Why do people love Cell? He's a mediocre villain. Even Buu is better

Why do people love Cell? He's a mediocre villain. Even Buu is better.

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wakamoto tho

Because he was the only villain who wasn't just evil for evil's sake

Fact! Majin Buu was a better villain that got shit done and lived up to his hype of being a threat to the entire universe. Best Z arc after Freeza.

Imperfect Cell was more intriguing and interesting before absorbing 17 & 18. If anything he should've been a villain created on another planet. With similar origin. Except Gero went to space instead of staying on earth. And later retarded with better tech for 17 & 18. Which would be far more believable.

I meant "Returned to earth". Fucked up.

>He's a mediocre villain
Relative to what? Within the context of Z he's easily top 3. He got top tier designs and VA in his first and final forms as has character traits and flaws in-line with his concept. That said he lacks a really strong identity since he's a frankenbaddie, his arc drags toward the end as his personality devolves, and his second form is just garbage.

He's just ridiculous even for DB standards. "Haha I've been watching you and your friends this entire time and I created a villain out of all of you so he's the strongest ever". Yeah ok.

Oh yeah basically everything Gero does beyond his initial appearance is bullshit and really shows editor-san's heavy hand. I can't really blame the character for the circumstances of his set up though.

First form is a badass, menacing, calculating horror creature, third is chill and smug as fuck and actually feels invincible. What's not to like?


Does anybody else think Imperfect Cell kinda looks like a cat?

looks like a fucking megaman boss

Because he just wanted to fight. He's, like what ghetto people would say about him "The guy who stood there and told every nigga to run his fade." Frieza was just a salty faggot who later became tolerable, Buu was just Buu. But Cell was pretty unique.

A better question is why anyone liked anything Dragon Ball after Frieza. The series just went downhill from there.

Super didn't revive the series, it's dragging it down into a hole so deep that even Hell is good climb above them

>implying it didn't go downhill at the very beginning
>implying it shouldn't have ended at Pilaf like Toriyama intended
Spotted the Alejandro.

I'll dump some fanart if you don't mind.



Playstation 3


His design is perfect




because he's literally perfect


Not fanart, but still funny.

Freeza had a business and Buu was a 'man made' monster.
Even Piccolo at least had some sort of reason to be bad.
What does Cell have? some shitty asumption that he needs to destroy all the universe for literally no reason.

t. dubfig
BTW, Buu wasn't made by Bibidi. He's like some ancient force of nature personified that existed since time immemorial or something.

This so very much.

>Buu wasn't made by Bibidi. He's like some ancient force of nature personified that existed since time immemorial or something.
I already know that.
What I meant was that Buu most likely did not destroy for no reason and could have been taught that somewhere along the way.
Look at fat Buu, all Bibidi needed was some cake to coax him.

That's true only for Fat Buu, which is a result of absorbing Grand Supreme Kai.

>force of nature personified that existed since time immemorial
I fail to see how that automatically means evil.
Nature has both positive and negative aspects.

>He's a mediocre villain

>Even Buu is better
Come on, now.

Because he has a sexy voice

>He's like some ancient force of nature personified that existed since time immemorial or something

This is non-canon anime spicfiller shit

Because he just wanted to fight people like the other saiyajins (their DNA), and that alone makes it and empty objective

>non-canon anime spicfiller shit
>anime literally does all it can to make you think Bibidi created him
Actually take some time to research idiot.

>Buu is better

Just please... Cell is mix of every best fighter from DBZ World, so you have Krillin, Goku, Piccolo, Trunks, Vegeta, Nappa, etc. Cell has every characteristics of those people which makes him really dumb and cool at the same time.

What's so bad about antagonists not being cliche ebil overlerds or 2deep4you angsty faggots? Cell's motivation is fine by me.

I’m gonna say it again.
>childhood is liking Buu
>adolescence is idolizing Frieza
>adulthood is realizing Cell made the most sense

Don't know, i like the arabic genie/jinn reference, it makes it look like its a spirit/demon causing mischief.

Cell, im ultra powerful made by everyone's dna, it's cooler, dont have any reason just to be villain, the androids/cell saga just with the future plot was a mess, not to mention how it was more messed up in DBS.

Who said it needs to be deeper? It needs to be
You can do something like "having an intergalactic empire business not ruined" like Freeza.
But i guess you are fine with Broly's motivation to hate on goku in the first place too?

