Is anyone else legitimately excited for this?

The OST is hype as fuck. Designs look good, what could go wrong? Darling In The Franxx is airing in Winter 2018.

Director: Atsushi Nishigori
Assistant Director: Toshifumi Akai
Series Composition: Atsushi Nishigori, Naotaka Hayashi
Character Designer: Masayoshi Tanaka
Mechanical Designer: Shigeto Koyama
Action Supervisor: Masayoshi Tanaka
Animation Production: Trigger x A-1 Pictures

OST is likely to be from Hiroyuki Sawano, not confirmed yet


All 5 of the CM's

The other piece of official art we have so far.

I'm in it for the tit mechs.

i love watching trigger fuck up so yeah

I'm excited but I want a look at the mecha action. Imaishi's stuff is too over-the-top for the serious vibe this show seems to have.

I wouldn't say this has an over serious vibe.

It's trigger trash so I'm not exited at all

Trigger is unironically good though

Expectations breed disappointment, if it's good then that's nice, if it's shit then I can just forget about it with no hard feelings attached.

I wouldn't say legitimately excited, more like tentatively anticipating. If I had to put money on it I'd say it's going to be shit, but I hope I'm surprised.

I guess you can do things that way as well.


All their years of making nothing but flops disagree with you.

If they're doing nothing but flopping how come they're still making high profile original shows all the time?

>high profile

laughing my ass off.

looks boring. Hope I´m wrong.

>Trigger wacky plots that go nowhere
>Trigger romance
>A-1 sameface designs

Oh boy, this will bomb harder than Ino Battle

Those videos are blocked in my country, lad.

It looked nice till I saw Trigger and realize this is another yuribait shit

Well shit, these are the official uploads.

>measuring the quality of a show by sales and not the content of the show itself
This is the state of Sup Forums right now.

Well since it's made by trigger I'm sure it will be popular on Sup Forums but that doesn't say much comparing it to the sales.

You're not exited from this at all? Cool, you're watching this then.

>what could go wrong?

I'm excited for the series but let's be real here. A multitude of things could go wrong, the most likely being the plot turning into a mess somewhere along the line but late enough that you're already committed to watching the rest. I was digging the main pair's mecha design but looking at all five pairs, only the first two are especially decent. The latter three designs aren't too appealing but maybe that'll change in motion.

Strelizia with the gray and orange design in the first promotional art was nice but the red and white is really driving home the Tauburn look.

That line was a joke from me.

>what could go wrong?

Be boringly hetero

Excited for elements of it, like the mechs, the sci-fi, and the "main" girl they're using to promote it. Far less excited for the highschoolers, the probable romance-but-not-really drama, and the A-1 designs. Don't really know what to expect from the execution overall. Nishigori is a great character designer, but he's only ever directed idolshit before, so it's a mystery.

Nigga the designs are amazing. The character designer of Kimi no Nawa and Anohana, he's really good. This literally doesn't have the shit a1 sameface look.

Yeah, I'm really not feeling the character designs here.

I hate the character designs, they all have square faces, kinda remind me of anthem of the heart or anohana

>those mediocre youtube views

Will it flop?

Same character designer. I think the faces themselves are fine, great even, but the rest doesn't do much for me. The uniforms are the worst, either boring or ugly.

Shorts on the dudes are literally cancer.

Those don't matter for shit.

Kimi no Nawa has utterly boring designs, Anohana has borderline good designs and it still has a few misses. This has worse than both, they're not only broing, but some of them are plain ugly. I hate the uniforms, I hate the hair, I hate how their expressions barely change despite them presumably meaning to have different personalities. Most of all, I hate how they didn't just let Nishigori design the characters. But I guess they had to have some way to market it as a Trigger X A-1 crossover, and giving it distinctly A-1 looking designs was a good way to do that.

this is fucked up

Those anohana sameface designs. Disgusting.

Hope it flops

From the neck up it's good

Designs are great tbqh
Far better than Triggers sloppy looking ones

Their faces look great.

Kimi no Nawa has great designs and so does Anohana.

You mean neck down. The face is the most boring, simplistic and A-1 design I've seen in a while. The clothes are at the very least interesting to look at.

Aniplex shills in full force.

I take that back, their entire designs look great.

Simple is good and your sense of "interesting" is straight fucked

Back to YouTube to suck off your favourite "anime reviewer"

I must be a fucking Aniplex shill because I like a particular style of character designs. Kill yourself.

