This is Summer Kamen, every year when Summer rolls around, he walks around town looking for Summer. He injects even more Summer and watches everyone enjoy Summer even more while he enjoys the rest of Summer. Say something nice about him.
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He had the best skit. This was probably the best episode of the season so far.
a cute
He is 20,000 summah
summer fucking sucks, it's the worst season, I don't know how anybody enjoys it
Fall > Winter > Spring > Summer
Spring > Summer > Fall > Winter
Kara has okay taste.
What a bulge! What a tan! That physique!
I've never felt such a strong desire to simultaneously adopt a character and also to make passionate love with him. I'm not sure how to resolve these emotions.
I'm a little disappointed that we didn't see the boys suffering more from summer heat. I'd been dying for that for ages. Jyushi with the fan and Choro with the AC unit was good, though.
Important tanline art incoming when?
he's so cute
Why did this show lose its spark?
If Kara stayed in Summer Kamen form could he get a girlfriend
This is the good stuff.
I'm hopelessly in love with him, does that count?
The skits were always hit or miss. This season I think has less misses overall so far, but we still haven’t gotten anything truly hilarious yet, like 5 demons. Give it time.
You have to be more specific. What things do you love about him?
I want Summer Kamen to inject more summer into my life
Why do people find Karamatsu sexy/cute? His thick eyebrows are ugly.
I can't tell any of these things apart tbqhfamilia
then again I lurk these threads only having seen episode 1
ep1 of S1 or S2?
honestly, lurking these threads should only make it easier
They give him a dominant look which is humorously undercut by his pathetic personality.
s1. I hear S2 is mostly a disappointment so far
it's definitely better than the first episode of S1, that much I guarantee
Why is Jyuushi so strong
see that's what I'm confused about. so far the show has been exactly the same level of good the last season was. I don't notice a difference in humor at all.
The beach episode was great this time of year. Nothing better to get your mind off the snow outside then Good Summer
His eyebrows are cute you mong
I can't stand summer but I live in Arizona so that might be why.
I havent watch S1 since it came out, but S2 has as many good zings as the first. I think it just lost the novelty a LITTLE bit but that happens to anything the older it gets
Shittiest taste detected. Strong eyebrows make everyone more attractive. That’s why girls will pencil them in. So long as they aren’t univrow or caterpillar tier thicker is better.
People being contrarian. People being hipster for liking it before “when it was good”. It’s nothing new.
I think he’s actually some eldrich horror that possessed juicy as a baby.
>Strong eyebrows make everyone more attractive. That’s why girls will pencil them in
desu while there is nothing wrong with naturally thick eyebrows, that trend is goddamn disgusting and I can't wait until it dies.
Where do you live that it’s snowing already? I think I would would have actually enjoyed this epsiode more in January. Memories of the summer are still to fresh, I’m just released it’s finally cooling down some.
Redrawing eyebrows is gross, but most girls who do it just go over their already existing eyebrows with a pencil to make them darker, and you can’t even tell.
Karla probably does too desu.
What Hesokuri Wars/Tabimatsu/etc designs do you guys like?
This particular set of yokai, with Ao Andon Karamatsu.
yokaimatsu. the vampires were pretty cool too.
Which set is long wavy hair Kara from?
I don't know which one this came from but ladybug oso is so precious
What's the appeal of those ugly faces? Are osomatsufags just lewd for ugly men?
for plushie men
>that cute bean
Literally kill yourself.
That looks like new Pazzmatsu to me.
His positivity. His style. His determination to keep being himself no matter what is thrown his way is inspiring and heartwarming. His accent when he speaks in English is adorable. His eyebrows are fantastic and combined with that puppy-like smile it gives him this really cute boyish look. The guy's happiness is infectious. And he's so talented, too - he sings, he plays guitar, and he even designs and makes his own fashions. I really could go on forever. He's a total catch in my opinion and god I wish he could hug me.
That's Urashima Taro Karamatsu with his hair down.
Is there any good iyamioso art/fics out there?
There's really nothing to talk about here, is there? It's no wonder these threads die fast
which Matsu is the most handsome boy? Don't say Karamatsu, he doesn't count.
Jyushi as always
Osomatsu threads only have two possible discussions: complaining and muppetfucking.
I miss talking about muppetfucking
Ichimatsu because of his style
>Don't say Karamatsu, he doesn't count.
Trying to make it a fair fight? I’ll say niisan then, because of his smile and laid-back attitude.
Objective muppetfucking ship rankings:
Karaichi > Osokara > Ichikara > Jyushi rutting against any of them like a mindless horny animal > osochoro > *
Where's poor Totty in this? Is he just unfuckable?
>Karaichi > Osokara > Ichikara
I agree.
Too faggy to fuck. He doesn’t match well with any of the characters. Karamatsu is probably the best, but that’s just reliance on their -kun relationship and some boke/tsukkomi interactions last season. His relationship with juice it too pure.
Juice is always pure, he's a very good boy
jyushimatsu is the most degenerate one next to Ichimatsu
I appreciated getting a few more shots of Kara's thighs this episode.
Yeah, sure.
That is the face of a man who's done no wrong
You take that back mister
This is not a pure boy. He's dirty.
If he was real I would cuddle him and shower him with kisses everyday, and please him by playing baseball together
I would gladly help it come down
I think when people say Juice is pure they don't mean it in the sense of goodness or sexually, rather how childlike and simpleminded he is.
This is exactly what I mean. Also who's getting kicked in the face in that picture?
>Karamatsu will never sing to you
>That's Urashima Taro Karamatsu with his hair down.
Thank you! Now I think I know the source of all of them.
Looks like left to right is Oso, Kara, Choro, Jyushi, Ichi and Totty.
how do we fix pinkmatsu?
Every time I see these outfits I die.
Sure, sure. But you must also accept that he's a filthy, disgusting degenerate.
More bullying is required.
Smoking matsus: hot or not?
I don't like smoking, but they look very good in fanarts.
I wonder how people would feel if they took away his unique eyebrows?
Its fine in fanart but they already have bad habits with drinking. I mean we saw how fucked Oso's insides were because how shit he treats his body.
I actually sleep exactly like this and I get made fun of for it a lot. apparently I've done it since I was a baby.
Shy did Totoko spend all of summer murdering people and why was I so aroused?
Cigarettes and guns are sexy, but only in fiction.
All the more reason he probably smokes. Smoking is extremely common in Japan. If he don’t its probably just because he can’t afford it.
Weren’t Oso, Kara and Choro shown smoking in the 5 demons episode? Could have been a one time thing for a gag.
So far every smoking bit has been a gag. Kara pretends to smoke with a picky stick. I wouldn't take any gag seriously unless it's slice of life.
Fuck phone posting.
Totty works best with his hands over his ears trying to pretend his brothers aren't fucking on all sides of him.
Why is Totty with facial hair so horrifying
Like this?
So which one did you get?
Karamatsu. I wanted Osomatsu but I'm not willing to put up with an adult baby kink, or share him with a 54 y.o. sugar daddy for that matter.
>sharing him with a 54 y.o. sugar daddy
excuse me?
Man, i love this show but really can't partake in any of these threads, you guys are just way to gay for the matsus
My husband.
They're usually a bit better on the day the episodes actually come out, but I can see why they'd make you uncomfortable I guess. Pretty much any show on Sup Forums will have people fawning over their waifus/husbandos, you just happened to pick a show with a mostly male cast.
I've never understood Ichimatsu and Karamatsu's reaction in that comic. Were they trying to make up for looking couple-less? Or were they just trying to embarrass Totty? I don't get it.