>not knowing your descartes
perfection categorically rules out imperfection, clearly. So what you have is something like this simple deductive argument:
1) If a being were perfect, one could not bear any ill will towards it.
2) Perfect Cell is perfect.
So people love cell.

the contraposition of the conditional is "if one can bear ill will towards something, than it is not perfect." I treat loving something as the negation of bearing ill will towards it. A charitable reading grants me this.

>Best Z arc after Freeza.
That's not Saiyan arc

You can tell Toriyama just didn't give a shit with Cell.
No motivation whatsoever.

And what exactly is so unbelievable about a sentient biological superweapon crafted to be the strongest around wanting to test it's power?
Step up your bait game.

>The person who killed you ends up being a jobber
>Android 17 overpowers you now
>Can't be brought back in Super because too many spots
Being Cell is suffering.

Nothing can beat perfection.

>not brought back to job
>can easily pull a power-up out of his ass because O MY RUBBER FRIDGE POTENTIAL in case he is brought back
>not soiled by Super's subpar writing
>killed by cutest saiyan
It's not that bad.

>Cell has motivation, user, look!
>All I want to do is evil because it's fun
Yeah sure, nice """motivation""" here.
Cell is literally the worst db villain, you can't argue with that.

Ah, right, Sup Forums doesn't know what fun is. No wonder you guys think Cell has no motivation.

They're truly the best part of this shitty arc

look at this perfection

Saiyan was mediocre. Piccolo arc outclasses it.


first cell form is the best

Caulifla is a lesbian so for once it's okay for a tumblr character to be white, though it seems being white had just once consequence of a equality tumblr needed to sort out, therefor we see the yellowing of the eyes, Caulifla has jaundice and is dying of liver failure either from drug overdose or alcohol. She's also very tall and may have a tumor in her brain that is secreting extra growth hormone.


Liking the Cell arc is an American thing because our pea brains are easily impressed by characters GETTING MOAR STTRONGERER in lieu of actual plot, character development, etc.

DBZ was meant to end after Vegeta, and it's obvious (he's a 'dark' reflection of Goku). It was supposed to end again after Freeza, and that's where it should have ended. Getting any more OTT than that is just "well I have invincibility armor +2!" kid logic.


He never wanted to end it on Pilaf.

Yes, he did, you literal phoneposting underage Paco from Reddit. Everything after that is utter shit which only plebeians can appreciate. Get a good taste, for fuck's sake.

I used to hate the Cell and Buu arcs, but now they almost feel classic compared to Super.


The Cell arc was necesarry to make parody aspect of the Buu arc work.

See kanzenshuu.com/intended-end/

He's fun, plus Imperfect Cell and Perfect Cell are fantastic designs.

All half blooded Saiyans end up being shit , Goku needs a real son, Caulifla can give him a true Saiyan offspring

>He's fun,
He's just a typical bad guy who likes to play around

Buu and Beerus are "fun" villians.

>previous android only about as strong as Goku pre-korin and a complete pacifist
>not even mentioned again until over a decade later, being retconned back into relevance
>asspulled androids stronger than fabled beings
>when Earth doesn't even have the tech to explore the galaxy
>asspulls an even stronger dude with both time travel bs and mad scientist bs
>completely believable

He's a mentally retarded manchild. He's fun if you're 10.
Fun villains are smug and confident. So, that leaves
>22nd Tenkaichi Budokai Tenshinhan
>Piccolo Daimao
>Ma Junior
>Saiya-jin Arc Vegeta
>Freeza (until his third form)

Cell was created to destroy Goku at all costs and his destructive instincts went out of control in the process. Pretty fucking simple to understand.

>>He's a mentally retarded manchild. He's fun if you're 10.

SUCCed hard to become perfect.

Decides to hold a tournament because... he's bored now.

Loses, gets mad. Dies.

I like how smug he is, and how he cares more about having fun and being the best than conquering the universe or killing people.

DB Goku is cute and learns. He's not Buu
Post-Saiya-jin Arrival Goku is naive but not retarded. He's smart in what he does.
Super Goku is retarded

Buu is fun because he subverts the expectations of what you expect from a universe-shattering antagonist.

Smug and confident villains are cool, not fun. They can be fun at the same time, like Beerus, but that's kinda rare.

So, Eighter was weak and a pacifist, your point? Don't see how that means superior models shouldn't be stronger than Freeza.
Not being a space-faring race doesn't obligate humanity to suck at other aspects of technology.
Yes, in a context of a series in which folks can blow up planets like it's nothing, it is believable enough.

