You're in charge of taking bun out for a day, what do you do?
Made In Abyss
take a bath together
Start the day by going to MD for breakfast ordering extra large x2 of everything and a 3 mcflurries each of one flavor.
Roll over through Papa Jones, Sbarro and Taco Bell through the day time gorging on triple portions of everything.
Finish in the evening drinking some green tea and light salad because i wouldnt want to get fat by eating before going to sleep.
Whore the Bun for value!
First have a nice conversation over dinner. Then go see a movie (she gets to decide which). Hit the game center afterwards. Take an Uber to her place and hang out there for a while (alternatively stay at a love hotel if she's up for it).
Why is she so perfect? Her design is too appealing. It's going to hurt so much when she gets killed.
Sincerely I would give her as many good food as she wants. I would rather cook them myself but I'm not sure if that counts as "taking the bun out"
you guys just want to fatten her up
Tsukushi wont kill her, she makes too much emone
Yeah, let's just extend her suffering
She is fucking cute as fuck.
I might die of diabetes if she doesn't die.
Take her to Chick-fil-A and then give her the dick
That's right, i am Fluffzen. Mark is on vacation, dont mind his absence.
Show her a good time
>Mark is on vacation, dont mind his absence.
When does he come back?
Take an elevator
She only ate garbage her whole life until she met Riko.
Its hard to say.
I would do unspeakable things.
Morning Sex education
Afternoon Sex Education
Early Evening Sex Education
Late Night Sex Education
It's official art.
Promotional art from Tsukushi himself, is official Nanachi lewd art
Thread theme
Is that what heaven looks like
>You will never fall gently to sleep in a pile of Nanchis and Mittys
>naa naa naa
>na na nananaan
>Delicately walking feet: Getting stepped on by them feels good. Smell good.
Is he /our/ shota?
what do you think does she taste like?
you know exactly what I mean with that
Isn't rabbit stringy?
3 threads on the front fucking page.
Not my fault if retarded OPs cant figure out how to add 'Abyss' to the subject
This is a shitposting thread, in case it wasn't clear.
Only three? Not enough imo. It beats having 10 Dragon Ball Spics threads.
I am seeing only 2, where is the third one?
>3 threads
Where's the third one?
I was promised a chapter for october.
Where is it?
Indeed there is no better shota than Reg
Tsukuchi apologized.
Reg is and has always been top shota.
give her good food
I would take her out to STROKE Bondrewd's TAIL together.
Like a wall
Bring her by the lake.
Though there is the problem of a grown up guy with a little girl drawing unwanted attention... And the fact the little girl is a human-sized rabbit thing drawing EVEN more attention.
In the end, i dunno, a hug. That would be enough for me.
I want her to step on me. Ever seen a rabbit thumping its back legs? That would be an even more exquisite fuwafuwa than the slaps she gives with her hands.
This makes me wonder. Has Bondrewd passed over his consciousness unto a female praying hand? If so, he could potentially impregnate himself. Truly wonderful.
>Sold out
>implying Prushka didn't crawl out of Bondrewd's womb and drink milk from Bondrewd's breasts
What legal issues?
hes used goods and was BLACKED.
What do you think that NEET is doing inside Idofront all the time? Gangbanging himself and hiding neckbeard with the helmet.
Nah, if anything is Faputa that got WHITED
child abuse
So if Wakuna can invade the 6th layer with his relic, does that mean he is the one who left the note behind and cut their hairs when the trio were sleeping by sneaking in with his relic?
Why doesn't he just produce his own children for experimentation? He could set up an entire production line. He could even experiment with getting cummed inside on the border between the 5th and the 6th layer to see if he gives birth to a rug baby.
He's not the Toriko author.
faputa is stronger than reg and treats him like her property, he was blacked.
Wakuna must be a sicker fuck than Bondrewd if he stuffed hair up animals' assholes and then stitched their anuses closed.
Exporting children is faster than making them.
>Toriko author
>child abuse
Considering how shitty the bun's life was so far, you could go to any random place to do any random thing and it would still be the best day of her life.
>Imagining a stacked wide hip Bondrewd voiced by Shizuka Itou saying Ara Ara (instead of Oya Oya) as a baby Prushka suckles on her breasts.
He raped a 13 year old girl apparently. It's why his previous manga was cancelled.
What the fuck, no. He paid to have sex with a 16 years old prostitute.
I want to draw a pregnant and lactating cakedrewd but I'm scared people will mistake it for mpreg and put it on gay-ass cringe sites.
It's a fake tweet that is old.
I have a feeling that the whole narehate village is their imagination/hallucination caused by the relic and Faputa is the companion of Wakuna (like Mark, pruska).
Really? My fucking sides. Is that why Toriko was abruptly rushed to an ending despite it trying to be made the next flagship series for JUMP?
kek, based.
Do it user, if you don't someone else will and probably worst.
No, his older series, Seikimatsu Leader Den Takeshi, was axed (it happened in 2002). Toriko could've been cancelled for different reasons.
No, the prostitute thing happened way before Toriko.
>was abruptly rushed to an ending
Are you talking about the anime? Cause that shit deserves to be buried and isn't representative of the manga in the slightest. It was a good day when that ended.
>80.000 yen
no, he fiddled the child before the new series. Toriko was his redemption
Is nobody mad that they reused the "do boys run like this?".gif, "or like this".gif for the finale scene? Maybe I'm just autistic.
I love watching Mark run in such a cute way, so not really, I loved it.
>I eat, Nanachi. It's what I do.
what the fuck is that
Everytime I see Nanichi I just want to pat her head and pinch her cheeks and have her step all over me.
nanachi would never step all over you.
Would Bondrewd ever step all over me?
not if I cleverly disguise myself as a rug
literally 0 chance. You won't even get to see his tail, much less stroke it. Die in agony, user. As you were meant to.
There is a serious lack of Moth in this thread
But I thought we were friends? Why are you saying these cruel things all of a sudden, user?
You are nothing but a bowl of soup to me.
Make her a nice meal, cuddle up and sleep.
>Die in agony, user. As you were meant to.
Impostor. He would never speak this way.
moth is pretty
I like her