This is a thread for the discussion of sports anime.
So pic related seems to be a well-known sports anime, and it's about FOOTBALL, which is a plus.
Personally, I only once got into Yowamushi Pedal but lost interest after the first season, and most other sports anime seems gay.
Just to make one thing clear, because it will surely be brought up: Ping Pong is not a sport, same goes for Darts.
Does Captain Tsubasa stand the test of time?
It's always time for good sports anime.
But seriously:
It's almost time, previous episode is almost over.
For some reason the older artstyle is more relatable than that of the early 2000 IMO (think the wide-spaced eyes of e.g. Clannad)
it's time, possibly the final episode
see Butterflies are not sports.
Good luck Sup Forums. Supporting you.
>final episode
>they have to win to advance
Plot armor will protect them, r-right?
No, a defeat will set the stage up for next season
See you in Spring lads
I really hope for a redemption arc of the main characters that were so lackluster in the last episode.
You, me, and everyone in this thread know damn well exactly how this ends
There hasn't been any plot armour since 2014.
By the way do Sup Forums new mods, the ones who banned SakuraFish, hate sports anime too?
No handouts, you're going to have to earn it Sup Forums.
What the hell are you talking about
>ping pong is not a sport
Well memed.
They might hate anime in general.
Whew that offense conditioning.
Looking good so far