ITT: Characters that got dismembered or beheaded

Rest in pieces.

I miss Thor

the exact moment the series went to shit


I liked Syura and the Syura posting. He was fun.


>posting agk
>not posting saved christmas
You had one job.

A lot of Bleach characters got dismembered at some point.


Reminded me of meta cooler

>this edge trash thread again
Kill yourself.

So what's it like to be a chode choker?

now available in 'two-part kit form'


Found the underage.

So what's it like to have cancerous taste?

>Im a 4channer and when I get owned I call someone "underage".

What's it like having cum on your lips and having an IQ the size of your shoe?

>I'm a redditurd and when I feel I need to express my underage things I come here, despite the fact no one else cares about me

I think that was when JUSTICE died.

Afther that point hoping for someone to die never felt the same.

Local Dog Whisperer beheaded during interrogation. RIP in Piece

I really wanted the clown to rape the shit out of Luube or whatever his name was.

Both of them



She got beheaded in the LN

Heart Breaking

>Im a 4channer, im so retarded I think everything and everyone is from reddit. And when im clearly buried & offended, I try to use this as an insult to make myself feel better.