Girls Work finally please
Suhara debut please
Girls Work finally please
Suhara debut please
It's time
I'd be happy with Girl's Work, Mahoyo, Tsukihime or DDD. Just please let go of Fate, just for a little while. You don't need tons of money all the time, TM, spare your fans' wallets for a bit.
Or Tsuki no Sango, Notes, whatever Ice Flowers was supposed to be or even an entirely new IP.
Please no. Give it a rest for a bit.
Wasn't Girls Work announced to get an anime in 2010?
Who cares about Ufotable? They didnt make a single good show.
And the Tsukihime remake was announced almost ten years ago now.
KnK was good, fuck you.
It's this.
No one cares about you either.
>KnK, Yoyo to Nene, Manabi, Minori, Futakoi Alt
Also you Type Moon sods have had your fill (especially the biggest TM fan Sudou doing HF). The only acceptable TM for this is Girls Work. None of your Fate or other source material to adapt.
Make originals, adapt Instant Magi (illustrations by Obunai) or the beach volleyball manga, go back to fun goofy ufotable damnit
Not Sakurai trash please
in fact, I'm sorry for being rude, I like ufotable, even if their anime is not so good, because I like the atmosphere of their anime. This is the way, even if the zasteria was boring, it is still beautiful and comfy.
I think ufotable anime is very good. Your taste is just trash
Futakoi Alternative 2
i didn't mean it was bad, (i like them a lot) i just said popular opinion,Or maybe i'm wrong and it's just shitposters and not popular opinion.
Fuck off Nasudrone
>wanting otome shit
>beach volleyball manga
God I hope Harukana Receive gets a good staff working on it. This industry needs a hit girls sports show
Also add yuri-seijin
>Oh my god no more Fate
>But please give me more Type Moon
Basically what you are saying, that's retarded
Girl's Work is original so it would be okay but fuck any TM adaptation whatsoever
Would a Berseria anime work?
eh Yuri Seijin is solo Tetsuya Takeuchi work and he's of studio feel
Project pretty much happened because of feel and ufotable being in good relation
But I guess one could count it as ufotable work and it is very good yeah
No. Leave Berseria alone.
>All TM is Fate now
How about you fuck right off?
Everything Type-Moon is FGO now retard.
The tsukihime release whenever it happens will only be an excuse to give infinite money to TM thank to various events in FGO
Fuck Type-Moon, they are pure cancer
gotta be one of these
>hollow ataraxia (as OVAs)
>prototype fragments
>last KnK chapter
tsukihime please
Are you retarded?
I am a realist
I really don't give a fuck how cynical you are about TM, most people are too, but that doesn't mean that asking for non-Fate shit is the same as asking for Fate shit.
So yeah, fuck off.
You are asking for the adaptation of an unfinished LN series, a game that is boring 80% of the time and a 17 years old eroge.
Stop sucking Type-Moon cock so hard
You can't read DDD, Mahoyo, CCC and will never able to read Tsukihime Remake. It's your fault.
>a game that is boring 80% of the time
What are you talking about?
>will never able to read Tsukihime Remake
That's true for everyone in this world
But joke on you I did read Mahoyo and CCC, no interest in DDD it's unfinished and based on some pages I saw Nasu half-assed the writing a lot
>You are asking for the adaptation of an unfinished LN series
Because unfinished/ongoing LNs never get anime adaptations, right?
>game that is boring 80% of the time
You arguably could say the same about KnK and it's still the best TM anime thus far.
>a 17 years old eroge
The age and the fact that it's an eroge matters why exactly?
>Stop sucking Type-Moon cock so hard
Why do you even care so much?
>But joke on you I did read Mahoyo and CCC
What if I just ask you to translate japanese text from screencap?
well do it
When will Tsukihime be integrated into FGO?
hopefully never
melty blood HD when?
Honestly, the fact that DDD isn't finished hardly matters, you could very easily adapt Sora no Soto as a stand-alone movie/OVA and it'd work just fine.
Whenever they decide to do something else with that franchise. Sometime in the next few years. Alternatively, whenever FGO ups the antagonist power levels even more. We'll get to summon Saberface Arc and TM hyper autists will eternally be anally devastated. It'll be fantastic, can't wait.
Used to love Type Moon. Checked out after Fate Extra CCC. They haven't made anything good since then.
Not more Fate bullshit please.
Baseball shit mostly about the value of training
English please
>my OCR can't recognize half of text
>Hyping for Ufotable projects
Or this.
You really think I'll translate a full page?
Are you an idiot? Get over yourself
It's just the usual shit スポ根 anyways
Try better OCR next time
is this the level of the current EOP TM faggots?
Yes, online OCR are not very good for blurry text. It's not your fault
It's already here
FGO was a mistake
A miracle actually
user, its shit. It'll be Apocrypha all over again you can't make gold from shit source material.
>Pulled Sony out of the red
>Catapulted Fate to the forefront, ensuring the entire franchise will eventually be adapted
No user, you were a mistake.
I bet your Yuzu play is shit.
It is
What, male Arthur is also a manlet? I thought they would at least give him the 1.60 m (which is still prime manlet).
This shitty gambling game will only ensure than more gambling games will be made retard
Why make something that bring less money?
Sony's President literally said that the company owes its survival to FGO and that Sony will be pouring money into the Fate franchise as a whole for the foreseeable future.
Don't type like a retard.
UNI[st] is better than Melty
Saber route please.
Who gives a shit
Inb4 one of the project is just the opening for God Eater 3.
29 people here right now, and clearly you since you went to the trouble of opening a thread just to tell people you supposedly don't care.