Unpopular Naruto opinions

Post opinions about Naruto that are really unpopular.

This is a really good shounen.

k y s spic

Shippuuden was good even when Nagato revived everyone, it became shitty, however, when old people started to resurrect (like Minato).

Don't think Sup Forums doesn't notice you spamming, Narutard

If you remove the fillers the anime is actually an okay timesink.

Every arc in the story is flawless.


Phoneposters should be permabanned on Sup Forums

Hinata is overrated waifubait

And Milf Hanabi is probably one of the greatest anime characters of all time

The adults didn't fail Naruto completely.

That Sage mode look is the best

I don't think the filler is that bad.

Wait, you serious about this? I haven't read the manga since the start of the ninja war. Does this actually happen?! What's the point of everyone dieing? Their deaths were supposed to be turning points for the development of many characters. Bringing them back to life is DBZ-tier retardation

naruto was never the next dragon ball

let's wait and see.

It's true that it got worse, but it was also never good to start with.

>wait and see

it's not about waiting, it's the actual truth

Boruto was a mistake

He tops

>Unpopular Naruto opinions

Nothing more cancerous than Narutard redditors spamming the same threads they made on reddit on Sup Forums as well.

I think that Kishimoto ending the main series earlier than OP actually makes it better in my eyes, unlike the latter which feels like it's been limping since the drop in quality post-timeskip. I say this as someone who was a huge OPfag

Sasuke is the real protagonist in Naruto

The ninja war has near everyone brought back via Kabuto's Edo Tensei to fight the Shinobi Alliance. The Hokage similarly get brought back by Orochimaru for the finale battle by using a special mask to release them from the Shinigami's stomach first.

So yeah it happened but not for good at least.

It's good

Fuck off Narutard

All bijuus are equally strong.

Should've ended after defeating Pain.

Obito unironically did nothing wrong

Okay: Naruto is a masterpiece.

You could see the cracks starting to show very early on, it was obvious it wouldn't be able to keep power levels in check long term

Sasuke is a better character than Kurapika

Naruto peaked in part 2.

Except Kyuubi who dominates even against multiple Bijuu at once.

Sasuke's character arc was the best thing about the series, and was really well done.

Sasuke (and akatsuki I guess) is the real main character that was creating the story. His choices had the most influence through the entire show

What a load of shit. Sasuke's flaws have been made superficial from Kishimoto deciding the Uchiha are mentally retarded.

Its crazy how Kishimoto invests 90% of Naruto's 700 chapters to develop Sasuke and Naruto, only to ruin whatever development they went through by the end.

This is fact

Kaguya and "alien gods did it" shenanigans were pretty reasonable at the point they appeared, as shit became too big to be just "it just a ninja-wizard powers dude".
The moment Susanoo was introduced there was no other way to explain shit that was happening. Also "Sage of Six Paths" was mentioned even in firs part of Naruto (even though only one time), so Kaguya is not that much of an asspull as she is a much foreshadowed ending even though it's a literal asspull as Kishimoto himself said that he just had no idea how to get Madara be BTFO'd as he became too strong.

Its audience is why proper anime fans like the majority of us have to conceal our hobbies from the general public. Its fanbase of obnoxious vocal bandana-wearing manchildren are the shame of every anime community on the Internet, and the reason why society at large thinks anime fans are either children or retards.

That's not an unpopular opinion.

Naruto has more character development than all 3 main characters in Evangelion combined. Hipsters BTFO

Kankuro is baller as fuck. Amazingly cool character

It is good.

He was better before he became batman in shippuden

Posting Naruto on Sup Forums is acceptable.

>This is a really good shounen.

In addition: It has the right amount of flashbacks.

The Uchiha were right

Satan agrees

Everyone should have stayed dead after Naruto vs Nagato/Pain.

Boruto is fucking trash, absolutely unoriginal cashgrab piece of shit that shouldn't exist.

The best arc is the one where the main cast isn't starring AND it is the best because the main cast isn't present there

Hidan arc is the only good part in the entire series

Hidan was the best character for real

They don't come back per se.. but are resurrected with a goal in mind.

I want them to ignore Boruto the movie, as anime and movie Boruto don't match.

Sasukes plot was never Kishimotos intention, he never wanted to extend into sasuke post itachi fight, he was made to by editors.

Oh i always felt he wanked naruto and itachi over sasuke.

Kid Boruto is better than kid Naruto


Naruto has great chracters, but Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke are so awful they drag everything down with them.

None of the Naruto girls are attractive. Girls like Ino and Tsunade are so bland it hurts.

The only Naruto girl I can fap to and Sakura, only because hate fap is best fap.

Boruto should have never been made.

The everyone lives in peace ending should not have happened, there should have devastating consequences lasting centuries after that climatic war, it feels like the war didnt even happen in Boruto;s time.

The technological upgrade in Boruto is just absurd for a NINJA setting maybe if this was a wizard setting yes but its fucking ninjas the tech is making them obsolete

Naruto is shit. Shikamaru is the only tolerable character.

Suigetsu had more depth as a character than Sasuke.
Karin should have won the Narutobowl cause red hair and Naruto's mommy issues.

I hated Shikamaru with passion. His idiotic hairstyle only exacerbated the feeling.

reddit spacing begone

Dem trips.

