What's the dividing line between loli and JC? Is Madoka a loli or a JC?

What's the dividing line between loli and JC? Is Madoka a loli or a JC?

>What's the dividing line between a body type and a middle schooler?

JS/JC/JK etc is just another way of stating their grade in school. Loli is a body type. Lolis and JS -loosely- correlate to one another, but they are not the same thing.

If you were to ask about the dividing line between a loli and an already developing female, you can just use your eyes. It's not rocket science.

>If you were to ask about the dividing line between a loli and an already developing female, you can just use your eyes.
Well, is Madoka a loli?


The perfect breast size
prove me wrong

So budding breasts => not loli ?

Is Sakurako Oomuro a loli?

You have no idea what JC means, do you?

They stop being loli when their breasts reach optimal size

A cups or larger means not loli

No on both statements.

I'm continually perplexed by some people on the internet who can not tell the difference between the body of a child and the body of a teen other than pointing to breasts and hips. Chihaya, for instance, has practically no hips or bust, but it's clear as day that she is not a loli. It's really not that hard.

She makes my dick hard, so she must be.

>A cups or larger means not loli
I dunno, I think these cups are lolis.

What's with people forcing the JC/JS meme recently?

Not every thing is a meme, you dolt.
Japs have been using those for a while.

>muh secret code slang

JS = Joshishou = Elementary school girl
JC = Joshichuu = Middle school girl
JK = Joshikou = High school girl

Please use these liberally so this dumb meme can die

Most of the time, yes. Their bodies can be inconsistent at times, especially in 3rei. In an interview, it was stated that this was intentionally done to match the tone of the season.

Yeah it's a real puzzle if you're operating on a single digit IQ

Compare that body to this one and you can see a world of difference

Lolis are age range too. Sup Forums Pedophiles on Sup Forums usually assert this. "Loli is a body type" is another side of the same pedophile coin.

>Their bodies can be inconsistent at times
This is true.

Hestia is considered a loli despite being bigger than DD cup.

>Lolis are age range too.
Yeah, those filthy pedos should like adult women like pic related.


Left is 9. She is not a loli.

What kind of chemicals are in her drinking water?!

That shit is so dumb. Take your /jp/ idolfag terms back to /jp/. We don't need 3DPD terms for this shit and I don't care if some nip doujin makers use them in their stuff.

>idolfag terms
You seem confused

I think you need to go watch some porn and jerk off or something. You're getting unreasonably mad at something incredibly trivial.

Fuck off

I was under the impression it was a /jp/ term for 3DPD idol shit.

So basically, you don't even understand the thing you're getting so upset about.

It sounded pretty plausible when it was explained to me when this jc or whatever stuff started popping up a lot.

You need to calmly assess things next time and stop trying so hard to fit in.

historically in japanese, they've matched almost 1:1, with alicecon for high-js fetish and heidicon for mid-js.
recently due to the confluence of tagging-based systems and significant foreign participation in those systems, plus an increase in "she's actually a 500-year-old vampire it's just a coincidence that i have an excuse like this for all my waifus" as opposed to honesty, it's been blurred to the point of having no precise definition.


>alicecon for high-js fetish and heidicon for mid-js.

>stop trying so hard to fit in.
Nice job ousting yourself, fuck off back to where you came from.

So would this 20 year-old (left) be a loli?

Post lewds of her

legal loli my dude

Because some retards can't grasp the concept of a short stack.
Calling Hestia a loli is like calling Poplar a loli.

Madoka isn't loli. She's 14.

Age is not a defining factor

is a loli
is not

At best, there's only a loose correlation.

In that case, Madoka doesn't have the body of a prepubescent girl either.

pick up a book that doesn't have a minimum of two pictures a chapter, and think about it. they're the three archetypical heroines of their individual age brackets in western literature, and two of them were fetish objects.

the move to 2D following legal restrictions on 3D also plays a part. modern western reckoning accepts "toddler" and "lolita" categories, x-8 and 8-15 or so in complete rejection of what either word means outside visual culture fetishism, as relatively mature secondary sexual characteristics have crept onto alices and even some heidis. it's no coincidence that to draw 2hus into this fanart flan has a more mature figure than canon kaguya. it's the mutability of drawn design combined with earlier menarche through better nutrition allows (mental domination + woman's body) lolita fetishists to muscle out (mental domination + girl's body) alice fetishists. meanwhile (mental control + girl's body) heidi fetishists continue to be stuck in their sad ghetto just like before.

You just said she does not have the body of a prepubescent girl. Hence, you agree me with me when I said she is not a loli. There are clear and definite signs of her physically maturing.

literal lolita was literally postpubescent


JCs are still loli, dude. They're at the endstage but they're still loli.

You really shouldn't be talking when you've only been here for two weeks, dude.


8th-9th graders are definitely not lolis.


I can't.