Also, fucking youtube views don't matter at all. You know what matters, how well the show does on a weekly basis and at the end you also have disc sales.

It will flop let's not kid ourselves. This trash is going against Fate Extra, Violet Evergarden and Overlord next season, it just has no chance at all.

Can you also tell me some other interesting things from the future? How can you be so sure what you mentioned won't flop as well? Even if this flops, it flops, the anime will still stay around and exist.

It will exist only as proof that Trigger is a trash studio.

What if it sells like shit but is good anyways? Unlikely, but not impossible

I'm excited for the show. I'm not as excited for all the Darliflop shitposting though.

A1 Pictures... not really a fan of their work OP.
They only create good stuff when they feel like it, mostly everything I've seen from A1 feels hollow and lazily done.

Trigger however is a very 'in your face' studio; surprised to see them working together.
Hoping Trigger can make this great.

INBE4 Diatron-5 - fighting for you liiiiifeeee!

Nothing can be done about it, everyone goes full retard over here when it comes to anything Trigger related.

Very intelligent remark.

If it's any good then it's because of A1 honestly

I hope this is the Star Driver sequel we deserve, as opposed to Captain Earth.

I hate A1 pictures, I despise them actually, but I'm optimistic about this because of Trigger's involvement. They're collaborating only because of Aniplex.


A lot of the A1 staff comes from idolmaster, which Gainax folks had a fair hand in too.

It's hard to pinpoint A-1's style. They have worked on as many good shows as bad ones. Trigger on the other hand is a one trick pony, you usually know what to expect from them, basically shows trying and failing to recapture the charm of Gurren Lagann. If this show turns out to be good it will be because of A-1 involvement, I don't really trust trigger to do anything more than meme shows that Sup Forums likes.

>mecha designer from Star Driver
Picked up

I was originally hyped, especially by the character designs of the MC and 02, but there's no way in hell they're going to be able to pull off ten fucking characters and five mechs in a 13-episode format. It would be extremely difficult even in a 26-episode format. They're completely and utterly screwed unless they cull the cast enormously at some relatively early point.

>It will flop let's not kid ourselves. This trash is going against Fate Extra, Violet Evergarden and Overlord next season, it just has no chance at all.

And Cardcaptor Sakura

A1 have mostly bad shows though, with a few good things in between. Saying they have as many good ones as bad ones isn't true.

Christ, is that all really airing Winter 2018? That season is stacked.

>a1 sameface
How does A-1 have that reputation? It's not even really an actual studio, there isn't a single consistent aspect about their output, production-wise.

>but there's no way in hell they're going to be able to pull off ten fucking characters and five mechs in a 13-episode format
You know it's possible for some of the characters we've seen to be supporting characters, right? And that it's possible for an episode to not feature every character, right?

Someone stole 9S's shorts.

There is a consistent aspect about their productions, they're almost always shit. The a1 face is very real, just compare some of their mc's from one series to another. Another common aspect to all their production is their hideous use of digital effects, their horrible coloring and the gradients they use for colors look as bland and as shit as possible. Another common thing with them is their productions falling apart really badly, by the middle.

You mean Bellri's.

If they were supporting, the team wouldn't be unveiling them each week in exactly the same way they are the main cast. It diminishes the main cast that way.

You're retarded if you have that sort of faith in the marketing team. Remember when they unveiled the silhouettes of the characters in Eva Q and like half of them were the new and utterly unmemorable bridge crew of whatever Misato's ship was called?

They want things to show off. You can bet on the first characters they show being the most important, but as time goes on the value judgement you can make on the characters being unveiled becomes less and less certain

>Bellri "Break Taboo I'll Break You" Zenam
>Bellri "She might be my sister but I'm still gonna fist her" Zenam
>Bellri "don't get hit I'm shoot the cockpit" Zenam
>Bellri "all kuntala are gonna be dead mama" Zenam
>Bellri "Reflector your vector shooting everyone in this sector" Zenam
>Bellri "Nice boyfriend but he's met his end" Zenam

>The a1 face is very real, just compare some of their mc's from one series to another.
Alright, I'm doing that and well...

I didn't even cherry pick here, user, I didn't even need to try to do that. (outside of trying to pick recent shows)

There's absolutely no reason to be hyped for anyone other than the main pair when they still have yet to release any information about the setting itself. Who would give a shit about what are presently the equivalent of cardboard cutouts when we have no context for them other than they they somehow pilot mechs?