Naruto is a great MC and the best example of genuinely caring about your friends.

Naruto should have killed Sauske

But Shikamaru has the best fights
The creators literally dumped all the creative stuff they came up with in his fights
Shikamaru vs. Tayuya and Shikamaru vs. Temari are GOAT.

You mean Sakura.

Too much Senju Uchiha cocksucking desu.

That's subjective.

Temari was fucking around with him she could have spammed Wind Scythe anytime, and Tayuya was on plot induced stupidity and didnt just have her Doki demons smash every nearby tree branch to locate him.

Naruto ended for me when Shikamaru defeated Hidan. How the hell was he able to throw a kunai and than in a instant later he punched Hidan, while he was up on his scythe.
Also Sasuke got Itachis eyes transplanted to attain the mangekyo and after Itachi was resurected he fought Kabuto with his own goddam eyes after they been replaced.
Naruto ends after the Sasuke and Itachi fight everything else is fan fiction.

Both are still good fights, no?
>Tayuya was on plot induced stupidity and didnt just have her Doki demons smash every nearby tree branch
1) Would smashing the trees even help?
2) Why do you think Tayuya should've thought of that? Why is everyone expecting all shinobi to be geniuses? It's PIS only when a character doesn't do something obvious
3) Do the demons even have enough power to casually smash trees? They have no feats to support this

But she did spam it
It wasn't PIS from Temari, it was plot armor from Shikamaru (and the trees behind him) who didn't even get a scratch from that

I don't get the pic user.

Naruto is good and threads for it should be allowed on Sup Forums.
lol jk neck yourselves faggots

That's not unpopular, at least not unpopular on Sup Forums

An actual unpopular opinon is this:

Naruto and Sasuke are some of the best(if not the best) characters in the series, and the climax of their character arcs(Pain Arc for Naruto, Itachi pursuit for Sasuke) are the best arcs in the entire series.

Giantess fetish
But it is an unpopular opinion
Chuunin exams is universally considered the best arc, followed by Sasuke Retrieval, Pain and Land of Waves

thought most people consider pain arc to be the best

If at the end of the manga it would've been revealed that Naruto lost to Madara and everything up to that point was just Hinata's Eternal tsukuyomi dream, Naruto would be unironically one of the best shonens ever written.

Sup Forums only hates it because it's popular, but as is often the case with contrarianism will never admit it.

1st season Naruto is the best shonen character. He has the same characteristics of a typical shonen protagonist and actually has a background story that justify those traits. He is loud, lazy, superpowerful and obsessed with friendship because of his troubled childhood and not just becuase "he is just average main character".

Most people didn't even endure Naruto and have quit the series before it

obito isnt the coolest guy

He means the time when Nagato destroyed leaf

Naruto is a truly iconic shonen, but is also the case study of how the industry sucks the soul out of it's product.
Up until the Chunin arc it had a really nice feel to the series, then it dropped off to power levels

Bleach is similar except it being raped by the editors

Karin is the best girl. The sauce bowl was hers.

I still can't get over how easily she forgave Sasuke and her potential character development was thrown in the bin.
Also, Naruto should have married her desu.

The story was good at the start of shippuden.
everything before that was great.

Making Naruto ninja jesus was a mistake.

I don't get all the Sakura hate. She's the victim of shitty writing, not being a bad character.

Uh, I have nothing. Fillers were fun?

From all the female characters in Naruto, I like Karin the most. Every other girl/woman is either poorly developed, a background character with 5 minutes of appearance (Kushina) or frustrating to watch (Sakura).

I love Rock Lee. Dude gets me pumped.

>making Naruto ninja jesus was a mistake
>unpopular opinion

>She's the victim of shitty writing, not being a bad character.
We all know that, but its the people who unironically love Sakura (most Sasusaku shippers) that make us hate her more than the character herself.

I can understand fanboys of Itachi - he's cool, strong, edgy, etc. That shit I can imagine appealing to 14 year olds. What I can't understand is liking a character who is borderline useless every time she has a major role to play - she has far redeeming qualities yet because she's a girl she gets sucked off by some people.

If Sakura were a guy, everyone would despise her.

Hinata is just as shitty as Sakura. Sakura being shitty does not make Hinata not shit.

Less of a 'unpopular opinion' and more of a missed chance by Kishimoto - Naruto should've given up on his dream for becoming Hokage after the Pain arc. At the start of the series, Naruto was an attention-seeking brat because he felt lonely, and stated that if he became Hokage then he would get respect.

Well, by the end of the Pain arc he is lifted into the sky by a large crowd of citizens of Konoha and has pretty much gotten the respect he's needed. He should've given up on his immature dream and just changed his goal to 'I want to be the protector of this village'.
Says more about the genre as a whole than Naruto itself.
Hinata is shitty but she isn't a 'get in your face' type of shitty. She barely has any screentime to piss us off, the same cannot be said for Sakura.

Show should have followed Rock Lee

That's why I mentioned shitty writing; Kishi just can't write females, period. He can't seem to find any way to make them useful. Sakura just seems to be a hatesink for it. All the girls in Naruto are useless as fuck. Hinata gets her ass kicked by Pein so Naruto can get a powerup. Tenten does even less than Sakura.