Dragon Ball Super

Stronger than Goku SSGSS how fucking hype is that

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It's just clickbait, Goku will destroy her once he stops holding back.

and in a few weeks, there'll be something even stronger

Why are people whining about this? I stopped caring when they shafted Yamchad.

Reminder that Kafla is only as strong as a tired out SSB Goku. Gohan could take her out if he tried. Hell Trunks could take her out too.

i told you fags goku will unlock UI to beat her, but i lost the leak proof so i fucked off for a bit



>spats are gone
even shittier character than before.

>It's just Kale with pants and Caulifla eyes
what a lazy design

What do you expect out of a fusion of two spaghetti?

how many BBS threads there are every day? goddam its endless

for what its worth I actually like her outfit, unlike their unfused characters


With the multiverse on his side, he can not lose.

They’re all basically the same. Gohanspics and Caulifaggots argue and everyone tries to discuss the episode I between them.

Actually it has a piece of both of their bodies for each extremity, follicle, crease and crevice. This is the perfect fusion

Too all the Caul & Kate fuckers.

Think again.

Kek. Caulifla is literally everything the amerifats, spics and niggers wanted from Gohan. No wonder all the Tyrones and Juans are so upset.

>I want to kill people for liking 2 fictional characters I don't like
Is this le autism?

Leave pasta to me

Good post, unless you’re a spic

Add him to la charta

based vegeta


>Q: Is there a Japanese manga that you're currently liking?

>Toyo: My Hero Academia, without a doubt.

Is there anyone who can defeat Garfield when there's lasaga as a prize?

Time to get a snack i guess

Wow that design looks so bad.

Her outfit looks like shit, cute face tho


Nice big words Caulicuck. Were you shaking as you typed them?
I'm pretty sure people didn't want Gohan to be a bitch who needs to fuse with others in order to survive.
Oh I see. A muhammad made this post.

>how fucking hype is that
Literally zero
I just stopped caring about the girls saiyans since the asspull to make them ssj.
Also if the potara were allowed why is only universe 6 using them?

Daily reminder Trunks was nerfed in the Manga

I can't wait for her to be OP as fuck and trigger everyone by knocking out Gohan.

What anime is this image from?

Not even Nermal Del Gris or John’s Brother (Calvo Completeado)

>Kek. Caulifla is literally everything the amerifats, spics and niggers wanted from Gohan. No wonder all the Tyrones and Juans are so upset.
No she's not, and oh, nice buzzwords buddy.

Is that really her design? Jesus that looks awful.

Other universes might start chucking them at their fighters after Kafla.
I can see the U4 bugs fusing.

Nah, it's fan-art.


>nerfed because he didn't pull a transformation out of his ass

Being SSJ2 zoned and fusing with an autist stronger than her so she can beging to threaten exhausted Goku?
I'm sure you a couple other people in the whole world can also be proud at trashifl's achievements, a couple other dumbass waifufags like yourself in fact.

BASED Ginyu poster

Since when did Kafla get so smug

Fanart that already looks and will look better than the show, you forgot to mention.

>Being hyped about a powerup in a 30 year old mango whose only shtick is people being more powerful than each other, screaming, kicking and expelling laser beams out of their palms

Quit replying to yourself to force a meme

El hermano when?

>nerfed because he didn't pull a transformation out of his ass

>I don't want to be consistent with the character

>"time to shitpost on Sup Forums about it"

>that gif
Why was DBZ so much more mature and better animated than Super and also actually had somre blood?

(smug ginyu)

Nice photoshop, ginyu faggot

Can’t use photoshop on mobile

reminder to report avatarfags

Holy shit kid, thats edgy.

>someone took their time to do this but didn't notice that the shirt is supposed to be pink
Dumb spics.

Holy shit, how can someone talk so much autistic shit about a children's show? Bald nu-male cuck.

>Caulifla will reach a level beyond what Gohan is capable of within the next arc or 2

Why are half-saiyans shit tier?

Guess you should report all the Gohanfags then, and anyone that uses reaction images more than once

is he right?


Get hyped!



The term you are referring to is "White". Whites tend to bald faster than other races, nu-male or not

>Caulifla will reach a level beyond what Gohan is capable of within the next arc or 2

Toppo is a GoD candidate

Goku isn't

Picsart buddy, oh and thanks for exposing yourself as a phone poster

>Trunks in the outline
>gets SS2

>Trunks in the manga
>is a SS2, but as strong as a SS3

>Trunks in the anime
>is a SS2 but then goes not!SSGSS because he was angry

Trunks got buffs in both versions you dumb toeicunt, and manga's is the only one that isn't fucking ridiculous. Manga-Trunks is the strongest saiyan ever outside transformations and fusions, anime-Trunks just got a !god form for free.

I have no time to spare for dbs other than the weekly episode, give the TL DR on your video or scram.

>Goku isn't
He's literally been asked by Whis multiple times, same with Vegeta

Who is the most tastiest character in Super?

Guess you’d know a lot about editing in (you)s, huh?

Tablet. Setup’s for gaming and streaming movies exclusively

Those pants are fucking awful. I don't know why but they're so bad.

And he literally refused

Funny how that works

Its fun

This is just stupid. We had a Tournament that Universe 7 DID WON, fair and square. Nobody can deny that. Even Zeno sama saw it.

Then, we get this bullshit, that Universe 6 is stronger?
> I blame Toei for that

Reminder that (unlike Caulifla going SS2 in two minutes) Kafla being god tier makes sense. Kale and Caulifla are stronger than Boo arc Goku and Vegeta for sure, Kale's version of SS is stronger than the regular one and they are apparently going SS3 soon, so their SS3 fusion being stronger than SS3 Vegetto (reaching god tier) makes sense.

fuck off with your advertising, furfag.



>is a SS2, but as strong as a SS3

But cant take on black, which he was nerfed

>is a SS2 but then goes not!SSGSS because he was angry

This is irrelevant. Trunks at SS2 is stronger than Mystic Gohan and ss3 Trunks. He isn't the only one to skip that shitty transformation

I forgot what's the prize for winning the ToP?

"Let's ignore Trunks training in the anime, right before he went SS Rage!"


>Guess you’d know a lot about editing in (you)s, huh?
What is this supposed to mean to me? I'm not desperately trying to force some meme, and I don't give a fuck about getting attention on an anonymous Taiwanese toboggan racing forum, unlike (you). Fuck off, avatar poster.

No. People also hated when Trunks get the spirit sword. People just don't like tge annoying shitty girls. It doesn't matter how long they know the character or not. And he's just hating for the sake of hating. He's jealous of Toriyama for being more successful than him.

>implying there's a difference
Goku is getting the training anyway. The only difference is that Toppo will actually become GoD someday, but both are being treated as candidates and being training by gods.

He trained for less than a day.

So if GoD's are immortal, why do they need to train a replacement? Willingly retiring and getting hakai'd?

Because the world wasn't pussified like it is now.

Im close to future Trunks current age. Clown.

It looks so bad

Is anyone else bored with the tournament because of the extreme lack of fucks everyone seems to give about their universes getting erased?

The stakes have never been higher, but no one gives a shit. Irritating as fuck

He has been fighting in the future since dabura you nigger.


>Kale and Caulifla are stronger than Boo arc Goku and Vegeta for sure

nice headcanon faggot


Plague in that series is literally how any of you sound when you're discussing Dragon Ball like it's serious business

nice clickbait thumbnail

Can't wait for Kekfla to go SSRage.

Yes. And he still couldn't fight Black even after training for years non-stop. What makes you think only a few hours of training with Vegeta would suddenly change that?