Left or right, Sup Forums? Which one has the better personality [spoiler]?

Left or right, Sup Forums? Which one has the better personality [\spoiler]?

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Tatsumaki easily.

it's shit

Fubuki is besto girl.

they're both tsundere


they both have the practically same personality , the only difference is fubooki has self-esteem issues while tatsumaki is cocky and overconfident


the virgin hurricane

>B-class (LMAO)
>weak as fuck, has to let her sister do everything
>leader of non powered people so she can feel superior for once
>beats up heroes whenever they start succeeding
>has hot ass body but still unable to get a boyfriend
>lame black hair
>acquantaince zoned

the stacy tornado

>2nd ranked S-class
>possibly the most powerful hero other than saitama
>does everything solo and gets shit done
>doesnt give a fuck about inferior heroes
>nice petite body with godly legs and aas
>cool green curly hair
>was hugged by saitama

Not well memed, friend.

it's a shame ONE hasn't continue with the webcomic since we had fubuki finishing her character arc , it felt like we were going to get tatsumaki character arc next

Fubuki has already had enough taken from her by Tatsumaki. She does not need Saitama stolen from her too.


ONE is kill?

>possibly the most powerful hero other than saitama

she's he's acquaintance

delete this

Right of course

Genos is best girl

As a leg man this is an obvious one


Fubuki is bland

no, just put opm webcomic on hiatus to finish mob psycho, which is in its last arc

> this fucking meme again

>practically same personality


Why is the girl to Fubuki's right blushing?

she's a dyke

She's Fubukisexual.


>implying that the two sisters would agree to share

Why are you even asking this? Ofc right, it's not like there's any contest when this qt goddess exists.

they both have shitty personalities, but Tatsu's fits well with Saitama's


telepathically linked threeway orgasm?

>implying that Fubuki's legs aren't eldrich god tier


Fubuki in every way but power level.

Is there even a choice?


Good choice

Which sister would be the dominant one?

A neverending fluffiness.


Aoi Yuki with nopan.

Flat chest with nice legs and hips/ass is the best kind of body type, this is not up for debate

>He thinks that Tatsumaki is capable of being affectionate

where's his right hand?

this artist is god tier


Is your name Fubuki?

She never got laid so shes stuck up. She only needs a good dicking from Saitama. There is nothing a good dicking doesn't solve.

Also feeling the neverending fluffiness.


Fuck your shit filthy mouth.


fubuki on suicide watch


But Fubuki's are great too. They're just not as shown.

The fact that people are picking left shows that Sup Forums has changed. Fuck this place.


Thicc is literally the oldest meme in human existence, with thiccfags making lewds for themselves as early as 25,000 BCE (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Venus_of_Willendorf), before concepts like "God" and "money" and "civilization" were even formally codified. If anything, this place never belonged to you, as thiccfags never relinquished control.
