Idolmaster has the third highest amount of circles for the incoming Comiket.
Most of them are just CG and SIDE M garbage.
Is there no love for the old girls left in Japan?
Idolmaster has the third highest amount of circles for the incoming Comiket.
Most of them are just CG and SIDE M garbage.
Is there no love for the old girls left in Japan?
Still get plenty with Iori anal doujin.
what an ass
Sadly, the original girls are old and busted.
Unless Stellar Stage or some other media proves itself to be amazing and revitalizes the originals, they're pretty much opted for fewer doujins throughout the years hereafter.
OG music and stuff still sell the most.
Outside of Pixiv image counting metrics CG is even behind ML in making money.
ML is 765Pro, so as long as ML is going on, there will always be some spotlight for OG idols.
The old girls are shit compared to the new ones, though.
Does this retard posting just come from the EOP community, which enjoyed a show about a dozen girls, but couldn't follow a show about 20?
CG is objectively superior, you just can't enjoy most of the content.
When is C93, i swear C92 was only a month or two ago and the next comiket is like early January time? Or am I getting mixed up with wonfes?
>likes the characters with the better worked out routes and background stories more than the mobage girls which only have a bunch of cute card artworks, while most of them don't even have voice lines.
>hurr durr
Summer Comiket is always late Summer so the gap between Summer Comiket to Winter Comiket is always shorter.
Takane and Miki are still popular, especially Takane.
Takane doesn't sing Moonlight Densetsu but Haruka.
Who greenlighted that?
Do you have a list of the top 20 circles?
>>>likes the characters with the better worked out routes and background stories
The background stories and routes in IM@S are either bland or humorously bad. It's like a shit dating sim where you don't even get a kiss at the end.
What matters the most is having a lot of choice, in terms of girls. I don't like every CG, just like I don't like every OG, but there are more CG girls I really like, simply because there are more of them. The original girls are too unrefined, in attempting to appeal to a broader audience their personalities become very watered down.
CG doesn't have too much of a problem with that, because there are enough girls that each one can be aimed at a very particular subset of the audience.
>CG is even behind ML in making money
Oh, sure, that must be why Greemas is kill.
>gazillion commus in the OG games
>inferior to voiced artwork cards
>Oh, sure, that must be why Greemas is kill.
NAMCO moved to Theater Days for ML without Gree ad middleman.
The actual playerbase gap between ML and the younger CG wasn't that big.
>Touhou game getting official steam release
>Several Fate games being translated in english
When are we getting an official english translation of the main Im@s games?
ML anime when?
None of the OGs that's not Haruka, Chihaya or Miki would do anything in it anyways.
If it wasn't explicitly told that that's a being with a vagina, I would've left the show fine with knowing that that's a boy.
>OG music and stuff still sell the most.
This is false. ML has had some decent tracks, especially with their TD debut, but come on. Don't be this delusional.
She sure does.
It's fact.
The CG discography is a joke compared to OG and ML.
OG worst idols. CG supreme
Just because you say it doesn't make it true, user.
not just but CG music is basically non existent
CG's music absolutely shits on ML's.
>Is there no love for the old girls left in Japan?
But user, everyone knows that CG has the highest amount of old girls in the franchise.
It's really that smelly
I want to drink a beer with her so badly.
What a time to be alive
Xenoglossia was the greatest idol anime ever made. The part when Iori starts punching a robot and screaming in space, or when Haruka and Chihaya wake up next to each other naked, or when Ami gets held hostage at gunpoint; all top notch anime moments. Phenomenal series.
>Idolmaster, third highest
I'm so fucking hyped for the C93. Gonna waste way too much money .
It was truely something. Over 10 years later I still don't know what do think about it.
Kaori OVA when?
In two years
I'm tired of people who probably came into this fandom from the fucking 2011 anime complaining that there's not enough attention given to the original girls.
Idolmaster was already years past its prime when the first TV anime came out. Don't complain just because you came in late and missed everything. I'm having fun with the new shit so you can with all due respect go fuck yourself.
Being an idolort (idol idort) is patrician mode.
Why was she wasting everyone's time in the second cour?
Because CG was a terrible anime.
>It's time.
>ML anime when?
When the Trigger x A-1 Pictures staff of Darling in the Frankxx are free
You know it's true!
Alive Factor as song for the first cour season end and also the end for Shizuka's art would be the anime moment of the year.
I want to get her pregnant while she's so drunk she doesn't remember who the father is.
Would a Minami OVA be possible, or would it be considered too H to make?
How can such a plain looking girl be so sexual?
Standard answer is her sultry "bedroom eyes".
This is not an outfit for an idol.
This, however, is.
Technology went too far
The OG animation trumps everything though, I dont think any sequel will ever have the same quality as the original anime
You can always hire different staff, despite the fact that the sakugafags around kVin shill for the idiots.
At least there's the Kotori manga.
Where can I get a lovely OL like Kotori?
Is there a reason why that beauty mark moves around so much or can they just not make up their fucking minds about where it is on her face?
It's clearly not the same girl.
I want an ova with the staff.
Kotori will never get her own episode
Now they're just yanking our dicks.
Chihaya-senpai is my role model
Takane sang Staple Stable
Neither will Hibiki.
Out. Immediately.
All right in the world.
>draw a succubus
>call it an idol
Well, all right. Fair enough.
[x] lick the sweat from her face
>I want to xxx Kotori's ova with my staff
Crudely put, but reasonable.
Would she like a coupon for a laser operation to get rid of her mole as christmas present?
There's fuckall sideM at comiket actually. Out of 1,384 circles It's split roughly 1100/100/100 for CG/765AS/ML respectively with the rest being miscellaneous sideM/DS stuff.
CG dominates everything else because Mobage/cygames have the manpower and competence to develop mobile games that appeal to nips and ensure the continued growth and popularity of CG, meanwhile Namco's own mobile games (including the ones the contract companies other than cygames for, like sideM) are complete jokes.
Just give me another Lip Service doujinshi
That's her mom on the left, dipshit.
I won't be uploading the next one.
Sup Forums doesn't know anything about ML or CG, what a surprise.
To be fair, /@/ isn't hugely better.
I will just buy it anyway
Kotori’s dead idol mom whom Takagi produced.
Wtf i´m gay now?!
Chihaya told me that Makoto is dating Yukiho
It was never so gay liking a girl.
But she can't stand men.
I'm dating Yukiho against her will.
Men (male) or men (female)?
Woah, he/she is very beautiful, regardless of gender
How can your taste be so shit
Does an idol have to quit her job if she gets raped?
Where is the actual list and comparisons from last two Comiket?
Yayoi is happiness!