I have came to DECLARE THAT My weekly SZS threads are over. I took a 2 month break and decided that they die off to quickly. SO
Welcome to the FIRST Sayonara zetsubou, sensei daily thread
Let us respect the best show do bless this world and lewd chiri
Another SZS Thread
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>10 threads 0 replies
Thank you sir.
Thank you also :D
I want Shaft to adopt the remaining chapters, who do I have to pay to get this?
Read the manga. Be satisfied. Abolish fruitless thoughts and hopes.
I want Shaft to adopt me
did they ever finish translating it?
Yes they did. Now finish it.
thanks user now I'm getting sued
How many days has it been?
480 days since the countdown ended.
Weird to think that the countdown got an 8000 post sticky with music last year, but if it was still around today it would have been banned.
Holy fuck its been that long? I'm in despair.
I want to properly tie up Chiri, and do lewd things to her.
It can't be that long
Don't make me feel this despair
You clearly missed our daily translation threads that happened for nearly 2 years
No generals on Sup Forums.
The catalog is 80% thinly veiled generals.
Thanks to Kudo's blood transfusion, he was one of sensei's wives (male).
Where is this from?
one of the best double acts in all of manga there
the all to rare sister act
shouldn't this girl be the one wearing the 'hello kitties'?
given what she also voices by SHAFT?
>every infrastructure project in the western world
Chapter 164
Oops, wrong chapter
No, I mean it's a reference right?
Meru is the best SZS girl!
I don't know if it is a reference to something except the chapter's theme, which is 216 (the real).
Normal represent!
Isnt Maria a boy?
Chiri isn't attractive.