explosions are just to look cool.
The real problem with Eva is that many of its most hardcore fans are unable to reflect on themselves and applying alot of the talk-therapy concepts shown in the show to their entire lives, and source their own self improvement vicariously through the show and their sympathy with the characters. Then they get trapped in Waifuwars where people have projected themselves onto the characters and essentially fight over which fucked up character's problems are more justified enough that the fandom war has history and can self sustain itself outside of actual discussion of the show.
I don't blame Anno for trying to dumb down Rebuild, make money off it to invest it into other things. Reifags getting mad that their character is dumbed down to the same level as every other character take it personally and miss the point that Anno really does want to destroy his own franchise before he ruins anyone else's lives.
It all builds up to a horrible film. And the series seriously drops in quality towards the end.
Was this ever even theatrically released outside of Japan
Fuck off Sup Forums
Fuck off Sup Forums this is my board now
a big problem with a lot of fans is they get too into it and forget it's still a piece of entertainment and the last few episodes don't define the whole show
This thread contains just about every crossboarder on Sup Forums
>Sup Forums has actually done a fantastic job at keeping out you Sup Forumseddit scum and so all you faggots come crying here because no one wanted to accommodate your newfaggotry.
I guess that's why there's 0 garbage shonen anime on Sup Forums
>mfw i dropped it after 6 episodes because it was boring me to death.
From what I gather they all get turned into orange juice or something. So kinda like the great link off DS9, that'll do, don't need to finish it.
6 episodes, haha
You missed the most important even in the show by one episode
Did you want to post this on Sup Forums instead of Sup Forums?
Because half of your post makes no sense
This thread was on Sup Forums
It got moved to Sup Forums
What important thing?
I see, but his talk like
>Sup Forums has actually done a fantastic job at keeping out you Sup Forumseddit scum and so all you faggots come crying here because no one wanted to accommodate your newfaggotry.
Is totally wrong.
It's like he's living a fantasy of old Sup Forums
Well he's probably not been on Sup Forums in years to patrol anime threads on Sup Forums
Don't worry about it.
>pepe wasn't responsible for the massive influx at Sup Forums
What is a good alternative animu that has horrific physical and psychological violence against children that is actually effective?
Don't say Made in Abyss please
There are none.
Personally don't see how you could dislike Evangelion
Post-modern wankfest. Go read the manga for a real story with better art.
RahXephon of course.
You should also watch Top wo Nerae! Gunbuster as it's like the older sister of Evangelion.
Marathon guy here. Episode 6 actually has a lot of stuff happening though. I could see why some could drop it at 4 though.
I do find it hilarious how they had a full size eva 01 balloon ready to deploy at a moment's notice. Like who decided "yeah we may need it someday, let's make it"
finish the series ding ding
People who dislike Evangelion truly do exist out there but I am thankfully not one of them.
Alien Nine?
only newage millennial cuckolds hate on Eva
Anything more complicated than Star Warz is too much for them
Eva is truly the Rick and Morty of anime, seeing what kind of people it attract
t. NEET with 12 onaholes
JoJo is the rick and morty of anime
t. Evafag
Little Witch Academia is actually the Rick & Morty of anime
can confirm, my autistic girlfriend is enamored with both, so there must be a connection
to be fair you really need a high IQ to understand Jojo
>this whole thread
Sasuga Sup Forums.
Off-topic threads should just get deleted instead of moved, mods.
fucking imp trash thread
Jojo is one of the anime where I honestly believe having a lower IQ makes you enjoy it a fuckton more
>not posting the gif