Ravel is best High School DxD lady

Ravel is best High School DxD lady.

Alright once and for all do you like or hate the new art style and what do you like/hate about it?

Koneko. We've been over this already.

Koneko still looks sexy and it looks like the novel art. So it's fine. Anyone complains is a chode.

I'm getting used to it and the only one i see being "worse" is Rias. Also, it seems it won't have such stiff animation if the pv is anything to go by.

I don't like it. They went too much low on the details, some character look meh, and the chin looks awful.

I hope the nipples will be ok, and I don't want to hear that stupid "jiggle" sound. Like some anime have it.


>canonically a better body than Rias
>said by a guy that is stupidly biased in favor of Rias
Is she the hottest woman in the series after Gabriel?

It looks close to the light novel. Personally I never hated the new art.

I hope the girls have different panty types/colors in each episode like previous seasons had.

That would be Asia.

Erm, NO.


She's my second best.

That is one place too wrong.
She can only be the best.

I hate it less now, the only one really destroyed by it is Rias. People like Irina and Koneko have drastically improved, and finally the girls have a semblance of asses.

What a great OP !

I have the feeling birdfags are few but dedicated on Sup Forums
You guys always post in the same way

I expect us to be 3.

What does cute birb have for a dedicated arc? We still don't have one for her. Her plans all going awry?

>drastically improved

As an Irinafag I will disagree with you.

She's getting a ton of focus, probably the most focus
Since the last arc, so since V13, she's the character that's gotten more main volume covers, 2
There's also Xenovia that got 2 covers but one was DX3, a side volume

She is the one leading Issei life. She won already.

Isn't Ravel getting her own volume?

You have shit taste then. Only Riasfags have an issue with the art. You're probably a closet one or have Rias high up.

Irina looks far, far, worse than she does in New.

You were right, there's 3 of you

Do we "all girls are best girls" count too? Cause if we do add me desu.

I hope so. And shitweisse needs one that will hopefully make her not shit.