>Buu is fun because he subverts the expectations of what you expect from a universe-shattering antagonist.
For about 2 panels and then you realize you're stuck with him for about 100 more chapters.
>Smug and confident villains are cool, not fun.
It's fun to watch them interact with the world and watch what they do. Tenshinhan breaking Yamcha's leg just because he felt like it, Piccolo Daimao killing Shenlong, the entire Ma Junior vs Goku fight, it's all fun to read. Buu isn't fun to read.
Fuck off MasakoX

That's what makes him more believable than the rest of the bad guys.

Super Goku is still naive because he's a pure-hearted person who's accumulated a lot of brain damage over the years. I think he's still got a good amount of the smarts he had in the DBZ arcs, but he's gotten kinda bored with being the strongest person in U7 and that's what leads him to act so recklessly. In ToP he does actually get serious and use strategy instead of just testing opponents and getting rekt in the process like he did in the first two arcs of Super.

I mean, Buu changes and becomes a more menacing villain as the arc goes on. Changing personalities as he changes forms contributes to his subversiveness. Evil Buu and Kid Buu are both smug, confident, and complete sociopaths to the point where you can't even predict what they're going to do. It's not like the entire Buu Saga is about original Buu acting like a manchild retard, he's only relevant for certain parts.

>Super Goku is still naive because he's a pure-hearted person who's accumulated a lot of brain damage over the years. I think he's still got a good amount of the smarts he had in the DBZ arcs, but he's gotten kinda bored with being the strongest person in U7 and that's what leads him to act so recklessly. In ToP he does actually get serious and use strategy instead of just testing opponents and getting rekt in the process like he did in the first two arcs of Super.
That's not an excuse for him literally being dumber than DB Goku. When someone started killing or threatening to kill his friends and family, he got serious. That happened once in Super, when Black started talking about how he killed Goku's family

>I mean, Buu changes and becomes a more menacing villain as the arc goes on.
But he never becomes fun. Even when he steals Piccolo's intelligence, there's not many characters left for him to interact with and Vegetto steals the show not long after, and right after that, he becomes even dumber.
>Evil Buu and Kid Buu are both smug, confident, and complete sociopaths to the point where you can't even predict what they're going to do
But they're not fun. They're plot devices. They exist only so there is a threat and do little else. Kid Buu doesn't even say anything and Evil Buu is only around for about 2 chapters if I remember correctly

It's only happened once in Super because that was the only time so far that Goku was up against an enemy he wasn't sure if he could beat so he was legitimately scared. Now he's acting like that again with Jiren because him and Zamasu are the only enemies in Super that Goku actually recognizes as serious threats to his friends and family.

He gets a little serious against Beerus but that's quickly dismissed as a threat. He knows Golden Frieza is easily beatable if he tries hard enough. U6 arc is a friendly tournament so there isn't much at stake.

I'm not saying his character is perfect, but it's not like they've completely rewritten him to be a retard. Goku just hasn't been put in as many serious situations in Super to cause him to act serious as a result.

>unbelievable feats mean it's okay for characters to be unbelievable too
>gero is completely capable of creating beings billions of times stronger in the span of 10-15 years
The most advanced things to come from the human race in db is flying cars.
The Briefs can make farfetched things, but they're always practical and maintain a level of consistency.

Dr. Brief and Dr. Gero background backstory when?

i'd say the most advanced thing to come from humans are improbable hammerspace capsules

>Toriyama doesn't share my view on what should be possible in his fictional universe and what shouldn't be, WAAAAHHHHH BAD WRITING
The absolute state of this fanbase.

Well before Super, there was some discussion on how the premise of the Cell saga was the weakest.

>the androids and Cell were Toriyama's vision
Stay mad, you retard.

What I found interesting about Cell is that Toriyama unwittingly made him one of the most broken characters in DB. Even moreso with the things he added/retconned with Super.

I don't get it either, OP. In terms of personality, he was just a knock-off Freeza without any of the charisma or sadism that made Freeza entertaining. He already achieved his goal after absorbing 18, so he literally had no motivation for anything he did. I guess you can chalk it up to boredom, but that in itself is a lame reason for a villain. He was just smug for the sake of being smug and not much more. Hell, the entire tournament he hosted was nothing more than a vanity project.

He was kind of like Jiren in that he had absolutely nothing going for him as an antagonist aside from being really strong. Keep in mind, this all only applies to Perfect Cell. Imperfect Cell was great while he was around.

>imperfect Cell is cool and creepy, perfect cell is boring
really makes u think

literally perfection

I'm enjoying reading this, thank you for sharing

If only he had been in English voice too.

reminder that toei are cellfags

My favorite part this arc has been Roshi